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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Can you provide a before and after photo? I don't have any problems on my end with placement of the parts.
  2. From my tests I just made a png that was slightly transparent and that did the trick for me. No plugin required.
  3. That part I can't answer but I'm sure it does since it loads everything during start up. I've read that some people can't use the entire B9 parts pack so they just trim it down to the stuff they need.
  4. His is just a parts pack that uses Infernal Robotics plugin. It works out of the "box." In the next update, if he wishes to, he can add sounds to his arm pack.
  5. Have you ever used Damned Robotics (now Infernal Robotics) recently? It already has grouping implemented and that was before I created a fork of the original. In that video I was merely showing how each separate item can have it's own control speed when not grouped. Here's a video where they are all grouped together to form a function. Here's how you do grouping. I can provide individual speed control for each component in a group but I found that may be too confusing for the user and that would be a support nightmare. For now, one speed controls all within a group.
  6. The next update will have a speed modifier in the GUI. And sound support. Check the videos in a few posts back. The procedural method is out of my league at the moment so just making parts will have to work for now.
  7. I will be making probe sized parts too so don't worry. They will probably mirror the standard parts we have in our new pack.
  8. I'll await my reputation gift. j/k.
  9. Are you using the old infernal robotics that was just the dll that I didn't create? One person was having issues and what they did was redownload my plugin that contains the docking washers and they we're good to go. If that doesn't work I'd like to see the log file.
  10. I had to learn blender first. The first time I made this idea up, I borrowed a toilet model I found online. This time I can actually give it away and take credit for the model. I plan on expanding them with a few options. Like small rockets, etc.
  11. Kerbal Plumbing Corp PRESENTS The External Commode Seat! Due to a clerical error on a custom order, Kerbal Plumbing Corp decided to enter the space race with their new External Commode Seat. Adventure space from the comfort of an oversized toilet. NOTE: May cause electrical shock if used like a real toilet. Functions like the External Command seat. Place it somewhere, right click, select board. Enjoy! Download now! http://www./download/6r4grgn1ys1n2jy/CommodeSeat.zip
  12. Either way. The github zip contains the dll and the docking washers. The mediafire link has the washers too.
  13. Yes it most certainly will. And when the new update comes out with SOUND it will be even better.
  14. Talent like me? Pfft. So far my work has really been in the coding side of things. Infernal Robotics and the Animator plugin is where I've done most of the work. My modeling skills are only going on roughly 2 months of learning. Devo on the other hand is a pure badass and I'm just glad he joined. Without him MSI would have great plugins but ultra crappy models/artwork.
  15. All new parts that will replace the old DR parts and here will be more choices in parts to use. One example is a new "door" hinge part. You will have two to pick from (maybe three) one open and another closed. The maybe is one set at 90 degrees.
  16. Quick little update. Since I added sound to Infernal Robotics I will be adding sound to the Animator plugin. Huzzah!
  17. I'm with Devo on this. I'm not ready to release the plugin just yet. Plus I may find something I want to add so who knows. There is a sane limit on the speed adjustment. If you go too high (like 10000) physics gets pretty funny. Rails they just pop off and send the pod i attached to it up in the air but the rails still seems to be connected. A rotatron at that speed just spins off and falls straight down. I nearly choke on my water when I did that one. I thought about setting limits for the speed but I think I'll leave it alone so everyone can have some fun.
  18. Impressive use of the adj rails! Thanks for the comments on the dovetail. It's my first real model released with Devo doing the artwork magic.
  19. Logo of two wolves facing each other and upward howling, make it happen!
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