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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. I hope to have them ready either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know that it's working now.
  2. Just put them in a directory as usual making sure not to include any plugins that came with the DRobotics parts.
  3. With Hyperedit you can move any planet's orbit. Or he reskinned a new planet with Duna's texture.
  4. Currently all you have to do is add a line to the cfg but I am thinking of creating a part so it will expose all animations which will eliminate the need of editing the cfg files.
  5. Did someone say you can't land on uneven surfaces with lander legs and keep your craft leveled? I think not.
  6. I've sent the plugin to Devo for testing. I still have a few things to clean up but as soon as we have some parts for it will be ready for release.
  7. I've wondered about this. I've seen some plugins where users compiled for 4.0 framework and they work just fine. What problems can be encountered if not using 3.5?
  8. Currently it's just Devo and I working on MSI stuff. I just forked the code from DR and used the Infernal Robotics name for that plugin.
  9. I honestly can't remember if I ran into a problem or not. I looked at not only TacLib but the other Tac modules to compare what was being done.
  10. I got the states of all animated parts stored/loaded when leaving/loading a craft. I have one silly little bug left and then I can start tidying up the code.
  11. Yup, it will list all of them currently on the vessel.
  12. It's been by biggest annoyance with landing on any rocky surface. I've lost many ships due to this because I had no more fuel left to adjust!
  13. Guys, I will have the gantry & sliding systems ready in the next few days but I wanted to show you what I've been working on with the little free time I had. Something bugged me about landing crafts on a hilly surface and this is what I've come up with: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39367-WIP-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Animator
  14. Credit goes to snjo for the Firespitter plugin & TaranisElsu for the TACLib. It will allow you to access part animations play the animation forward or reverse. Still needs some work (currently doesn't store the current state of the animations so if you leave and come back the positions are lost). Why would anyone do this you ask? Simple. Ever land on a hill and your lander is crooked? Maybe a bit too crooked that it may topple over? Here's a solution:
  15. I've used the library with success. I'm currently working on a new plugin and I must admit this made making the UI much easier for me.
  16. Who made the engines that have the logo and look like sippy cups?
  17. It's really a matter of editing the CFG file and referencing the modules. Refer to this post, it's exactly what he's doing and it's no mystery. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34013-0-20-PartTools-GameDatabase-and-new-features?p=454874&viewfull=1#post454874
  18. This is dying the be a plugin similar to subassembly loader. Pick your parts, click weld as, give it a part name, description then press button and it creates part dir, cfg. Exit vab/sph, alt-f12, reload database and voila.
  19. I will have them ready this weekend. I'm taking a slight detour to make a proof of concept that should hopefully compliment the rest of the parts.
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