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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. EDIT: looks like I may have broken the loading of craft files to display the group editor window when I fixed the subassembly issue. *sigh* can't win.
  2. The light that was attached in symmetry to the truss doesn't seem to take into account the reversed axis of rotation. Craft file here, just need the rework models, all else is stock Symmetry mode is acting weird. I suggest just attaching each light individually. Sucks I know but I don't know how I could fix that.
  3. Not sure why it's misbehaving. What happens when invert axis is off for both? As for not getting 0 or 180, there's a fix for that. Click the "[]" button next to the specific part. A new window will appear, enter the value you want.
  4. Pretty much what he said. Just remove the plugin, you don't have to remove the parts.
  5. I bet you didn't install the update by completely deleting the old one. Look in your parts folder. You should only have Legacy...anything else needs to be deleted unless you have a directory called Rework... Menu with escape button? I would need to see a log file but I don't see how my mod would affect that.
  6. Only if you have used a previous version of Infernal Robotics. If you haven't used them before, you are safe.
  7. Has nothing to do with the problem but let me guess, you are using RSS's KSC Switcher? The parts load fine in the VAB correct? Toolbar loads fine? I'd like to see the logfile of the initial loading of the game up to you loading the VAB.
  8. Log file by chance? I'm shocked that you of all people are having problems.
  9. Perfect. Thanks for updating me on your issues. I had an inkling it may be due to the mass which is now scaled for the most part proportionally.
  10. Btw new version fixes the subassembly issue and the mass issue is partially resolved. Get it now.
  11. Need to see the log file. Are you using any other mods?
  12. Seems like a neat idea but I'm not certain I want to add that complexity to the plugin just now.
  13. You can but you aren't making any sense. The update to 0.16 is independent to the parts.
  14. It's a game with green aliens. I've had to silence my engineer/applied physics/etc minds quite some time ago.
  15. I've been using open broadcaster software for my quick & dirty videos. I haven't used it for voice overs yet but it looks promising in that regard.
  16. Laser would require a plugin I believe,. I do know the lazor plugin was used in the sunbeam for its laser pointer. Could be a small harmless plugin to write I suppose.
  17. Here's a small video demonstrating the "rotate" buttons. The very first movement is a "shift" rotate using the keyboard. As you can see, in symmetry mode they all move in unison. Now the rest is just me messing around wildly with the buttons in the Group Editor. Notice the difference now and how this could be useful?
  18. Look, that very rotate function was there from the very beginning and it actually has a purpose. It is necessary when dealing in symmetry mode and you want them to face different positions but keep them together. THIS is where the rotate button shines. Sure you can hold shift but you can't do that to an individual part that is in 6x symmetry mode and you want to move just _one_ part.
  19. The part rotation was broken in 0.14 because I was rotating it by very small increments versus 45 degree increments. When I mean rotate, it doesn't mean the actual hinge will rotate, it's the placement of the part.
  20. Seriously, please do. If you can do better, and I'm sure you can, I'll happily link your work for replacing the textures.
  21. Busy may be misleading. if you looked at the actual parts minus the textures the models are pretty simple. Don't let the textures fool you. Please take up a 3d program, make your own, texture your own, give back to the community. AdjustableRail
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