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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Ever held a piece of aerogel in your hand?
  2. Anybody remembering this good old game? ^^
  3. And we have a winner! Once again thanks to all the participants and congratulations to the winner! The challenge would be nothing without you guys The next challenge will probably start next Wednesday.
  4. Pffft....kraken...step aside for the great old one!
  5. It's a cutting torch...it doesn't need power.... anyways....MORE POWER!
  6. Why does a pasta machine beat a sponge?! Anyways...
  7. Yeah, I meant third Actually, I don't have such a big problem with the Albatross 18 - while it might not be very albatrossy, it's at least a nice feat in engineering and you built specifically for this challenge.
  8. Well, it looks like there are several people that agree with my point of view. Therefore, Sirine shall have his third place (well, poll closes in ~3 hours) and be happy with a award he got by telling friends to vote for him. Seriously, I don't have the nerve for any more bickering - my hope was, that if I treat everyone mature, they would behave mature. But it seems like it still have to do something to enforce the rules... When this challenge is done, I'll add a Unsportsmanlike conduct clause to the rules, allowing me to ban people from this compedition of hand out penalties as I see fit. Please note, Sirine, that if I were a "immature guy that do not forget and forgive", I would implement these rules NOW. But you shall have your award - to be honest, I'd pin it to your signature if I could. Also the final votes will be public from now on. @antbin: I've been at the local tax office today - the place outside not nicer....
  9. Vikings - Spam wouldn't be spam without them. (check the origin of the word spam in spam-mail if you don't get it )
  10. Well, sadly it semms like I can't set the poll to public once it is in place. Asking friends to vote for you is of course in absolute compliance with the rules and Guidelines I have written down under the BSC: Challenge Guidelines. After all this has allways been about how many People you can come up with, that vote for your design because you are their friend, right? It's not like I wrote something like, say:
  11. (That's the god Vulcan - if you don't recognize him)
  12. Never understood the problem with killing sharks..
  13. .44 Magnum Revolver should take care of any zombie
  14. While I, too wonder who all these anonymous voters for sirine are - please refrain from any accusations and keep calm. It's just a challenge for a pc-game.
  15. Well, my thought are basically: antbin: A neat piece of engineering, but VTOL ability is just to much for BSC and a far cry from the original Ekku Zakku: A nice, balanced plane - it flies very well, it easy and a creative design. You got my vote GusTurbo: Awesome engineering! Beautifull looks, but not entirerly sure if it fits as a replacement for the Albatross. mcirish3: Creative design, that flies well - however it seems to be a bit too large for my taste. But still an awesome plane. Octagon: I really love the looks of this plane! But I don't think it fits the albatross. Also: Use cannards as cannards, not fins Sirine: How did this get 5 votes in the primaries? It can barely liftoff and is a horror to fly.
  16. Sorry, saw this just now. There are timestamps - on every post in this from. They are in the top left corner. Yeah, usually I give you guys a head up frome time to time, how long the voting is still active, I just didn't have the time in the last two days.
  17. Allright, we have our finalists! Thanks to my amazing skills in "learning how this forum works after only half a year", you can now actually vote in here! The vote runs for two days and don't forget to check the BSC: Challenge Guidelines!
  18. Allright, I just returned from university. The finalists are: antbin - Ahlbetossed 4b Ekku Zakku - Ensoku GusTurbo - Kalkakross Keighteen mcirish3 - Condor Octagon - Diamond Flyer Sirine - The Albatross Now give me a few minutes to set stuff up. I will be playing smooth jazz in the meantime: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un94Q8e7FOA
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