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Posts posted by HoY

  1. I can run up to 600 parts without slowing down on my i7 3770k @ 4.7 with 32g corsair platinum ram, and a superclocked titan, running everything (Everything) at max settings at 2560x1600. Running with graphics set lower does Not improve performance one bit...

    Now, having physics delta set to 0.03 (i think thats the lowest setting) I can run 2000 parts and get fluid gameplay (10-15fps) but for every in game second it takes a full 20 real world seconds. This is fine for making videos, and they look great when you see them sped up to look real time, but playing like this is getting old!!!

  2. I had this posted before the purge, and I still really enjoy the craft, so here it is :)

    There is also a Warp Ring with the craft, however until I get around to finishing the updated version I wont post it unless someone asks for it.




    Keys are as follows:

    1 Toggle Jet Engine

    2 Toggle Nuclear Engines

    I have switched over to using MechJeb to handle the air intakes, it works Much better than doing it by hand, especially with 12 intakes.. (yes I know.. but its all about the numbers!)


    I included a video of its launch and orbit.

    Here is the video I posted earlier with 2 Interceptors docking with their carrier in LKO then being sent to Laythe. Currently they are still in orbit until 0.20.0 and Mining equipment. I'm looking for some little tiny rovers also, KegWay's or even Unicycles that I can load with Subassembly Loader so I can send them to meet up with the carrier.

    edit: I just noticed while looking at the actual .craft file that the docking ports have Lazor mod code on them, im not sure if they will load with a stock copy or not. If someone downloads it let me know?

  3. Spent 2 days getting the ships into orbit and docked/prepped. I wasted a couple hours trying to get a KegWay for each kerbal attached to the carrierfor delivery, but gave up. If someone has one that can be loaded into sub assembly loader, I have another ship standing by to deliver a bunch of them!

    I mention it in the comment section but I'll say it here too, I recorded in 1600p, then edited in 1600p, but alas.. when I tried to export it, it wouldnt export properly. just kept crashing.. so I had to export in 1080p which cropped it slightly.

    ps: yes, I will be sticking with 1080p from now on, until YouTube decides it doesn't want to letterbox higher res videos..

  4. Macey just did a 7000m/s aero brake at Laythe in his last video, and will be doing another one in his next video with his dreadnought with No Fuel remaining, only monoprop! I haven't done it myself but once my Laythe train finally gets its 200t rover attached after 0.20.0 I'll be right on it :)

  5. There's a good chance nothing has been done with it yet this time. Like last time it gets unstable for periods then better again. If enough people speak up they may be convinced to change hosts for the forums

    Also, accounts got deleted because apparently the last time there was a stable backup was October of last year. Not something that will happen often.

  6. Hair dryer set to cold?? Or any type of fan you can setup beside your case blowing in.

    Lower the room temperature to 18, take the fan off the CPU and clean out the heat sink. Without a case fan the CPU shouldn't overheat under full load like your describing. Next time you make an order make sure you get some thermal paste also so you can either re-seat the heat sink properly, or replace it with a more efficient one that can handle the CPU

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