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Everything posted by Xeldrak

  1. Seriously guys - the point is to do it all by hand. Even IF the LM had an autopilot AND all Neil had to do was type "match planes with target"->"hohmann transfer"->"land somewhere"->"ascend guidance"->"return from mün"
  2. 10/10 KANE LIVES IN DEATH! Peace through Power!
  3. sssshhh! This is about being oldschool Also - don't destroy the pictures in my head of my childhood-heroes.
  4. flew my own mission for my "doing it apollo style"-challenge. You can check out the screenshots in the challenge subforum
  5. The challenge is to get a Kerbal to the Mün and back. But not just in any way - we are doing it Apollo style! Your Mün-mission hast to fullfill the following criteria: -Everything has to be started with a single rocket (no building ships in orbit or refueling in orbit) -You have to fly a LOR mission (you need a Command Module [CM] and a specialized Münar Module [MM]) -No mods! All stock, no Mechjeb. (Did Neil and Buzz land by auto pilot?) -BYOR (Bring your own rocket) - The rocket must be your own design Just for fullfilling theese criteria you will get thirty points. (+30) You can get (or loose) point by achiving the following design or mission-goals Goals - 3-man Mission +10 - 2-man Lander +10 - 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20 - Main rocked aspargus'd? -10 (Wernher von Kerman does not like aspargus!) - Escape tower? +10 - Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20 - Lander tucked away behind some fairing? +5 - Free return trajectory to the mün +10 - Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10 - Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15 - After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10 - MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5 - Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3 - Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5 - Kerbal dies -20 Awesome new goals: - Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points Landing accuracy (not cumulative) - Land within 3 km of Neil Armstong Memorial (NAM) +5 Points - Land within 1 km of NAM +10 Points - Land within 100 meters of the NAM +15 I was roving on the Moon one day... (not cumulative) - Test drive - drive beyond 100 meters of you lander +2 Points - Proper shakedown -5 points - Drive beyond 2.5 km of the lander - Gone drivin' - 10 points - Drive beyond 5km of the lander - Are we there yet? - 15 points - Drive beyond 10km of the lander MSEP - Mün Surface Experimental Package (not cumulative) MSEP must have power, probecore and at least one science-thingy - Minimalistic - 3 points - Deploy one experimental package at landing site - That'll do - 5 points - Deploy two experimental packages at the landing site - For science! - 10 points - Deploy two experimental packages 2.5km from the landing site (and at least 2.5km from eachother) - Science extravaganza! - 15 points - Deploy four experimental packages 2.5km from the landing site (and at least 2.5km from eachother) Top Whatever: SkyRender - 218 points ameseree - 218 points kookoo_gr - 218 points(2nd) John FX - 218 points NoMrBond - 218 points BootDisc - 218 points Astilious - 218 points Akec - 218 points Tigrou - 218 points JonSpace_CEO - 218 points lewisd - 218 points Mike the Mechanic - 218 points Johnno - 213 points (2nd) Kappa73 - 213 points (2nd) Alfondoo - 213 points Rhomphaia - 213 points Tigrou -208 points Death Engineering - 203 njd80 - 203 points panzerknoef - 198 points Mulbin - 193 points BrokenPhysics - 193 points capi3101 - 188 points Kylekov - 180 points mootavic - 178 points zarakon - 165 points vidboi - 163 points Johnno - 158 points (1st) programagor - 158 points sal_vager - 150 points kookoo_gr - 150 points(1st) Tw1 - 143 points nerdboy64 - 143 points Oderus - 143 points KevinTMC - 143 points esinohio - 140 points WafflesToo - 140 points inigma - 128 points mojobojo - 123 points Death Engineering - 123 points (2nd, albeit Gemini-Style) pa1983 - 120 points Kappa73 - 108 points (1st) Ziv - 108 points Romain_le_clampin - 102 points Bobnova - 98 points Xenoclave - 93 points Synapse - 50 points Honorary mention for comedic value: Xenonclave Please be so kind and document everything that is point-relevant with screenshots. (F1 for KSP-made-screenshots, F12 for Steam-made-screenshots) Also: Please, calculate you point yourself! I'm too absentminded to do this for all of you with any accuracy. My own try: 30 Base +10 3-man mission -10 aspargus +20 MM stored behind CM during ascend +5 MM has a fairing +10 Free return trajectory +10 Flawles landing +10 docked in münar orbit +5 MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün +3 Flag planted +5 splashed down ------------- 98 Points Of course I don't take part in my own challenge
  6. >N >unpack KSP_V.21.0.zip ... ... ... complete >add procedural_craters_for_mun.cfg ... ... ... ERROR: Mun cracked Recommended action: glue and/or panic >abort >repack KSP_V.21.0.zip Warning: Mun still cracked Do you wish to continue? [1]Yes [2]No [3]Waffles
  7. 8/10 Looks like oldschool manga....
  9. Foor 170: Brian Greene knitting furiously
  10. While it is awesome to look at, what is their goal? A first stage for a rocket that can perform a powered landing? Or a complete rocket? I don't see the advantage over "adding parachutes"
  11. You all have it backwards! Shuttle Seperatrons, Apollo staging, more boosters - these where all stolen from Wernher von Kerman's plans! Wernher von Kerman - unsung hero of the space age!
  12. Thats easy: X-Com: Enemy Unknown Not, not this one... This one! Oh, how many nights have I spent defending Earth from these aliens?
  13. I'm not worried at all. At least I got a reason to start over again...
  14. Alright, done for some reason he didn't save the screenshots of the actual landings...
  15. Today the red planet has become truly red! Well, actually I'm rather pround, because this is the first time I got to Duna and returned to Kerbin with a single launch. Everything made with a single rocket.
  16. Know this from another forum. The idea is to count up..with pictures! Like this:
  17. now I see the poll - I've allready voted. Now just change the "dod" in the title to "did"
  18. actually....I don't see any poll..... Anyhow, my first mün landing went suprisingly well, even though I went with the LOR mode. Biggest problem was to get all this stuff into orbit. My Münar Module went out of fuel after achieving münar orbit again, so it was passive while the CM made all maneuvers, although I had imagined it the other way around.
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