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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. 248. We only have three rules 1. Moar boosters 2.moar struts 3. Moar chutes
  2. 6.35/10 I've seen you before
  3. People referring to themselves in the 3rd person.
  4. What does this mean, imminent release, I'm excited!
  5. Jup of a cliff Would you rather be strapped to an Orion drive and launched in to space or strapped to a SRB butt first and launched into space.
  6. Granted, but I don't know what that is I want a functioning F9H rocket in ksp, that won't lagg my game so hard my CPU explodes
  7. I roll and your roll is invalidated
  8. True Person below me has killed Jeb atleast 250 times
  9. Upon reaching the source of the leak, I discover that it is not radiation but in fact a sandwich in an advanced state of decay.I then return to camp famished.
  10. Granted but they were all destroyed I wish for a functioning F9H in KSP.
  11. Supercalifragalistxpaldotios!
  12. Subject Change.... Post your Flags!
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