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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. Do I have to put a v forum restraining order against you?, stop messing with my threads!!
  2. when you can get to the mun and back in less than 1/2 hour
  3. ^ stop it damn you Just to get it all out what's in my head
  4. Oooh, its in unity and textured Looks like it might be released soon, just guessing
  5. What's going on by for non blondes Sung by He Man And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed....
  6. I've already asked Skunky via PM to close a thread but its been a while so could one of you close this one http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33594-Finish-the-Song!?p=417243#post417243 It's been hijacked
  7. This takes too much time to stack magazines, and symmetry doesn't work, how can I make it faster?
  8. Yes, but the there is only one timeline you can got to and it is filled with Bronies I want to be able to re enter the atmosphere without a spacecraft safely
  9. Indubitably,yes it is fun to mock the old beans!
  10. Jeb: do you want to see it in action?
  11. I might have to make a replica of the Orbital Science Corp Pegasus rocket with this
  12. I am unable to load the Craft Files I have installed everything I'm running ksp .20.0.162 For some reason I can't load the SABRE's either.
  13. I am unable to dock at the port at the end of the Mir core module using Soyuz,what am I doing wrong?
  14. I am unable to dock at the port at the end of the Mir core module using Soyuz,what am I doing wrong?
  15. Hadent thougth of that, might be I'm still running 20.0.162.
  16. Could you fix the Sputnik, when ever I try to launch it it rips through the struts holding it to my ship through the fairings thrugh the planet and back out at escape velocity.
  17. Yes there is I'm looking at mine right now
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