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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Ah, it think Comic Sans bashing is water under the bridge by now. Just not funny anymore. Still, here's a good video about it:
  2. While I feel, that you didn't realize how these challenges actually works I take one of these stock crafts and challenge all of you to come up with something better.
  3. AmpsterMan - Duna Lander X +low part count +>40tons -Action group 3 and 0 are empty (now I will never know, what "prefilight check" does. -no lights -RCS is somewhat unballanced (try to move sideways) +drogue shute +looks A really awesome design, missing lights and an unbalanced RCS leave a bit of a bitter aftertaste. My suggestions, Ampster: 1. Install landing lights 2. Balance RCS (maybe use RCS Build Aid mod) 3. Why not turn the ship or the capsule a few degrees and get rid of this inclined ladder? Hejnfelt - 7X lander -no description text +>40 tons - she sure is super heavy -RCS somewhat unballanced +7 kerbals +117 Parts is actually not to bad for her size -might be a bit too complicated Now, I like this one too - but there are a few things that are nagging me: First: It feels more like a lander with a interterplanetary stage allready attached. More like complete spaceship instead of a lander. Second: Just too complicated, a duna lander can be done much more simpler. Im not talking about part count, but about the concept of the craft. Its a seven stage lander, with stuff like landing legs, that can be ejected . And tanks that can crash you ship if you eject them too early, because their engines are still running MiniMatt - Gonzalez Light Heavyweight +57 parts, 3600 dV, 32.8 tons - looks like a really ballanced approach to me -RCS somewhat unballanced (moving sideways seems to be really tricky to ballance) +descirption text, although it is rather meager +science +looks +6 kerbals Hm, I really like this one too. Is a really neat designs, its so compact and good looking Also not really any flaws. The laconic description text is a low hanging fruit you missed however. mpink - Pinks Heavy Lander MK4 -no description text ~probably our lightest heavy lander -1500 dV seems meager +creative design +looks -wasn't able to get back to duna-orbit Well, this is one of these designs that are really cool and I would be proud if it was my design. I love the threefolded symetry design. But it doesn't really fit the challenge. With 1500 dV I wasn't able to get it back to duna orbit, wich is kind of a no-go for me in this challenge. Sirine - UFO Ah, well, you allready know what I will write, Sirine. It a cool lander (although it's lacking in dV and TWR), it looks incredibly awesome and it completely misses the point of the challenge. After carefull consideration, I decided, that my vote should go to MiniMatt. I love Ampsters design for it's simplicity, but it has some mistakes, that the Gonzalez simply doesn't. Still awesome entries - all of you.
  4. Primary elections are done! Time for the final vote! You can vote over here! Please drop a few line who you've voted for! Final elections will run for another 48 hours. Get the finalists .craft files in a singe .zip >>HERE<< Also check the orignal posts for more pictures and stats on the finalists AmpsterMan - Duna Lander X Hejnfelt - 7X lander MiniMatt - Gonzalez Light Heavyweight mpink - Pinks Heavy Lander MK4 Sirine - UFO Xeldrak - CRUEL
  5. Hm, amazing - I go to bed the 3 votes or something like that. I wake up with seven votes and a new update at hand o.O
  6. New metallica... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7eRiAnZt24 Classic piano stuff.. Cash.. Bach (everybody loves Bach - if you don't, you haven't listened to his music)... German stuff nobody knows, not even in germany... Well, and tons of other stuff
  7. Ah, I listen to so much different music... Old, german punk-rock Stuff from the twenties... Old russian stuff... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNb54rwDQJM Serj (does he have his own genre?)... Old metallica...
  8. Thats a nice breakdown, MiniMatt Thanks - I think these posts are one of the best parts of these challenges.
  9. yeah, it's allright - I won't kick you out for something like this
  10. I wanted to testfly every contestant, but right now it looks like I won't have the time for it. So I will hold back my vote until the final elections. Since I had allready started testing a few landers, here are my notes (so that they are no lost): Accelerando - Mulefly One -no description text (this would have been the place to note your key bindings) -fuel tank inside a fuel tank inside a fuel tank +creative design +>40t +RCS seems reasonably balanced -landing gear only wide in on dimension, can tip over rather easily (those feet didn't help it) A cool design but maybe not what we are looking for. Actzoltan - T-Class Heavy Lander +very versatile, can land on tylo -no rcs?! +high TWR +>40t -fuel lines maybe a bit over-engineered -while I'm fine with a interplanetry capability of a lander - a dedicated engine for this is a bit much for me Tylo? Awesome! No RCS? Meh.... AmpsterMan - Duna Lander X +low part count +>40tons -Action group 3 and 0 are empty (now I will never know, what "prefilight check" does. -no lights -RCS is somewhat unballanced (try to move sideways) +drogue shute +looks A really awesome design, missing lights and an unbelanced RCS leave a bit of a bitter aftertaste. Also what are the "preflight checks"?! Blaster - ROFL +low part count, very compact ~17.5 tons, a featherweight -could have more dV +description text A nice, simplistic design, although I would prefer more dV and more mass Go bigger! briansun1 - CB XV-6V +>40 tons -while I'm fine with a interplanetry capability of a lander - a dedicated engine for this is a bit much for me -72 parachutes? Seems a bit much.... -16 RTGs plus solar sails? I'm not sure this is something people should emulate +desciption text +6 crew members +drogue shutes +looks It looks good, but stuff like 16 RTGs and 72 parachutes are juste a no-go for me
  11. Primary elections have started! Vote here! Please drop a few line who you've voted for! Get all .craft files in a single zip file HERE Primary elections will run for 48 hours - the six (or so) best entries will enter the final 24h-election! Please check the challenge guidelines - even if you just want to vote! And remember to come back in two days! Contenders Accelerando - Mulefly One Actzoltan - T-Class Heavy Lander AmpsterMan - Duna Lander X Blaster - ROFL briansun1 - CB XV-6V DaveofDefeat - ultra heavy colony class lander frizzank - super-heavy-lander Genius Evil - MENDELEV 3 GusTurbo - The Heavy Haze-Zero - Pilgrim Mk1 Hejnfelt - 7X lander I_Killed_Jeb - Aeneas II mcirish3 - Sagiitta V2 MiniMatt - Gonzalez Light Heavyweight mpink - Pinks Heavy Lander MK4 pedorsf - SHLNA Pulsar - Theseus HAU Rhomphaia - Heavy Multi-role Lander Sirine - UFO SirJodelstein - Great Heavy Lander Smoke - Large Planet Explorer Supernovy - Crew Transport Lander Teirusu - IPL One Xeldrak - CRUEL
  12. @fcdrifter13: And now please edit the link into your old post or post a new reply with picture and link, so I have a single reply I can link to.
  13. Well, you've been added. When you upgrade an existing post to an entry there is allways a good chance, that I will overlook it. About 25 hours left for your entry!
  14. Well, fcdrifter, if you want to enter the challenge, we need a .craft file
  15. @Supernovy: Well, I did dabble around with a design similar to your size, but somehow I had problems to fit everything nicely together. So I went big - lots of space for engines, RCS, batteries, a ladder, sciency stuff.....
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