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Kenobi McCormick

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Everything posted by Kenobi McCormick

  1. ...oh, fun, begging for unfinished mods. Can we not, bro? InfiniteDice will release this mod when the mod is well and truly ready for release and not a second earlier. Which is as it should be.
  2. I just use the missiles as dumb bombs. If you mount the missiles on decouplers, then fire the decoupler, they will drop as would a normal bomb would. They still detonate on impact, too.
  3. It's also worth noting that not all air-to-air missiles actually worked. Back in 'nam the missiles on F4 Phantoms were so notoriously terrible that pilots had to fire them in salvos to get a reasonable chance of a kill. Not that this mod needs missiles. HVAR rockets, sure, but not missiles. HVARs are literally just solid rocket motors attached to a chunk of plastic explosive and launched from under an airplane wing. They guide themselves passively, the direction they're pointed + aerodynamics + gravity + pilot's aim is what determines where they hit.....mostly. HVARs still weren't very accurate, you'd have trouble hitting a tank from more than a kilometer away firing only a single rocket. This mod seeks to add munitions that we have to aim ourselves. Laz0r already provides plenty of electronically targeted munitions for us to use. I'll be using both together, Laz0r for the guided missile shenanigans and this for manually aimed stuff.
  4. If it had a wing on every segment it would become impossible to land due to infiniglide arising from fuse wobble. IT'd be a timewarp powered lancaster!
  5. Hehehe. Now to find a way to mount and power the sunbeam on my small little monoplane firespitter fighter. Muwahahaha! It's also worth noting that I use lazor missiles as dumb bombs as well, so in theory they'd try to counter dive bombing as well. Definitely gonna try that one out.
  6. Heh. I wonder if the CIWS can intercept and shoot down Lazor missiles fired from outside that range?
  7. It's at a realistic height for someone with the body proportions of a Kerbal, and indeed, the exterior model correlates nicely with that. I would like a bit more visiblity in it, though, something 90-95% of the IVA views in KSP seem to lack. Even the stock MkI cockpit's IVA view has the same problem.
  8. While I do agree with this, my own experience shows them the only practical way to hit anything in space. I haven't noticed any bugs with it in 0.23. Heh. I'd sooner use liquid engines or ion engines depending on the kick present. Or perhaps just sheer mass? That's EvE's logic on Minmatar ships, anyway. I've actually tried bombing things using the medium Laz0r missile as a dumb bomb(Just mounted on a decoupler, fire decoupler and it drops without igniting rocket). Level bombing is nigh impossible unless you're no higher than 750m above the surface, due mostly to the lack of a decent bombsight. Or any bombsight, really. Dive bombing works quite well, though.
  9. I've tried that with DYJ's GAU-19 before. It didn't work very well at all for me. The bullets are going so fast that they practically ignore orbits entirely, which means you have to be practically touching the target to actually hit it with any reliability, and the recoil wreaked absolute havoc with the fighter's orbit. If I aimed it retrograde I could just about get a Trans-Munar Injection burn out of the four guns before they overheated. I'd stick with guided missiles and optical weapons in space, but that's just me.
  10. Could also prove useful with spaceplanes that can't quite fly far enough to get to land on de-orbit. Might lose a wing but the kerbal would be fine.
  11. These days I name my rockets whatever comes to mind. Other craft are more specifically named. Starting with fixed wing craft: Wright W-45(A-D): Basic little fighter jet. Later models revised into a half-assed just-barely-scrapes-into-orbit spaceplane. Modifications were pretty simple. Haphazardly replace turbofan with RAPIER, toss in an FT-400 fuel tank someplace, duck tape on some solar panels, reset CoL, and hope it doesn't explode on the runway. A D-model, which successfully made it to orbit, deorbited and landed back at the space center, is on permanent display outside the SPH. A C-model also sits at the Island Airstrip inside one of the hangars. It made it into space, too, but was unable to make it back to the space center. Ran out of fuel right before it hit the runway on the island. Wright D-14(A-C): Designed from the getgo to be a spaceplane. Two RAPIER engines mounted A-10 style. Has a T-tail to ensure no wierdness happens with the engine exhausts. Works, too. Mostly. But it glides like a sodding brick so don't expect to land it shuttle style. A C-model, which achieved orbit, completed three full circuits and landed back on the runway sits on display next to the W-45D in front of the SPH. Wright MB-22(A-D): Two engined medium bomber. Built just to screw around. Flies pretty good, will carry about 4,000kgs of munitions. Aircraft is equipped with a lazor computer so it can launch lazor missiles as well. Wright HB-36(A-: Massive six engined bomber. Ended up with something positively silly when unladen. It has so much lift, so much power and weighs so little that it will fly level at just 27m/s, and it will fly straight up while accelerating at about three Gs. Will carry an entire full orange tank. Attempted to make a spaceplane out of the B-model, failed due to KSP joint wobble making it nearly impossible to take off while carrying the requisite amount of rocket fuel. This thing is also stupidly fast, will sustain 220m/s in level flight and 250m/s in level flight if it gets to that speed in a dive. Aircraft is equipped with a lazor computer so it can launch lazor missiles as well. VC-4FCA: Ye olde F4U lookalike. only it's bright red. And has a WW1 German air force logo on the tail. Lol. Flies okay, about like an F4U in that regard, and it carries a decent amount of dakka. Armed with two .30cal Miniguns and can carry up to 1200kg of munitions. FKK-201: Ye olde monoplane fighter. Think 30's-ish stuff. Flies like an absolute dream, and is armed similarly to the VC-4FCA. See it in action here! Moving on to surface vehicles, we have: Electric Go-Kart of Science! MkIII: Prototype early tier rover I built for my career save. Works okay, although it was designed for 0.22 so its scientific value is bollocks nowadays. Used mostly as ballast weights or a target. Hot Rod Lincoln: Took the fuselage from an FKK-201, modified it slightly, popped it on a car chassis. Ended up with a pretty cool race car. Jeb's already bought one and now drives it to the space center. image! JD-110: Got bored and decided to build a tractor. So's I did. This is actually the second one I built, using an internal combustion engine I made by cannibalizing bits and pieces of various Firespitter parts to generate its electrical power. JD-110E: This is the first tractor I built. Worked okay. Powered by a forest of RTGs on the back. Mostly a proof of concept vehicle. JD110T: Tracked variant of the JD-110. I have one parked outside the SPH in case I want to move the displayed aircraft around. JD-150T: Heavier duty variant. Sturdier tracks, much muuuch larger frontal counterweight, WAY more battery. Nearly unstoppable this thing. Space Truck of Science!: An improved rover I built, again for 0.22 career mode. Worked pretty cool, drove like a dream. Sat two kerbals and commanded a full compliment of science gear. Now obsolete, but only because of the changes to how Science works in 0.23. Space Van MkII: A van I built recently using the doublewide RollKage cage. If I ever get around to starting a new career save one of these is getting shipped over posthaste. Trailer MkI: Failed attempt at building a trailer. Stupid free-spinning docking washers that don't actually free-spin once you've hitched up.....
  12. Yup. Landed there once, waaay back in 0.17. Drove to one of the easter eggs. Haven't been back since. No real reason to go there, to be honest, there's absolutely nothing there. Tylo's far more useful as a great big billiard ball used to pingpong yourself into Laythe's atmosphere than it is a destination IMO.
  13. My main engines are always liquid fuel, but I will quite often reach for the Rockomax BACC. Why, I hear you asking? Why would I use a solid motor instead of a more efficient asparagus'd liquid booster? Rule of Cool, my friends. Simple as that. Solid rocket boosters are much cooler than vegetables. Also on some vehicles I can actually save quite a bit of dV due to the solid motors having enough brute force to hit terminal velocity without the liquid engine's help.
  14. No. I'd prefer a toolbar-free version of IR but I'll check there and see about a solution. I activated the move mode but it won't budge.
  15. Huh. Nice to see these here, and they seem to work okay for traditional machinery. ...but they don't work at all for building trailer hitches. When attaching the trailer using KAS, in either docked or undocked mode, the docking washers I was using as freely moving hinge points locked up in whatever pose they were in. Oh, and can we get a version that doesn't use Toolbar? Toolbar is bugging the hell out of me. It's sitting in the worst possible place it possibly could, refuses to budge, and is just generally an annoyance with no benefits since I don't use enough mods with popup menus to warrant it in the first place.
  16. lolololololol ok. Edit: Huh. Oblong fuselage bits make great WW1 and WW2 era biplanes. They also make a damn snazzy tracked tractor! I also got the lanc motors working nicely. Six of them on an absolutely massive bomber. Used PWing on it. Ended up weighing just 17 tons empty and can carry an entire orange tank...barely...Gonna maybe make a video of that big brute doing something in the coming days.
  17. Thanks. Those miniguns are pretty tricky to aim right. No crosshair, bullet drop that would embarrass a mortar...heh. I still have some tinkering to do with the ballistics on the small guns, but that's more something to chat DYJ up since he made the thing. It's also worth mentioning that no kerbals were harmed in the making of that video. At least, not physically. Financially, perhaps, Jeb did kind of blow up two perfectly functional spaceplanes and a perfectly functional Kerbal X rocket, but they were all unmanned. Aaaah. Guess that's why making a low-wing bomber with those engines is nigh impossible, then. I'll see about building a high-wing bomber around them next time, should work then.
  18. Don't mind Jeb, he's just testing the stability of the Space Van...
  19. Hrrrmmm....Snjo, are the Lancaster engines supposed to be highly fiddly to attach properly? Because for the life of me I can't get the nacelles to fit into the wing. They always want to attach the very top of the engine nacelle to the wing instead, leading to impossibly unstable aircraft. Also, I'm uploading a video pertinent to this thread. Made a small monoplane fighter around the biplane parts and radial engine, armed it with a modified(RE: Shrunk) GAU-19 minigun, and went strafing things around the space center. Edit: Vid's up!
  20. Oooh, nice. They'd fit nicely alongside the medium bomber I just got done building. Some twin-engined medium bomber that flies like a dream and can carry two Lazor cruise missiles(or any combination of munitions up to that mass). Slow as balls, though. Heh.
  21. Space Van MkI ready for service!
  22. Just make your own competitor mod. Making part.cfgs is laughably easy, you've already done the hard part, so it'd be trivial for you to just make your own mod. KSPI aims for difficulty, you could perhaps make your version cater more to the people who just Clarkson it around? Tad on the easy/OP side, give some options to the playerbase?
  23. So how, exactly, do you get the telescope to actually telescope? The part description mentions mumechlib.dll enabling such things, but I tossed that in and absolutely nothing changed.
  24. I'm definitely gonna be giving this a try on my rovers. A genset like this makes sense on them. Compact, makes quite a bit of juice, and ideally requires a liquid fuel of some sort.
  25. Oooh, interesting. Any chance we might get an engine-shaped LFOx genset for microrovers? Something half the size of the 0.5m inline one, looking like a go-kart engine?
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