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Kenobi McCormick

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Everything posted by Kenobi McCormick

  1. Putting them in a place that could never be shot up without the plane being shot down is a good idea. Like, say, between the cockpit and the rest of the plane, which is where I usually hide things like MechJeb anyway.
  2. If I don't go overboard with the mods an install will last indefinitely. My 0.22, 0.21, 0.20, 0.19 installs all work fine. 0.18 and 0.17, however, are so heavily modded that they don't work properly. 0.18 won't even start and 0.17 crashes if I try to view the map.
  3. ...that's no Willis Jeep. That's a badass looking Baja 1000 truck! I love it. Oh nice, abusing the floppiness of KSP's joints to get a quasi-realistic movement out of a car. I love it.
  4. Nah. The life support in Bobcat's mods is far more recent than his frustration with the incessant begging that goes on on these forums. Though, admittedly, the life support also makes me reluctant to use Bobcat cockpits since I don't really want to have to deal with life support. I like a more arcadey space game.
  5. All the begging is why he doesn't release a lot of things. Also why he nearly quit releasing mods entirely.
  6. Ahh. I thought it was referring to my Space Van, which has wheels proportionally sized to the cage, which is what confused me. Yeah the wheels that come with the Kages are a bit big by default. I resized mine to match the wheels on the Space Van up there.
  7. Eh? What? That's a very confusing statement, what were you trying to say?
  8. Scroll up no more than ten posts and you'll see a release link for V1.0. And yes, they do work flawlessly in 0.23.
  9. Indeed. You can see it in the stock parts, too. The monopropellant tanks in the stock command pods, for example. And the batteries. And the reaction wheels. All of those would have been seperate parts in 0.17. But the new module system means the command pod holds all of those things.
  10. I see no reason why it wouldn't. Ever since we got the updated module system you can put as many subsystems on a single part as you please. I've seen modders showing off a semi-lifting-body shuttle-like thing that's one part and has fuel, monoprop, electricity storage, engines, full suite of RCS, landing gear, AND cockpit with full IVA. On one part. 'long as you set up the part.cfg and the thrust transforms correctly that tank should work quite nicely as a completely self contained RCS unit.
  11. AFAIK begging for early releases like that is against the rules.
  12. Yeah, but we had our fair share of ping-pong matches too. Shermans, for example. They were designed to defeat PzIIIs and early PzIVs with relatively thin armor, so they were given a low-velocity 75mm infantry support gun. Would do the job they designed the tank to do just fine, but if they found themselves facing down Tigers? Best thing to do was let that radial/V8 in the back deal with the situation as the gun would just **** the tiger crew off. Even removing P2W WoT is still beyond frustrating. Gonna be interesting to see what happens to it when WTGF goes fully public. I know I'll be jumping ship.
  13. InfiniteDice, your mod is awesome, but your documentation makes Firefox go thermonuclear. Seriously. It just spazzes out. Can't make its mind up how much ram to use, varying wildly between 300mb and 1.5gb, completely stops responding to anything, and sometimes will just randomly crash outright. Can we get a PDF version that doesn't make Firefox's brain explode? Google Docs seems to be made of failure...
  14. 88mm Flak cannon, eh? I'm already seeing a lot of Tiger 1s suddenly pouring out of the SPH...panzer brigade on the Mun, anybody? Hehe.
  15. I can confirm that it's almost impossible to hit anything smaller than a spaceplane without a gunsight of some sort. I've done it with the firespitter parts and a manually resized GAU-19. I can also confirm that building your plane so it resembles a gunsight and using chase cam remedies that. gonna be interesting to see what sort of targeting systems you come up with. I want to see a progression of tank guns starting from low velocity, inaccurate 37mm pillbox busters(Ala Renault FT-17), all the way up to modern cannons found on the Abrams and competitors. I also wouldn't object to a smattering of what WoT players know as derp guns. 105mm Sherman, for example. Or KV-2. Inaccurate, slow to reload, dubious penetration, yet they hit with such a massive explosion that all but the strongest armor cannot resist it. KSP's collision detection system is wonky, though, and breaks down at high velocity. I've had issues with it at just a tenth of orbital velocity. Sometimes I get bored and intentionally smash unmanned aircraft into large rockets on the launchpad and sometimes will watch the first third or so of the jet clip through the rocket before the physics engine realizes that a crash is happening. If it's that dodgy at just ~150-200m/s relative velocity I imagine it'd not realize there was a collision at all at 2km/s relative. I'm assuming, to get around that, InfiniteDice is going to be fixing that in his plugin though. I can confirm that it's almost impossible to hit anything smaller than a spaceplane without a gunsight of some sort. I've done it with the firespitter parts and a manually resized GAU-19. I can also confirm that building your plane so it resembles a gunsight and using chase cam remedies that. gonna be interesting to see what sort of targeting systems you come up with. I want to see a progression of tank guns starting from low velocity, inaccurate 37mm pillbox busters(Ala Renault FT-17), all the way up to modern cannons found on the Abrams and competitors. I also wouldn't object to a smattering of what WoT players know as derp guns. 105mm Sherman, for example. Or KV-2. Inaccurate, slow to reload, dubious penetration, yet they hit with such a massive explosion that all but the strongest armor cannot resist it.
  16. Ooooh, neat. Structural bits. Always of use. Also says you're open to requests, so I've got one for ya: Rover parts. Right now, structurally speaking, rovers are highly constrained. We're basically strapping wheels to either steel plates or rocket parts. Wouldn't it be just badass if we could strap wheels to parts that resemble vehicle chassis, parts sized for each of the three stock wheel sizes?
  17. Huh. Let's see what my six engine heavy bomber can pull. I've pegged the G-meter pretty hard in that thing before. Ripped a wing off entirely in FAR once. Edit: Huh. 13Gs exactly. In something the size of a small cathedral. With six Merlins on it...Right! Screenshots. Sitting on runway awaiting takeoff clearance: Bellyover at 10km altitude: And safely landed with 13Gs logged.
  18. Most of my Kerbals drive fairly sensible vehicles. Like these two: Jeb, however...well...he's Jeb. So he took a crashed fighter plane and built a car out of it. And of course Jeb also has a sports car.
  19. Hrrmmm...Ahh! Yes. I have one for you. Design and fly a Mun Rover that fits the following requirements: 1: No wider than 1.25m, no longer than 2.5m. Height is up to you. 2: Uses the F-Wheel from this mod. No stock wheels. 3: Seats two kerbals. 4: Has a full suite of scientific sensors, at least one Mystery Goo canister, and an antenna for transmitting data. 5: Can protect the kerbals from the bumps and crashes that come with blasting across the surface of a low gravity world at highway speeds. 6: Using modparts for structural and/or power generation is A-OK so long as you aren't having to resort to the debug menu. There are optional objectives, as well. They are: Make it look like an actual type of vehicle. Go-kart, ATV, car, whatever. Make it able to self-right after a rollover. Can be returned to Kerbin after the science has been mined. Has a science bay fitted. As for proof it's not impossible...well...here's my Space Van MkI:
  20. Unless your defense turrets only target the lazor missiles after they're fired they should decide the ones released by decoupler are a valid incoming target.
  21. My bombs are currently laz0r missiles released from a decoupler, which AFAIK would be targeted by the guns as-is.
  22. Idunno, I think it's doable. Barely. But you have to fly a very Stuka-like trajectory to do it and hope the phalanx guns decide the bomb you just dropped is a higher priority target.
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