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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. True but what would really be neat is a plugin that would give you only a limited amount of coolant before it starts to overheat that way you could only go so far with it. Also add smoke effect to the extinguisher would be awesome.
  2. Sorry about the mix up guys. I uploaded the wrong directory. Now everything is sized correctly.
  3. Uploading a fix. The closed hinges don't have it's rescale factor. doh!
  4. Please go to my thread and use this dll. The old Damned Robotic parts won't work unless you modify the CFG files yourself. Alternative is to download the Magic Smoke Industries dll and parts pack. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37707-0-21-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts-Infernal-Robotics
  5. Ah ok. My apologies. Well now you will have them in just a second.
  6. Did you see the size of the adjustable rails in this photo? They are pretty small. Uploading now 0.7!
  7. Well the plugin is done. The piston is finally done! I've never skinned a cylinder before and that was a process! I have to clean the code up just a little bit in the morning. 8AM EST I will provide links to download the parts pack+plugin and the source code. I decided to make smaller sized adjustable rails.
  8. Yes. I certainly need to fix that. If you would like to utilize the change and not wait for the next update here's the fix: Take the CFG of all three sizes and add an extra ", 0" and the end of the line. For example the IR_HingeTall CFG would now have: node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.254, 0.0 , 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.325, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
  9. Like with the hinges I plan on making a set of sizes. I can scale the piston to a larger size if you like _or_ allow you the user to do it. It's easy to do. UPDATE: 0.7 of the plugin is almost done. I got the weird object translation resolved! Speed control will be back but improved. The custom number you enter will be a multiplier to the part's speed from the CFG file. That way parts keep their respective speeds even in groups! All you will be doing is multiplying that speed with your value. Want all Infernal Robotic parts to go twice as fast? Put a 2 in the text field. When it's finished I'll post the updated dll and source code and will resume skinning the piston and that will be done tonight.
  10. Do you have a normal map for it? Should be the next empty box under the _MainTex, not sure if that is the cause of your problem.
  11. I would advise starting small so you can hone your skills, going full tilt isn't going to pay.
  12. That's exactly how I tested it the first time. Loads of fun.
  13. Yup. I'm going to redo the pack to utilize the same texture and model for the hinges. Once I get this plugin speed control working I will do that.
  14. Eventually sure. Right now we just want to get the parts out and have people enjoy them. I'll have to come up with a way to consume electricity.
  15. Your group names must be unique. Another option is to download the infernal robotics dll and use that instead of the old damned robotics. The new dll will auto increment the groups for you so you don't pull your hair out.
  16. Never said this but I love the arm pack. I used the rescaleFactor so I could make a smaller set for a probe.
  17. Massive? How big do you need it? If you want larger do this: 1. open the cfg of the part you want to resize, copy ALL the text 2. then right at the bottom below the last "}" bracket, paste all the text. 3. For the bottom portion, give it a unique name (I just added a 2 at the end) 4. where the line says title give it a unique name so you know which is which in the editor 5. add a line rescaleFactor = X.X where X.X is a value. I did 3.0 Here's the result. The smaller closed hinge is the real size, the one next to it is with a rescaleFactor of 3.0: Next one is with rescaleFactor of 6.0
  18. I'm not sure what to say. Here's a video showing I'm not crazy. I doubt it would be an issue with the LLL parts but I could check and see.
  19. Strange I connected it to the lander can by the node and had no issues and I was moving it by clicking on the side and not the top.
  20. It works for me. Do you have the latest version? I can mouse over it and it will turn green meaning you can select it.
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