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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Well, you guys have been all been added and I sure hope, that this abominations flies, Sirine. Well, there are still ~4 hours left @AmpsterMan Try [imgur*]fecX6[/imgur] without the asteriks... @FallingIntoBlack Well, I'm sorry, but a download and at least one screenshot is required to enter the challenge
  2. Allright, you've been added, Haegar. On a sidenote, if you want to post your imgur-albums, type [*imgur]GtiBW[/imgur] [*imgur]jYM1I[/imgur] withough the asteriskes...
  3. Nice to see, that you've put so much thought into the challenge and like to share your knowledge about planes (mine is basically nonexistent, I choose the inspirational picturs for looks only) with us. However, since the Rules state: Wich one is your entry to the challenge?
  4. erm.....Qapla'! oh, wait for it: taH pagh taHbe'!
  5. As I'm writing this, you guys still have ~12 hours to post your entry. I'll be off, playing Take On Mars....
  6. I think it's an awesome picture...
  7. Another thread that makes me feel old......my earliest news story? Mh, I'd go with German federal election, 1994. I was 7 at the time. To be more specific, a incredibly obnoxious TV-spot: If you know what happend to those politicians in the years to come, it's actually incredibly funny to watch this today.
  8. Space Marines, but because I lack other players in my neighbourhoodm I never get to play. Would love to get some Dark Eldar.....but without someone to play....meh.
  9. MiniMatt, the OP completely supports everything you wrote. Actually, Commander Zoom, if you read what I wrote three posts before your post: To invoke a old, german proverb: "He, who can read has a clear advantage."
  10. @brobel I don't know yet what the next challenge will be, but I will probably post is in 2-3 weeks, got some stuff to do In the meantime: As I'm writing this, you guys still have ~26 hours left to post your entry so, there is still time @Mulbin Why is it, that when I want to take your Jet 3 for a ride I have no fuel? ^^ @GiggleAbout plane responsiveness: I played around with some of the postet planes and I'd say a good plane should by somewhere between my CR Moloch and Mulbins Jet 3. With mine on the twitchy end and his on the inert one.
  11. Well, I've put some thought into that question too, because my earlier designs tended to jerk extremely fast - so fast, that you could easily turn the craft around completely, moving ahead with your engine first. And while it's hard to say exactly how responsive the plane should be, I think if it turns reasonable enough, but doesn't flip out and get into a stall as soon as you hold a button for two seconds, I think you're fine.
  12. Well, you're a vet - I thought this was just a preview of your post. You wouldn't forget to post your .craft file
  13. Giggle, you have to tell me when you edit a post 3 pages earlier to make it a sound entry
  14. @Karma yeah, thanks, with all these pictures, urls and br-code I have to type, copy and paste, I sometimes get kinda confused
  15. Well, there was a challenge that originally inspired my series of challenges. Since the OP lost interest, it seems - there was never a winner choosen, so maybe I'll pick it up again. Edit: I've posted a overview of the challenges we allready had, it's also linked in my signature.
  16. Nice design, antbin - the wing configuration reminds me of the Harrier Jump Jet.
  17. Here is my entry: The ChemRock Moloch First of all, a tip of the hat to Mulbin - I had completely forgotten, that the Engine Nacelle woks as an air-intake too. Its a small, agile craft that will basically lift off by itself. Even though it is fittet with a tricycle landing gear, there is no danger of tailstrike whatsoever. The forward swept wings are cool, just because But I'm actually really proud that while agile, it's basically impossible to get into a stall, no matter what you do with the controlls. Maybe I'll upload a video later showing this. Also - no part clipping whatsoever. A little detail, that is rather important to me is the ladder: the pilot can climb out and into the craft anytime. Action group: 01 - Toggle ladder 16 parts 150 units liquid fuel 5.46 tons at launch TWR at launch: 3.87 Get the .craft file >>HERE<<
  18. Nice Well - it's hard to get votes if the people do not see what they are voting for
  19. Ah, oh god - I god to bed, wake up and there are three pages more @Karmacoma Well, your plane fits the challenge nicely and I like the design @littlebattler Maybe you want to post some screenshots, where your plane is not in the shadows or hidden behind graphic effects You guys still have ~50h left to post your build
  20. Well, the Ravenspear will come around - if you like, I can keep your entry in mind until then. Next time be so kind and read the stuff I type. I write these things for a reason.....
  21. You guys do realize, that it is EXACTLY the same challenge - all that changed is the name? So all your entries you've submitted until now will still be viable. No need to redesign anything..... What do you even want to rebuild? I only changed the name... @Captain Sierra I only changed the name, the paragraph was there allready before, maybe you just overread it.
  22. *stuffs the last documents into his memory hole* Well, this challenge was about the Aeris 3a all the time - what are you guys talking about?
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