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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Yes, thank you. I'll be fixing that and I have figured out the mass issue. Update coming later tonight.
  2. I could but you could just read the small changelog that I put in the OP with every update. exhibit 1: Anyway the mass of the parts are not scaling correctly when saving the craft when switching. If I modify the the values in the persistent file and reload the craft is file. Time to work on the code.
  3. You mean Infernal Robotics 0.16.2 and 0.16.1? Tweakscale is at 1.20 (or 1.21, cant remember)
  4. Ok. This is completely new and alien to me. I've never heard anyone have this problem before! Are you using the older parts or the new TweakScale parts? What version are you using again? Well gang I can now replicate this. Now it's time to figure out why.
  5. Hey. Try this robotic arm sub assembly. I fixed the hinges that weren't connected right and uses the new tweakscale parts. http://www./view/on32mvblbqsybmd/RoboticArm.craft
  6. Question, when do you experience the flip? While launching or in orbit?
  7. That comment was for kOS plugin that allows people to write scripts to control the robotic parts. As for the 3d cargo bay lug kit I'm wondering what I could do to make some IR parts for it possibly.
  8. Sorry man but you are the first to report floppiness when loading a craft. A log file would be nice to see as well.
  9. Wouldn't mind seeing a video. I have no idea what you are experiencing.
  10. Unless stated, the ones included in the DL are still the "official" parts until ZI is happy with his parts which then my Legacy parts will be deleted. The Rework parts will work just fine with them too btw.
  11. Would you consider a non-gun version cap for the probe? That way one could add IR arms? I think this would be a pretty rad little repair tug in space.
  12. 0.16.1 to 0.16.2 all you really need to do is replace the dll. Everything else is unchanged. if you deleted everything it shouldn't break anything since all I did was just fix the dll.
  13. I'd like to see the log file. You are more than welcomed to use the older parts but my help is going to be minimal because I'd prefer if people use the newer parts. I sense people are going to start asking "why does the old parts say *Not Found* in the stepIncrement for the old parts but work for the new parts."
  14. They are indeed in career mode. Probably needs to be moved around since it's just 1 part instead of the original 3.
  15. Tweakscale is the predecessor to Goodspeed's plugin. Delete THAT plugin but keep the parts.
  16. I've never done one before so give me a little time to figure it out and test just a tad more. I also have to redo the graphics as I found it from shutter stock photo and did some changes to it.
  17. People have problems landing these things? I'm floored because I did an abort sequence (at less than 10k) with the Super 25 and was able to coast and land fine without zero problems.
  18. Couple of things. Which window is toggleable in the toolbar? Which version? You need to list what mods you are using. I've spotted KAS & Dromoman, while I recognized those parts it wouldn't be fun to figure them out if I didn't. Second you are using the OLD infernal parts. While I did say you can keep the old and the new I would try using the new parts. Less space in the VAB. Third there was an issue with the mass not being calculated correctly with the tweaked parts that I did fix recently. Now I am not sure if this is affects the old IR parts. As for the center of mass issue. I'm not sure why it's goes nutty at a certain height. Maybe offset the weight on the other side? Also, your middle joint where you have 2 IR hinges connected to each other. You don't connect them "top to top" as it will rotate fine but will look unreal. base must always connect to the top. - - - Updated - - - ZodiusInfuser and Marce are working together on an ActiveStrut system that will be quite useful for what you are having problems with.
  19. I love using KSC Switcher but I didn't like having to go to exit the tracking station to then load space center scene and then finally load the VAB or SPH. So with just a few lines I was able to create a vab and sph shortcut. Note: The in the video I didn't enable the SPH code so when clicking, it does nothing. I'm not sure if this is a feature you guys would like to have but I figured I would share.
  20. Updated to 0.16.2 to fix loading of broken crafts that contain IR parts.
  21. Thanks for sharing that. I honestly couldn't figure out an elegant way to fix this for everyone. Every route I took was difficult and a pain in the butt. As I said before, we shouldn't be breaking saved games anymore as I've gotten everything where it needs to be now.
  22. Yes I tried the craft out and my solution is to just place the parts individually. You can eyeball it and it will work. I'm not sure there's a way _I_ can fix that goofy issue.
  23. Don't look at the lag, look at your output_log.txt file. When loading your AJ-26-62 engine in the editor AND start to move the engine around it will spam the output_log file and become laggy. I've already mentioned this issue in post #11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82793-Antares-Cygnus-Mod-Update-1-1-%28fixes-addtions%29-June-20?p=1211405&viewfull=1#post1211405
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