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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. I never laughed so hard watching a KSP video. The claw is super sexy for sure. It's going to be a blast for people to use this alongside KAS!
  2. It's another plugin that I wrote that handles animations. This is useful for partially extending landing legs for example. I got tired of landing on crooked surfaces so I wrote this plugin. It's not currently out as we are working on the parts that will be released with it. Eventually I hope to tie both plugins together but for now they are separate. Here's a link to the info: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39367-WIP-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Animator
  3. I bought the game only a couple of month ago and have been hooked since. Ever since I started modding I haven't played the game much. Sad isn't it? I was going to let 0.21 be my time to take a break and play the game but it's so abysmal that I decided to just keep modding some more. I appreciate the kind words viperwolf, I'm just glad someone is enjoying our work otherwise I'd just make these parts for myself and be all alone. *sniff*
  4. L.J. Being that I'm also a musician I was curious about your OP stating midi. What are you using to translate the communication especially midi?
  5. Don't worry. I'm working on the new hinge part right now (both open AND closed) and it will have a small label stating what is the fixed base and the part that moves.
  6. Not sure yet if this is plausible. I will look into if it's doable during the VAB/SPH scene. This can be changed in the CFG file but during flight I'll look into it. For cylinder/pistons you specify in the cfg: translateLimits = True translateMin = 0 translateMax = 1.3 For rotational items its: rotateLimits = True rotateMin = 0.0 rotateMax = 90.0 This can be changed in the CFG file but during flight I'll look into it. In the CFG you can change the value of: cylinder/pistons: keyRotateSpeed rotational items: keyTranslateSpeed I'll look into it.
  7. It's not necessary to code in c#. You can choose to use Visual Basic if you are more comfortable with it but I would warn that there isn't a lot of help in that language these days.
  8. I'm guessing he is referring to this mod: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/sfr-command-pod/ It contains a plugin which I believe shows the kerbal. I haven't tried it.
  9. I doubt it but the good news is we are working on new parts so you won't have to use Damned Robotic parts. I'm working on a hinge right now to replace the one that came with Damned Robotics.
  10. No reason to make multiple cockpits if he uses snjo's firespitter plugin and use the noseart feature.
  11. Yeah use this plugin and you are good to go. Just follow the instructions if you want to use the old DR parts.
  12. Love the use of the adjustable rails for the shuttle viperwolf especially the rover extender!
  13. Another option is to use snjo's firespitter plugin for the logo. Check here (he released the update with the artwork switcher, haven't tried it yet) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v5-4-%28August-1st%29-for-KSP-0-21?p=489881&viewfull=1#post489881
  14. That looks amazing. What you need to do is start adding groups via the VAB when you add the parts. Each group give it a unique name and push them down with the "v" key to their perspective groups. I hope that helps.
  15. The launch clamp? No it's stationary. It's probably the perspective since I had it zoomed in but I assure you the launch clamp stays put.
  16. So I was bored after finally finishing up some work for Magic Smoke Industries and saw this interesting thread: Custom Control Pad It had me wondering because I'm also a musician and I purchased some time ago an app for the iPad called TouchOSC to control synthesizers via MIDI. After searching I discovered that there's an application called GlovePIE that will convert Midi to keystrokes/mouse control and vice versa. So using TouchOSC with TouchOSC Bridge (a utility that will connect the iPad to the PC via wifi) I was able to control KSP using TouchOSC. I present you a quick demo I cobbled together. Neat thing is you don't need TouchOSC, just any midi controller will work. Got an old midi keyboard and want to control using your keys have at it! Some things to keep in mind. Using this setup will not allow you to get any feedback from the game (clock counters, text information) since it's essentially 1 way in this case. Sliders don't work in this case since I never tested the PPJoy virtual joystick with Windows 7.
  17. Not sure what that issue could be. Still have the log file for when it crashed?
  18. You can place that part with the rest if the parts(in its own directory if course.) There's no plugin to conflict with it.
  19. Magic Smoke Industries Adjustable Rail is now available. Thanks to Devo for the awesome artwork. It's my first model and I'm really happy with the results. Enjoy. Short Demo Part download is here (more sizes will follow): http://www./download/zx7zvacw3jmk9ly/AdjustableRail.zip
  20. My suggestion would be to put a launch clamp on your vessel, raise it off the ground a bit and then give it a shot. It shouldn't rotate.
  21. Hotkeys aren't necessary. I made a quick fix that will allow you to leave those empty and just use the arrow keys from the GUI during launch/flight.
  22. You can't close the box. It's there so you can figure hotkeys to the movements. You can also add groupings. Check out this tutorial for the old damned robotics (Damned Robotics no longer works)
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