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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. It will come off, the whole thing isn't a collider so try touching one half of the hinge. If that isnt the case, which hinge is it?
  2. Let me know via PM or here with what you come up with. I like using your parts for arms.
  3. I made closed, open and tall hinges, rotatron(3 sizes) and the adjustable rail. Artwork is devos so thanks for the indirect compliment! Not sure on the loads. I've been just getting it out and testing the plugin.
  4. New Rotatron is now up. Contains 3 sizes, picture shows a comparison with the original Damned Robotics part. I added an auto increment feature when creating new groups so they all won't have the same name during launch. They will be New Group, New Group2, etc. Last thing on my list is to finish the piston and figure out the custom speed control issue.
  5. The only two parts not present yet are the Rotatron (finished but I need approval from Devo) and a Piston (which needs to be skinned). Those will hopefully be ready tomorrow. I had some RL issues that prevented me from finishing them today.
  6. I'm working on it. I'm having issues with it. I already reworked the UI so you can either retain the original speeds of each component or do a complete override of all of them. There is just a problem with them translating in the wrong direction after a reload.
  7. Did someone say rotatron? Here's a comparison. I like probe parts so I made 2 smaller sized rotatrons. 1/2 sized and quarter sized.
  8. Have you tried it again with the 0.5 release? The weird translation problems with the parts appearing far away after saving and returning to the craft has been resolved.
  9. Thanks for letting me know. I tested it myself replicating what others experienced and didn't see the weird floating portions. So far so good! I did fix the move+,move-, and move 0 bug (not in an update yet). Working on the custom speed text field now. Still not certain if people want this feature or not.
  10. Just glancing at the code, I think this can be done by adding a new button called DropMe and changing the ChangeWorldVelocity to a real world drop. It's just a quick look at the code.
  11. Thanks for the kind word guys. I just updated the plugin. Everything is back in except the custom speed control. Refer to the OP for downloads. There's currently a bug using the Move +, Move Center, and Move - action groups playing sound. Just use the GUI or keybindings via the GUI in the SPH/VAB. (there's an image for those who are not sure what I'm talking about)
  12. It would have been released but I made a coding error so I have to fix that first. The part will come out today. It's Eastern Time here, the latest it will be done at midnight or 1AM. Sorry it's taking so long.
  13. Let me update the plugin and let you guys test it again. give me a bit while I recode the pieces. No migraine today!
  14. Oh it's certainly related. I borked it and didn't catch it. Maybe I need to seek a tester that is on the east coast of the US to help me catch these goofy moments. Stay tuned for an update.
  15. Thanks! I guess my migraine got the best of me today. Thanks for everyone's patience and most certainly catching the bugs.
  16. I'm uploading a bare bones dll until I fix the problem with the translations moving the fixed collider. For now no custom speed control and no sound support. I'll have this fixed tomorrow. Sorry for all the headache guys.
  17. Download this parts pack and use JUST the dll and see if you are getting the same problem. https://github.com/sirkut/InfernalRobotics/blob/master/Parts/MagicSmokeIndustries.zip
  18. Ok. I know how to replicate the issue and I know what is going on. I'll look into it tomorrow. Thanks for all the help guys!
  19. Perfect. I'm going to do a change to the hinges and send them to you to test out, if they pan out I'll release it to everyone, cool? Will you be around for a few minutes?
  20. Wow that's awesome. Thanks for the screenshots. I'll see what is going on but I suspect I already know the answer to the problem. Thanks!
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