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Kenobi McCormick

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Everything posted by Kenobi McCormick

  1. Oooooh. I'm trying these out right now. They look awesome, and the ability to do donuts is attractive to ay the least. Any plans for probe and truck sized versions? Not necessarily new models, just resized ones with retuned suspension and traction settings? Edit: After a bit of testing I've found out that A: I absolutely adore these things, and B: The CFG tuning is a bit off. What I've changed: Braketorque. These slide, so I see no reason not to put enough of this to lock the tires up. Changed it to 2500. Steering lock. Because they slide, steering too much at speed will jsut result in under/over steer instead of a rollover. Plus I've had a few spins that could have been easily corrected if I had more steering lock at that speed. So I turned this up across the board. Slow speed is up to 35 degrees, high speed is up to 25 degrees. I use a 360 pad to drive rovers so it isn't a problem for me to manually steer less than that. Torque. The initial value of 2500 is good, but I felt the value dropped off way too quickly. Mine stay at peak torque until 30m/s, then slowly taper off. At 50m/s they're still putting down 1250. This gives my rather light(Under 2 tons) medium sized space car a top speed of about 45m/s, which is perfect. What I'd like to change but cannot: Spring rate. My medium sized rovers are incredibly lightweight, and as a result there isn't much action from the suspension. These feel to me to be tuned for 4-6 ton rovers, not 1.5 ton rovers. I'd turn the spring stiffness and dampening down quite a bit for them. Or maybe make a second "Type R" version with the lighter tuning for lighter medium sized rovers. Sizing. As mentioned before some gokart and truck sized versions with varying stats would be great as well. I could handle scaling them through part.cfg, but not changing the springs rates to suit the different types of vehicles. Traction. The sideways grip is about spot on I think, but forward bite leaves much to be desired. Even with my 360 pad every takeoff is full of wheelspin. That might just be because of how light my rover is, but I'd still like more forward bite. Maybe another 20%. But leave the side bite alone, again, I feel that's spot on. It's still possible to traction roll but you really have to eff it up to do it, and that's about right. Edit 2: Powerslidepowerslidepowerslidepowerslide If only we could differentiate the surfaces. The slicks would work best on the runway, or other bodies like the runway, while the knobbies would slide like mad on those surfaces and dig in firmly on dirt and loose rocks.
  2. The bigger issue, I think, is if we have a Castle Bravo re-enactment. Castle Bravo, for those not in the know, was only supposed to just slip into the megaton class of warheads. Instead, due to a miscalculation regarding the different Lithium isotopes used in the bomb, they ended up with the second largest detonation America ever produced. If something like that happens with an Orion spacecraft, whether on the pad or in flight, we have a HUGE problem on our hands. A normal LES system can cover for the second nuke off the pad being a dud but there isn't a damn thing the LES system can do if you have another Castle Bravo incident. I so dearly wish politicians would just tell those groups to go pound salt. Legitimate concern is welcome but if you can't back up your claim with anything more than "ERMAGERD CHERNOBYL" you don't have any business complaining at all. Pretty neat. Not sure how you'll get that working with action groups though.
  3. How 'bout we don't? Metacritic is balls. After how they screwed Obsidian over on New Vegas(By one solitary point, no less) I don't want anything to do with that dump. And nobody on Metacritic is fair, hence Metacritic being a waste of time.
  4. I figure it'd be easier to do by just turning the magazines on-and-off and having the engine only draw from magazines turned on. Also allows the pilot to change it with action groups instead of sometimes fiddly context menus. Tap "1" for low power, tap "2" for "Gotta move a space station to Minmus" power and tap "3" for "Jeb mode". Bonus points: If we want "Russian Roulette" mode we can just hit all the hotkeys and rofl as it randomly switches from tiny to jeb to mid to jeb to tiny! ...huh. Point one at 45 degrees and see if itt'l launch the cockpit on an escape trajectory?
  5. I don't have an exact number, I never did get the steam key my copy is downloaded from the KSPStore, but it's up there. I'd say top 5 no doubt. I don't think it's topped FNV or Gmod, though. I haven't owned KSP long enough to log 852 and 799 hours playing it, respectively.
  6. 287: Real life: If a rocket even thinks about falling over during the gravity turn the abort is called. KSP: We do three loops while at full power, regain control of the monster, realign it, and carry on as if nothing ever happened.
  7. Electricity isn't too big an issue. Something using tracks can afford to be a bit on the heavy side, so RTG spam or fission reactors work nicely. A genset mod would be nice, though. How about some reasonably sized track sets? Like, say, the tracks off an M4 Sherman tank? Or something similar to what's on a Cat D3 bulldozer? Right now you've showed off many sweet sets, but they're all either massive or tiny. Nothing in the middle area.
  8. Yeah, pretty much. These things don't really care about Hohmann transfers. In my testing screwing around I managed to get an apoapse of 1 trillion meters in about 45 seconds flat. Orbital period of nearly 40 years. I then turned around, nulled that orbit, and put it into a 3.2mx450k solar orbit, where it will stay forever more. Ahahaha, atomic powered champagne cork. I rofl'd. Any way you could let us turn magazines on and off? Perhaps that would solve it. The pilot would turn off the magazines they don't want to use and turn on the ones they do, and the engine can only draw from magazines that are 'on'.
  9. I loved the Atlas in 0.19. This thing will see a lot of service in my space program for sure.
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