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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Update will have to be done later. I have one more issue I'd like to fix.
  2. That works too. I saw Scott Manely do it with a station he did.
  3. Action groups. Assign a key. It's a toggle. Press the key and it moves 'forever' until you press the key again to stop it.
  4. These parts were my first walk into creating model and actually texturing parts (with the help of Devo) so I get a bit testy sometimes when people fuss over how they don't look simplistic or stock-a-like. I get it, they aren't stock-a-like. I tried to make them at one time and I just couldn't get past how annoyingly simple stock looks with the hand painted look. To ME they look sloppy. If you don't like them there's good news. ZodiusInfuser is working on a Rework that will replace ALL my parts with an equivalent part. His look simplistic albeit not final.
  5. No it won't be a save breaker. it was just loading the assembly weird. Let me upload the new version that has this fix in it.
  6. He either means a texture reduction pack or he thinks our textures are pure crap.
  7. Did you place all these parts in its own directory inside the magic smoke parts folder?
  8. Well the core of IR has been rewritten if you've been paying attention. It's now a PartModule but I never had much luck with the whole MODEL referencing in the past. I may revisit it in the future. At this point I've eliminated loading multiple parts in the VAB so let's do this in baby steps.
  9. Good god DennyTX. You even got the blanket. Cool!!!
  10. Interesting. Let me see if I can replicate it. Do you have a simple craft file to replicate this?
  11. The lag you are experiencing is the spamming to the log file. I'd be curious if it would spam the file if it was just one of the "bad" parts docking with something that is free from errors.
  12. Glad I don't have to stay silent anymore. This thing is soooo much fun to fly. This is one hell of a way to come back to the scene Devo!
  13. It's generally best to experiment with all parts but I will tell you. Basic means it has 2 attach nodes, one at top and one at the very bottom of the part. Imagine it as a solid cylinder. The stackable has 2 attach nodes but one is directly underneath the top attach node. This allows you to attach things inside each other. here's a video demonstrating this very concept. The first used is the basic, then the rest are stackable. You'll get the meaning.
  14. Only thing I've noticed that needs to be fixed is the scaling of the mass. Other than that I don't know what the issue could be.
  15. I think it's something to do with TweakScale adjusting a value. I will need to do some testing to find Out what it is.
  16. Great to hear! Thanks again for letting me know so I can keep this in mind while helping people.
  17. It's currently hardcoded anyway. I honestly didn't want to deal with parts falling apart when things were moving too fast. Before 0.23.5 release if you had a rotatron that spun too fast, it would fall apart, now it wiggles really wild and crazy but it stays attached. I prefer it this way.:
  18. Thanks to DMagic & ozraven I figured out a way to fix the subassembly bug. I'll be updating the plugin & including the extra small sized gantry in the next update tomorrow morning. Thanks again to both of you for finding these issues.
  19. Hey. I figured out the solar panel. I can replicate it. It's an interesting bug that I somehow need to capture when a sub assembly is loaded. When picking that, the gameevent onPartAttach is called despite it being on the actual craft. Thanks for finding this! Its going to take me a bit to figure out how to fix this.
  20. Actually you caught something that I did not notice. I forgot a size! There are 4 sizes instead of 3! I forgot the Extra small version. Instead of me having to upload on my DSL, here are the steps you will need to do to get the extra small version back into the game. In the IR_TweakScale.cfg file you will need to add a new section: THEN in both the part.cfg and partVariant.cfg in the IR_Gantry folder you will need to replace the IR_RoboticStock work with IR_RoboticGantry. Reload the game and you should be set. Thanks for noticing that.
  21. Thanks for sharing that. Were you able to still use those parts from goodspeed? Can you use TweakScale for it instead?
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