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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. It wont but you can find the line in one of my parts if you want to add it to the rework files. Just add this line with the part's mass (it's specified further up in the CFG) within the MuMechToggle module definition: partMassOriginal = (whatever the mass is) - - - Updated - - - Dude, 0.16.4 fixes this issue. I override tweakscale's mass scaling and use my own. I tested it from loading a craft on the launchpad and from reloading from a quicksave.
  2. PM me your issues. Give me crafts being used and mods. Steps to replicate. Before doing all that, I want just 0.16.4 installed. No upgrading, full delete of magicsmoke* directory before installing.
  3. Not aware of that one. How did you replicate it? I'll pull the release off anyway for something unrelated.
  4. Like an idiot I left some debugging stuff in the TweakMenu that no longer works. let me fix that and reupload. *sigh* I should note that this won't break anything.
  5. No. you need to replace the parts. I added a line in the part CFGs and the IR_TweakScale.
  6. Ok gang. I updated the code. I _hope_ it works for you all. No more springy joints after a reload.
  7. Well I need to test it but I don't suspect it will break anything. All I'm adding to the code is recalculating mass _MY_ way for all infernal robotic parts.
  8. Nice. If you want to make parts go for it. Always welcome a variety. Check out ZodiusInfuser's work on my OP and see if there is something you guys can work on with. OR go rogue and make your own parts pack. I'll help any way I can! In other good news I almost have the scaling of masses pinned.
  9. The wobble is due to the parts not scaling I'm mass properly. They end up being ridiculously light causing the joints to freak out.
  10. This will help with the scaling. Also The scaling gets so bad that the parts lose their strength and get really floppy and float. I tried this and I wasn't getting any weird scaling issues. Replace the IR_Tweakscale.cfg with this file: http://www./view/p6b91gxk7deadif/IR_TweakScale.cfg Let me know if you get any weird issues like floppy parts. I'm going to have to work on this one. it's a pain!
  11. Take the IR_TweakScale.dll and the InfernalRobotics.dll and place them in the tweakscale directory. Delete the KSPAPIExtensions and Scale.dll that is present in the MSI plugin folder. try that. Now that being said do this test. Place a robotic part(do an adjustable rail) and note the weight. Go to the launchpad then let me know if the weight is NOT the same.
  12. I'm working on some scenarios and will let you know what can be done.
  13. They are fine where they are. did you notice that KSPAPIExtensions.dll are also in both places?
  14. Thing is, when removing the Scale.dll from the MSI folder, you are going to lose your translations for the adjustable rail. Resize it to small then move the part, you will see it travel past it's limits. This is why the Scale.dll is needed in that directory. Rotational devices will function fine it's just pistons and adjustable rails will probably not behave well.
  15. Deleting the scale.dll is fine. Remove it BUT I will stress that the masses are still not scaling properly for what I'm expecting. What are you using to determine what the masses are for the scaled parts?
  16. Actually let me test this, this may be a problem I'm running into with something else.
  17. What problem would that be? No you can't remove it, I have a reference to scale.dll for the IR_Scale.dll. - - - Updated - - - 0.16? 0.16D? There is no 0.16D. Only 0.16, 0.16.1, 0.16.2
  18. My bad, i was not thinking clearly and was being rushed.
  19. Man, these are awesome. I'm already thinking of something that may be a possibility. Hopefully my skills will pan out.
  20. Try this, delete the entire magic smoke directory. Reinstall 0.16.2 and leave EVERYTHING in place. Load game and let me know. Include an output_log if it doesnt work. Be sure to right click the part to get the tweak menu up to be able to resize. Everyone else, there's still a bug with the mass that I'm trying to tackle. - - - Updated - - - This one is new to me. I do know that the sound doesn't work I believe when using action groups.
  21. Sorry for the trouble guys. I'm trying to figure out how to resolve this. I may have to do some coding to remedy this until tweakscale behaves so I won't be able to release a fix until the mornining Eastern standard time.
  22. Are you building your own parts? If so, no. Only one joint at a time. Look at any of my parts or ZI's model rework parts and you will notice that any of the parts contain just one joint/range of motion at a time. Now if you are building an arm that has many joints you can build a canadarm clone or as I have done a european robotic arm with ease using existing parts.
  23. No worries, you found a bug I didn't catch so that warrants some leniency.
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