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Everything posted by Gryphorim

  1. Looks really good. Is there a reason you went with the clamshell nosecone? I'd have either gone with a single hinge, like the animation from spacex, or a triple hinge, like the stock shielded port.
  2. While you're at it making swing wings, could you make a set of X-02 wyvern wings (Ace Combat series)
  3. Kirs: Garage-door style arrangement. Door pulls into hatch do disengage seal, then when clear of bulkhead, slides on rail to the side, rotating to parallel with wall.
  4. Actually, no. I do use mechjeb for convenience sake, take off into 40 degrees nose up, to 30 degrees nose up at 10km altitude, then dropping nose to 15 degrees as altitude climbs. At around 27km, it cannot get enough air to accelerate any more (going around 1600m/s). Pitch up to 45 degrees up, switch engines to rocket mode. burn until apoapsis at 125 km. Circularise with nukes. Airbrakes keep nose forward/prevent flat spin on return. Did use FAR, took it off, conflicted with one or more of the mods I have. FAR version of SSTO has wings a little further back on the body.
  5. B9 wings, but I used a string of trailing edge parts for the chines. Suplimented with D12 parts
  6. KT-19 Archangel SSTO, shown on ascent and arrival at ASTRA Scienza Orbital Platform.
  7. ASTRA Scienza Orbital Platform. Also shown is KT-19 Archangel SSTO.
  8. Are the auroras going to be invisible during the day? and extra bright at night? Also, is the bright glow on the mun supposed to fade as you get closer?
  9. Really just hanging out for the rest of the cockpit parts.
  10. Aren't there some serious design faults with the C's arrestor capability yet to be ironed out?
  11. I've run into an unexpected problem with a build. I was assembling a space station component that had two Karmony nodes docked in parallel, but with the nodes recessed and external hardware on one side of the superstructure, the docking ports could not mate. Is there a possibility of a port extender part? Actually, I might have a crack at it myself. Basically going to make a battery bank sized "kirs". Edit: here is my clumsy, ignorant attempt Edit2: I am apparently just as clumsy and ignorant with imgur. Thanks Softweir. Edit3: My attempt is merely a reskin i whipped up over lunch. Can we please have an official version if this? With maybe ladder rungs/handrails and swappable textures?
  12. Can we please just get the mk 13 before you scrap stuff? *terrible attempt at pleading expression*
  13. I posted a request a week or so ago, but it seems to have gotten lost. Can we get a solar sensing version of the docking washer? So it rotates itself and anything on the "active" side to face the sun?
  14. What I had in mind for the buzz rotor was something like this Radial mount sized to fit 0.625m, and c-frame for buzz rotor with attach node hanging in middle of ring.
  15. Tried the Alpha: Loved it. Your work is very professional looking, blends perfectly with Bac9's aesthetic. Some comments/suggestions: The buzz turbines look really cool, but i had an issue where roll control was inverted. Could we get a toggle to invert roll? Also, it would be cool if we had a radial fit ring mount for these fans to sit in. As for the rotors in general, having them switch to a transparent blur when above a certain RPM would help confer the impression of speed. Cannot wait for the rest of the Command pods, I personally am waiting on the Mk13 SBS, and hopefully you or someone else makes b9 textures for the porkworks spaceplane parts. Something just came to mind. If the rotors all use intake air to determine lift, they'll not work in other atmospheres. However, if you made them lose thrust dependent on atmospheric pressure, similar to the thrust curves of the stock jet parts, they could work on eve or duna. If still planning on making them internal combustion powered, perhaps make them toggle in an internal oxidizer source, similar to the SABRE engines, just way more efficient.
  16. I was going to try my hand at stockalike "superdraco" engine pairs, with a low poly shroud for aerodynamics, and two of the 24-77 engines sticking out the bottom. Don't suppose you would feel inclined to whip up something like that? Stretch goal - integral RCS in aero-shroud.
  17. Out of curiosity, is there any chance of compact hab modules? they would effectively replace the hitchhiker, but with far better quality part. Also, I seem to rememeber talk of an alternate config or model for the station parts that added RCS support, this would be a boon to the construction of larger stations, where every part saved counts toward reducing lag. Not intending to put pressure on, but if/when the SEV parts get added, will they be designed to conform to 2.5m standard circular cross section, or were you thinking the more technically accurate oval? Finally, will there be 3.75m lander/station modules in a later release? Anyway, best of luck with the project, and thank you for the dev builds.
  18. If we could get that engine, sized to 1.25m so it's as long as the LV-N, and punching out 400 od thrust, but lower efficiency than LV-30, well, I'd be one happy rocketeer... Also, waiting with baited breath for capsule release, my Soyuz/Shenzou plans are collecting dust.
  19. Could we maybe get a texture swapper MM config for these parts? Similar to the fustek parts (dev build)
  20. Can you make a part, like the docking washer, but with a small solar cell on one side, and an automatic mode that nulls when facing the sun? Allows gigantic solar assemblies to be automated, and switchable to manual for stowage or whatever reason.
  21. Taurus heatshield and matched decoupler really do it for blending the taurus with stock parts. Very professional. Can we please get an LES aeroshell part soon?
  22. Out of curiosity, is the MMSEV small space vehicle thing still in the works?
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