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Posts posted by HoY

  1. A VTOL SSTO Hybrid rocket, Constructed for Laythe Light payload delivery such as rovers and satellites

    Lots of people are building them right now, I needed one and didnt like the ones I saw enough to use one of them, so I built one to suit my needs!

    Craft can be downloaded here:


    This is what you get: Ignore the mod parts in the later photos they are simply part of the payload I sent to Jool


    Firebat in the VAB:


    On the pad:

    Double tap G to lower the legs and turn on landing lights, then press Space to drop the docking clamps

    Throttle up and press space again (or 1 and 2) to engage the jet engines


    Fly straight up toll 9000m, pitch over like you would with a regular rocket ascent

    Pitched over to 45º at 20km, still only using jets at full throttle


    Leveled off at 30-31KM. Still on jets only at approximately 2/3 throttle.


    Fired up the LVN's at 34KM, left all 5 engines on until the outer 4 engines only run at 1/3 throttle or 45kN each

    Shut the outer engines off by pressing 2

    Thruttle to max pitch up to 30º with the 2 LVN's and center jet stull running

    Once apoapsis hits your target altitude (80km for this flight) turn off the LVN's and leave the center turbojet active. You wont realy be able to do this without MechJeb's Prevent Flameout.

    At 69km, where the very last kN of thrust gives out on the center engine

    Close Intakes with 4 and disable center jet with 1


    I got another 20m's out of the jet engine between 40km and 70km, so circularizing only cost 50m/s of DV at 80km


    The version pictured here has a payload of 8 ISA&Kethane Satellite Hybrid's powered by RCS and a single RTG. Uses KSPX parts as well.

    Ship Pictured also has quantum struts and MechJeb installed on it, not included in the link above! (purely stock with no payload)

    This was also the first time I flew it with 6 tonnes payload, i managed to hit 33km too quickly and while lowering to 30km again I undershot all the way down to 18km and had to climb back up. I have been flying this with half of the payload (4 sats 3tonnes) and easily achieved 100km orbit with 2400dV and 320 Jet fuel remaining (out of 600, about 55%)

    Let me know if this was worth the upload and the 40 mins it took to launch for those screenshots LOL

    I alt tabbed out while recording so KSP crashed before I could screenshot a landing for you folks, but I have mapped the 2 drogue chutes as well as the 8 radial chutes to 8, abort key opens all the chutes as well as killing the engines. 9 cuts the chutes!

    Oh and the Ladders are on 7!

    In case you were wondering. It's Called the Firebat because between 25,000 and 33,000m its under FULL re-entry effect due to the high TWR and traveling so much faster than Terminal Velocity.

    I just noticed the Payload fraction on this launch was 89%. without my little altitude error it can easily make 92 or 93%.... By payload I mean mass to orbit, not simply the 6 tonnes of the craft thats not part of it!

  2. I know, it was somewhat of a joke.. But it brings up another debate I haven't had in years about objects disconnected from the vessel which thrust is being applied to, while still inside of it then applying directional force.. Say the kerbal in the rocket uses his jet pack with its 0.75 twr then jumps up off the floor which is now easy since 25% of his weight is carried by the pack. He's now inside the rocket disconnected from it, does his pack now have a higher twr relative to what it had while it was a part of the rocket?

  3. Hello,

    Is there any way with MechJeb to show the Pe and Ap of orbits planned with a maneuver node?

    Currently I have to trial and error it by adjusting and hovering over the map view.

    There's an option in maneuver planner that lets you set your target apoapsis and/or periapsis by simply pushing a button and typing in the altitudes.

    There's also an option if you are doing a capture at a planet or moon that lets you set your target periapsis, tho I don't remember off hand where it's located. It works quite well :)

  4. It does not matter if you have engines or not on your playload, if you have a link between the playload and your launch stage, then the fiuel is drained...

    Be sure to cut off the crossfeed, or add a decoupler to prevent this.

    Docking ports connected via tri couplers do not cross feed fuel the way you'd expect. You can transfer fuel through them but they won't cross feed on their own. In short, no need to disable cross feed and this isn't the cause of his problem

  5. I didn't see it in your list (just Orion shield) but I'd love to see an Icarus shield, just the shield it doesn't need the engines and explosive bits behind it. Someone had made one a few months ago but it's not on spaceport and the thread was lost last month..

    I'm talking about 20-30m diameter with a stack node on the inside and outside center if possible :)

    It's simple enough to build out of stock steel plates, but it takes like 300 parts and weighs 50 tonnes lol

  6. The smart a.s.s. module has different modes, yes surface mode will work fine while in orbit, but orbital mode has things like prograde, retrograde, +/- normal and the like. Surface mode doesn't have the rest of these options.

    I simply would like to see the Roll field added to all the sub options in orbital SASS. The only reason for this is docking. Making sure your orbital constructions are all lines up properly by having them all set at Roll 0

    Actually adding Roll globally inside SASS would be better IMO, that way it's available in target mode as well.

  7. I watch the terminal velocity indicator like a hawk during launches of my high TWR jet aircraft, and while I am not positive about the effect below 10km being present at terminal velocity I can confirm it as near fact that above 10km the re entry effect Does happen AT terminal velocity, because up there I ride that speed all the way up to 40km altitude and the effect comes and goes as my speed catches up with TV and then drops behind it slightly.

  8. I ran into the exact same problem with someone else's large mother ship launch stage, I forget his name but his ship was called the Zues. The two pairs of engines drawing from the single location isn't handled properly in ksp, the tank can only take one request for fuel at a time so the delay between request handling means the engine that is second in line will have to burn fuel from somewhere else first before its given its requested fuel through the pipe

    The way I solved it was to add another set of tanks and engines stuck directly onto the side of the first stage set, and didn't use a decoupler. Now I piped from the new stack to the other half of stage two.

    Poorly explained, but if you need some help understanding it I can try again lol

    (It's really late at night !!)

    Here it is. Notice when the very first stage drops its two pairs of tanks and engines stuck together.

    Launching, Partially Orbiting, and then Re-Entering the Zeus Mothership.

  9. I have a request for you guys also, with regards to spaceplanes. As it is currently, allowing mechjeb to manage air intakes works great, except when you finally turn off your jet engine(s) the air intakes stay open. What id like to see is mechjeb close all intakes if there are no active jet engines. It will free up one of our limited action groups for something else!

    Oh and, add the "Roll" field to Orbital SASS too please!!

  10. In order to be more efficient while throttling down you most likely have a TWR of over 3. Anything less and you will probably not be getting anywheres near terminal velocity.

    A good indicator (if you aren't using mechjeb) to know if you need to throttle down is if you are getting re-entry effect during your ascent. Below 10,000m if you have the white trails and above 10km the fire then yes, you can be more efficient by throttling down. I'm not sure if it was intentional but the speed at which those start IS terminal velocity.

  11. Lol keep plugging away at it :) you're learning that it takes, and that's the best part of failing in ksp.

    I've built 3 different ssto's in the last week, all vertical launch with various sized payloads (40t, 30t and 5t, the 5 being the easiest one to fly and has the most range even when loaded) and it took me about 10 versions for each of them to get working properly!

  12. Just a heads up, I'm on hold with the next module because fusty (the maker of the common berthing mechanism mod) is updating his docking ports and they won't be reverse compatible with the ones I've installed.

    In the mean time I have started launching and testing satellites for Kethane scanning as well as ISA mapping. Expect a video in the next couple of days with that as well as their very functional SSTO launch platform!

  13. Starting this up again, going to film the tutorials over again with proper commentating and some background music!

    First video is up and ready, I will be posting all the new videos in this thread as I film them.

    If you have a tip or trick you want added to the list, let me know!

    Part 1: Using Multi-Docking port connections in the VAB

    Part 2:Asparagus Staging for Beginners!

    Part 3:Onion Staging for Beginners!

    Part 4:Pancake Staging! (And why you should probably not use it)

    Part 5:Docking two ships with no RCS using MechJeb!

    The Full Playlist is on my channel

  14. the problem I came across, is that at High altitude most SSTO space planes shut off all but a single jet engine to get the longest life out of it possible. Cant do that with this design, so it will just go up on all 3 until one flames out, or until you choose to switch to rockets only.

    I tend to ride the jet engines all the way up until the last center engine only puts out 50kn of thrust. If you were to go that high with dual or tripple engines a flameout would take the plane out in a matter of seconds

  15. Haha I'll give it a shot, but its more rewarding to do it yourself :) I've got at least 8 hours of play time tonight I think I can spare this one a half an hour! Need at least 4 hours to make some tutorial videos before I get too tired to speak lol

    The first thing I'm going to do is lose all of those solar panels!! I'm not a fan of panels tbh. I know you have them placed around for the rover wheels, but the part count must be kept in mind. Also their usability. With that many of them I'm just going to throw 3 rtg's on it instead lol. Might need to stick an extra battery in it but it will be more functional in the long run (unless you want to park and time warp in the dark)

    No joy on the trip to space :( like I said in the post yesterday, the engines need to line up or the thrust line will change when you switch engines..

  16. If you want to go as close to his as you can, it's One ram intake per jet engine. He also uses a mainsail which first draws its fuel from the 8 tall narrow tanks the jet engines are attached to before it uses the fuel in the jumbo 64 orange tank. That design works... But what kind of payload do you want to bring to orbit? If you just want to copy his it looks like he can bring up around 20 tonnes per flight (give or take a little)

    A similar sized ssto with different engines can bring up 40 tonnes, but it requires different piloting skills and patience to refine it to be reliable.

    You need to be slightly more specific with your request if you want a more specific response. The best tip I can give you if you want the most dV is to use turbojets and at LEAST 4 intakes per engine. The fewer intakes you can fit on the lower your final dV will be.

    I tend to use more than 10 intakes per engine whenever I can, because those engines are so amazing.

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