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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Great news and glad it's working now. Hope you get some use out of them.
  2. Well plugin is ready and sent to Devo to test out. Can't wait to share it with everyone.
  3. Ah well don't worry about it then. I'll craft up something to test the plugin. All is well.
  4. That looks insane! Do you still have the craft file for that? I'd love to take a look at it. After I finish the MSI Animator plugin I will be looking at the floppy issue with the robotic parts and I could use an example to work upon.
  5. My problem was I was always landing on uneven surfaces. I landed once and it was so crooked that I had a very hard time getting a rover off the ramp not to mention it was worse trying to get the rover back onto the ramp! I got fed up and stopped playing essentially for the most part because of that. I want to be able to land on almost any surface so this plugin is my solution.
  6. Have you see the MSI Animator plugin I'm working on? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39367-WIP-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Animator
  7. Finally had a chance to play with the parts that Devo is making for the MSIAnimator plugin. These are awesome! I just have one more thing to work on which is the GUI window sizes and I'll have Devo test the final version. Won't be too long now.
  8. Nothing special you have to do other than just 1 docking washer per docking port. You don't perchance have a free docking washer placed on there as well causing it to keep spinning?
  9. I will put it down as something to look into. Great idea.
  10. Possibly. Devo however is pretty close to finishing the parts. He's already got a working model for the Controller portion. I can't wait to land on rocky terrain.
  11. Good news. New plugin is close to being complete. Had some goofy issues but now they are resolved. Just tidying up the code a little then it's a matter of waiting for all the parts to finish for the MSIAnimator parts pack. Fun times!
  12. They need some work and won't be in the pack immediately.
  13. Where are you installing these files at?
  14. What does the error log say. What version are you using of KSP?
  15. Have you read any of the past posts? Use the Infernal Robotics plugin found on the very first post by DYJ or the Magic Smoke Industries thread. Wrap those DR parts CFG files with PART { }.
  16. Dromoman works with Infernal Robotics without any issues. I'm not sure what you may be experiencing.
  17. Ill take a look to see if its a plugin issue with IR when I get back to a computer.
  18. I recompiled the dll using the new 0.21 references and it's functioning correctly so far. I'll coordinate with the others to get a working version up for you guys.
  19. Not yet. I mentioned since its one less thing to have to redo while I tidy up the code.
  20. I'll look into it and see what's going on. The MSI animator also works in .21 hurrah!
  21. Great news. Devo & I are working on a more robust set of parts for the Infernal Robotics plugin. Hopefully have them ready shortly.
  22. Yes but you MUST wrap each of the old DR parts CFG files with PART { } otherwise they won't work. I can't do it for you and distribute them because that would violate the license of the model creator.
  23. The original parts have to have their cfg's wrapped with PART { }
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