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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Well, for efficiency, I've allways build kethane-mining facilities around Minmus. Much less dV needed to land, to lift off and to leave kerbin SOI.
  2. Well, technically speaking, you do not quallify for an entry, because it is specifically stated that you have to fly a LOR mission, you did Direct ascent. No, this "I have a MM and a CM, they are just bolted together", does not count But since it is clearly a fun entry and an orignal, rather fancy design - you shall pass...
  3. No - Apollo 13 was never on an impact trajectory with moon. It would be madness to steer a manned mission onto such a trajectory even for a single moment, like you never point a loaded gun on another person, even if the safety is engaged. The (allmost) empty S-IVB was decoupled and was then sent on a collison course by ground controllers. You can look this up up at wikipedia. But it is true, that reallity was more complicated than KSP. Apollo 13 did not use a classic free return trajectory, but a hybrid version wich basically fell short of the mun if you failed to perform a mid-course correction. When their tank burst, this correction had allready been done, and they had to use the LM enigine to get on a return trajectory. You can look this up, too.
  4. Well, as Johnno already wrote - if your Trans Münar Injection is done right, so that you are on a free return trajectory, there is no need to guide the spaceship anymore. You could finish your burn, decouple the landing capsule, activate the parachutes and wait. This way you would savely drift around the Mün once and then head back into Kerbin atmosphere.
  5. Well, I was testing one of my ChemRock designs and thought...well, why not try if I can get to Eloo. Yes, I can Like all ChemRock designs: No Ion stuff, no NERVAs - you can get beyond Duna with chemicals Well, it was unmanned, so I don't claim any points. Just thought I'd share it with you guys, since it fits the challenge.
  6. You seem to have a rather short attention span, lol
  7. Ah, yes - that was a mission. Probably the most ambitious and tedious thing if done in KSP *sigh* Thank god it's done ^^ BUt I'd really like to see some more entries....
  8. Haha, yes, the next challenge will come in the next few days - stupid real life occupies simply too much time.
  9. Well, I'm really not a VTOL pro - but I decided that it was about time, that I land some sh....stuff on the helipad too!
  10. Well, since I've been asked before: I have no problem with you guys submitting a second or third entry to get a higher score. Just don't submit again just because you got 3 points more for no forgetting to plant a flag. I trust that you guys know, when a new entry is justified
  11. We have a winner! It's Giggleplex777 with his Meteosat 2! With seven votes, the clear winner, you may from now on hold the honorary title of "Z-Map replacement guy" On a close second place, with six votes, we have Francesco's K-MAP Satellite I thank all of you guys for your participation - stay tuned for the next challenge
  12. Well, you two have been added. @WafflesToo I guess you had good intentions when you decided to make videos - but I would really prefer if you guys would sport some screenshots (especially for stuff that gives you points). You are the 33rd entry - if everybody would post 30 minutes of video, I would have spent 16.5 hours watching videos of you guys doing mün-missions by now. So please - screenshots, it makes my job that much easier.
  13. @BootDisc Well, did a part survive that could be classified as a MSEP? ^^
  14. Actually, I'm not really sure I get what you problem with the MSEPs was - if you got four MSEPs (defined as anything having a probe core, power and a science-thingy), that are at least 2.5km from eachother and from the LM away, you've got your "Science extravaganza". I think the rules are very clear - why do you need a review?
  15. Well, here is my design: The ChemRock Jumper Two Adam Would Be Proud: Complete the challenge. 10 points. There's Airborne, And Then...: Get more than 100 meters. 10 points for every 100 meters. If It's Worth Doing...: Use the big solid rocket boosters. 5 points. Jamie Don't Got Nothing On Me: Leave the atmosphere. 30 points. Highest Altitude: 659,865 m => 65986 points I therefore claim (10+5+30+65986)points = 66031 points yes...no, forget all that above...I give you the ChemRock Jumper Two Mk. II (yes, I know, stupid name) Adam Would Be Proud: Complete the challenge. 10 points. There's Airborne, And Then...: Get more than 100 meters. 10 points for every 100 meters. If It's Worth Doing...: Use the big solid rocket boosters. 5 points. Jamie Don't Got Nothing On Me: Leave the atmosphere. 30 points. Highest Altitude: 4,169,327 m => 416932 points I therefore claim (10+5+30+416932)points = 416,977 points Might I also suggest a x2 multiplicator for...surviving the landing without a parachute (this wasn't even planned)
  16. The BACC Solid Fuel Booster has definitely been stock for the last two patches.
  17. Well, you should write down your thoughts in more orderly fashion. I would also suggest that you read and consider the official Challenge Submission Guidelines. A good challenge can stay active for quite some time - my Doing it Apollo style challenge was posted over a month ago. So it's really a good idea to spend some time and thought on a good challenge - rather than posting what just came to your mind.
  18. Now, while we all holding our breaths while waiting for the final results (I sure hope you do), I wanted to show you guys something While looking up the rockets for the inspirational pictures, I fell in love with the R-7 rocket, more specificaly the 8K71PS configuration, that was used to launch sputnik. I like how bulky it looks and the design is incredibly simple and ingenious: They didn't have to hope that the second stage engines would fire - they could test all engines right there on the pad before releasing the rocket, because all engines fired at liftoff. So, I tried to rebuild something like this in KSP and ended up with this: I didn't want to enter the challenge - maybe I'd win again and winning your own challenge two times would be incredibly lame. Besides, the rocket does have some problems while I didn't have much time to fiddle around with it. With sixfolded symetry for the boosters, I think I got this really bulky look and I like how it works out to use three boosters for fins and three boosters for the launch-clamps. Also by using LV-T30s on the boosters and a LV-T45 on the core I had a nice workaround for this too-many-gimbaling-engines problem while the look was kept coherent. The rocket is not aspargus'd, so the basic design is true to the R-7, with a core that is basically lifted by the boosters until it can lift itself The satellite itself is called the "Kaputtnik". Well, sadly there were some problems for this challenge. First of: It WAY to powerfull, this Rocket can be used for interplanetary missions to Eve or Duna or it can bring a fairly large satellite into kerbosynchronous orbit. The TWR is also way to big, you actually have to throttle down during ascend to stay under terminal velocity. Shortly before boster seperation, the TWR ist >5. Also, when aiming for a orbit between 75-150 km (so basically the range where you would put you first satellite), the boosters would seperate in space - and with six strutted down boosters around a core you have this problem of clearing them without a colission, wich I thought wasn't very noob-friendly too. Still I somehow really like this rocket, so I will probably put it on my ChemRock page in the near future....just need some cool animal name, right now it's the X2. Well, just wanted to show you guys what I've been doing - back to waiting for the votes...
  19. Well, how would ANY self-respecting Kerbal drive to work?
  20. Submissions are closed! Primary elections have started! here!
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