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Posts posted by HoY

  1. That's one reason I switched away from using inline docking ports. You can't make a blended body aircraft with them unless they are stuck out like a goose neck. The twin jr ports dont look as good but try do the job. Could probably do a little but better by using a cubic strut in their place but clipped into the yanks then have the ports on the inner node of the cube... Maybe in the next revision!

  2. Toppling usually happens if your in the atmosphere and don't have a high enough TWR for your altitude. Generally below 50,000m you want to stay above 1.5, higher than that you can go lower but the higher you can keep it without compromising your craft the better.

    Do you have mechjeb or kerbal engineer installed to keep track of your dV and TWR? Or do you know the math to do it yourself(I don't but someone else could point you in the right direction on that)

    Edit: looking closer at your screenshot, you are firing all 5 mainsail engines, and burning them all out at once without using any sort of advanced staging. I believe if you add an extra half tank to each of the 5 orange tanks and configure it for asparagus staging it will get you into orbit a little bit easier. I'm just eyeballing it and guesstimating the mass of the cube to be around 30t

  3. I know it's been said before but it can't hurt to have it said more clearly lol.

    Throw a stack decoupler in between your docking ports while you are building the ship, then make sure it's in the proper place in your staging. Once your stages are all configured how you want them you can see your dV correctly in mechjeb. Before you launch simply remove the stack decouplers from between the docking ports. As soon as you get into the launch pad right click on all of your docking ports and disable cross feed, otherwise All of your fuel will get burned out of the core of your primary ascent stage as soon as all of its asparagus tanks are dropped.

  4. Can't edit my post again. Yay iOS chrome...

    Anyway, about your slight angle problem. The problem is the wing pieces themselves unfortunately. They aren't Exactly flat or completely 90/90/90/90 rectangles. That's one of the reasons my newer rings don't use wing pieces, but structural girders instead. They are measured precisely and have a more industrial look, but don't have the problem of being overly massive when you use too many of them like the flat steel plates do.

  5. When I built my ring for my spaceplane I actually started with the plane in the SPH, then built outwards from the docking ports. That way I know that while my plane is docked the thrust line is centered on the CoM, and I can fire all of the engines at once rather than just the ones on the ring (used 2 docking ports instead of 1 to ensure proper alignment)

    When it came to building the launcher I loaded up the craft with the ring on the plane, took nearly all the parts off the plane except the 3 fuel tanks the docking ports were attached to, and stuck an orange tank on the back of them then moved that whole thing to the VaB to build the lifter under it.

    Using quantum struts the only parts that touched between the ring and the lifter was the pair of docking ports.

    I don't use this ring anymore as I built it when I didn't know all the tricks, but the plane is still my favorite creation!



    And here's the long boring launch video of the ring And the plane, because I don't have any other pictures of the ring on its launcher lol

    Hope that helps inspire your launch platform development :)

  6. In an update coming soon the auto stage won't be global for mechjeb ascent helper. There Will be a global autostage but not that one. So we will be able to leave ascent autostage on but after its done circularizing it won't autostage any longer unless you have the global toggle on. I didn't check to see if that was added in a dev release but I believe The_Duck said it was on the list of things for a "soon" update

  7. Depending on the mass of each piece you know your going to leave in orbit but don't want there, add retrograde firing sepratrons that fire at the same time as the stage is released. With the right number of them the part will end up on a sub orbital trajectory, right where you want it! Could hurt your part count a fair bit for heavier stages, but things that you drop in orbit won't be too heavy any usually.

  8. Not sure what to tell you lol. Possibly try on another clean install of the game? Maybe something went wonky and your aerodynamics are off? Have you had any luck getting anything else into orbit lately?

    Also, all 3 jet engines firing? Remember I changed their hotkeys from all 3 on 1 to center on 1 outer on 2

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