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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Thank you so very much for the information! I'll try it when I get home.
  2. That did work so I assume it has something to do with either the Firespitter plugin or my animation. Weird.
  3. I made the object and the animation the same name. All lower case "spike" in this case. If I rename the animation to spiker to be different it still performs as explained.
  4. I fixed the cone sticking out of the preview box. I had to change the position of the cone in Unity. It still wants to animate when I go back into the VAB on the other hand. The config I have for it is: MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric animationName = spike startEventGUIName = Expand spike endEventGUIName = Collapse spike toggleActionName = Toggle spike availableInEVA = True EVArange = 10 }
  5. I decided to learn blender/unity piece meal and I am running into a problem. I'm using the Firespitter plugin to handle my animations. I created a simple box with a cone on the inside that when you animate it, the cone will rise out of the box. Frame 1 has cone is inside the box. Last frame has the cone sticking out. The preview of the part shows the cone sticking halfway out and if you place it in the vab it doesn't animate which is what I want. If I go to the space center, then go back into the VAB, I see the cone animating back into the box. What am I missing?
  6. What Shaun originally meant was he was facing west when it should be north.
  7. I'm running 4.0.1f2 testing a theory but I can run the newer version if I have to.
  8. Now if I can get some panels onto the existing one it will be awesome.
  9. Are they scaled the same? I wonder if you changed the scale of the internal it would help.
  10. I saw a gravity plugin being mentioned in the new asteroid pack. Maybe that would help?
  11. I noticed in order for gauges to show up you put them with coords plus orientation via the part .cfg
  12. The nodes being screwy must have started in 0.20.1+ and I'm guessing the navball has been that way I just never noticed it. I'll just stick to my custom IVAs and have fun.
  13. Devogen, even using the MK1pod internal has the navball incorrect.
  14. Spaces_Neil & Dragon01. Go back just one page #70 and I give a solution. Setting the scale to 1 isn't going to fix anything.
  15. There is an updated version (which I have) that has a parts pack filter window that allows you to check off mods you want to filter by (they were hard coded). You can get that version here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/editor-part-filter/ Personally I think it was a waste of space so I commented out those lines. The only glitch it still has is the one mentioned by the OP. Other than that it works great. You can see the extra window in this video:
  16. Use these values in the part cfg's. Devogen, I apologize in advance if I'm overstepping but I figure I could at least help them out until you get things squared away. NOTE: Comment out the original like using "//" just in case you want to revert back. Rover -> node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.01, -0.0620, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0 Pod -> node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0320, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0
  17. Never mind. More tweaking of the cfg file is required to lower the node. I'll see what I can do to help.
  18. Woops. Spoke too soon. It was working at work but now I'm getting the same issue.
  19. comham, one thing to keep in mind is these pods weren't originally designed to have IVAs. Personally I don't care because I'll be placing props in place of some of the pixelated panels as I have more free time.
  20. Thanks devogen for allowing me to share this with everyone. Hopefully you will enjoy the view. Here's the file so you can use IVAs for both the Freelancer FL-1 Rover and the Command Pod MK2. http://www./download/8ltg7uunq34sz7c/sirkut.zip For those that don't know how to install this: 1. Unzip in the GameData directory. 2. Go to your KSP directory \GameData\WaylandCorp\Parts\Command 3. Pick Wayland_FL2-RoverBody and change in the part.cfg CrewCapacity = 1 INTERNAL { name = cupolaInternal } to CrewCapacity = 2 INTERNAL { name =sirkutrover } For the pod, change the internal name to: sirkutpod
  21. Good question. All I'm doing in Unity is creating a game object called seat (rightseat, leftseat in the case of the rover). I then use coordinates that point in the right direction. What you are seeing is actually the wayland exterior part.
  22. So last night and a little bit of today I decided to learn how to use Blender & Unity to create IVAs. I configured it so it has a minimum of 2 crew so I could see the left and right seat view). Here's a screenshot of me turning to the right a little bit to show the scale issues but I really do enjoy this view! I haven't had a chance yet but I was thinking of putting some props in the windshield as a HUD. If anyone is interested I'll be more than happy to share the internals provided that devogen doesn't mind. I also created one for the pod.
  23. You're welcome. It's quite a bit up front but If I could learn how to do IVA's (I _WISH_ there was a decent updated tutorial) I would give it a try and make one that is pushed back some so you could see your control panel (where I then could probably float some controls on top of it).
  24. I just wanted to say that I enjoy using your mods. I read that you hated doing internals and currently wished there was a decent tutorial that I could follow to create one for the freelancer. Until then I did a quick hack using Bobcat's DEMV MK5 Ant just so I could see the IVA instead of the cupola. I still need to remove the floating controls from the config but you get the idea.
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