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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. False. The user below me is a Catfish.
  2. False The user below me is not a Bengal Tiger.
  3. Allright, since I had some real problems finding the NAM, here is a little help. Find the huge crater with a big crater underneath, to the right.
  4. Ah, for f.... sake, I basicaly drove past it today...and then drove further 20 km.... But thanks, Brotoro
  5. True. The user below me is not an Afghan Hound.
  6. WHOAH! I got a sticky o.O Thats awesome
  7. Can someone post a picture where to find the Neil Armstrong memorial?
  8. I spent some time, driving about ~20km on the Mün today. My tips are: Have a Kerbal on board to fix tires Map your rover controls on your numpad, now you can drive with you right hand and should you lift of control you postion with your left hand Have an ASAS module on board otherwise the tip above won't work Have RCS on board, it's much more efficient in .21 and with ASAS it will even keep your rover from fliping over if you perform full braking The usual stuff - low center of mass, large track and wheel base
  9. No, I'm not... The user below me thinks too, that it's not fun in this game to say nonsensical stuff about "the user below me" or stuff where the answer is obvious....
  10. 30 minutes is basically nothing for a presentation, really. I don't think that you will get very far with this interactive, let them vote approach. I'd do something like this: 5-10 minutes: Explaining what KSP is (stuff like it's still in development, you can get it on steam, right now only sandbox, "you head nasa", campaing mode is planned, plays in a solarsystem that is like ours but is not ours) 10-20 minutes: Build an orbiter from scatch (let it have at least 2 stages, so they can see staging and SRBs, because everybody likes SRBs), fly it and land it again. 5-10 minutes: Questions Should you for some reasons be to fast and done under 30 minutes, take stock plane (or better: one you've built before) show them that you can build planes too and tell them about Spaceplanes, VTOLs and Pegasus-style launch Vehicles. You can also do this if there are no questions, what can happen (heavily depended on the crowd you are showing it).
  11. Ah, I forgot! Don't be afraid to experiment - it's THE most important thing in the game! If you are feeling dumbfounded by all these engines, just experiment. Build a rocket (i.e. a Capsule and a tank) and stick some engines on it, get a feel for it - some engines might suck you tank empty within seconds, some might last forever an not even get you rocket off the ground. Forget the numbers and ratios (for now, they might interest you later) and just get a feeling of the parts....
  12. Well, you basically need no science of math know how to play this game at all. I guess you should ne be averse to numbers or to complicated words. (In other words, you need to be nerdy ) Stuff like, we don't call the highest point of an orbit the highest point of an orbit, but apoapsis. Same thing for periapsis. Imposing sounding things like "Hohmann transfer orbit" are actually really simple maneuvres. And thrust-to-weight-ration (TWR) simply means how much power your rocket has and if it's smaller than 1 it doesn't even have enough power to lift itself. That's basically it - if you are not scared of numbers or things that simply sound imposing - KSP is for you Most of the knowledge simply comes over time if you look stuff up in forums or the wiki or on youtube...
  13. I'm downloading it right now - we'll see...
  14. Why are your radial intakes mounted backwards? Do they even work this way?
  15. There you go, a nice chance to test my new launch vehicle It says 06:02:04 if it's to small to read. Also the first time I had real problems landing because I came down over the ridge of a crater.
  16. Well, yes, back in the days (I'm old), when they were still launching space shuttles, I watched several livestreams on NASA-TV. They used this perspective extensively.
  17. I'd go with snickers. But only eat it if your teeth are in top shape - otherwise is might get painfull ^^
  18. Allright, if you let an object fall from a skyscraper, it will not accelerate all the way through, but at some point the force of gravity will be canceled out by drag. So, at some point it's speed will be constant. Think of a feather, it hits its terminal velocity almost the moment you let it go. But I guess you heard it somewhere around here in the context of "rockets". So, if you start a rocket and it accelerates beyond it's terminal velocity, you will basically burn lots of fuel just to fight the drag. You can save fuel by sticking to your terminal velocity and waiting for thinner atmosphere. Herem, drag is obviously less of a factor, so your terminal velocity will be higher.
  19. I was taking care of my challenge, also I tested and tweaked my pegasus-style launche vehicle Launched the Rocket a second to late, I allready had a flame out and the Plane startet to drift.. Anyways, I still got this satelite into münar orbit
  20. Ah, this thread is finally gathering way... I allready thought, that the orbiter might be too boring. As I plan to continue this series - do you guys think, 1 week building, 1 week voting is too long?
  21. Allright - thats not a super power. I choose the soviet union!
  22. You can edit the title, just click it in the forum-overview
  23. Yeah, it's a .20 design - although the ASAS offers a good mounting spot for the lights
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