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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Ahhhh. The arrow pointing down. That was the trick. I had the node code figured out already I just didn't have the silly arrow pointed in the right way. It was late last night when I was going through this and must have forgotten to try pointing the arrow down. :/
  2. Was there anything special that needed to be done to the game object in unity for it to work aside of having the name correct?
  3. Nope. Zero success. I really wish there was more documentation than what was given.
  4. I'm having issues with the new Attach method. I am assuming an object transform is a named empty gameobject with it's location configured to where you want the attachment node to be. I've tried this and I'm not seeing the nodes. Does the axis have to point in a specific manner?
  5. Judging from what the Part Tools section on the right looks like I would venture it's .20 Part tools. (I haven't switched yet, just finally figured out making wheels)
  6. I have no problem keeping a secret. It will be worth it during the reveal. Frankly I'm stunned.
  7. *sigh* does anyone read these forums thoroughly anymore? Solution was posted if you are a programmer AND a non-official update called InfernalRobotics has been compiled for people to use. I suggest reading a few pages worth to find the link.
  8. Doesn't need updating. Put the dll in the old legacy plugin folder. Load up the game, alt+h. It's that easy. Or if you want to be consistent with the new structure just put it in GameData\sirkutrocks\
  9. I didn't bother trying those models out because they didn't even have sound and zero iva!
  10. The part requirement for the cfg is only necessary if you want to use the new directories. You can however place them in the old legacy folders and it will work just fine.
  11. Nice find! I compiled it myself and it is indeed working correctly. Good find and thanks!
  12. No worries Devo. I have plenty of distractions that can keep me occupied until then.
  13. Change the scaling factor of your internal. It's probably off by a little bit.
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