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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. Clouds from a KSP 1 mod and several paragraphs that say a whole lot of nothing. Great update!
  2. None of that thread is any solid commitments except the next bugfix. The rest is just meaningless words to sound like they're being more open.
  3. Not entirely sure what performance was improved and bugs were fixed with the patch because i'm still running at 7-12 fps with rockets that wobble like a wet noodle.
  4. Flew Gamma Centaur/Centaur Jr. Cosine losses kinda sucked. Payload was a Vega 3rd Stage and Mariner B. Had enough Dv to get the Mariner B out to jool though.
  5. What do i need to do to the SLA config file to be able to close the doors in flight? That used to be possible with the old version and I use it for reasons.
  6. As of the latest apollo saturn revamp a previously loaded save is now missing the "OGO-OPEP.2" part. The OGO folder in extras is installed
  7. still working on new shepard?

  8. The reason I want a Dropbox mirror is because it's easier for me to get files to my Dropbox from Dropbox than any other site(curtesy of the instant transfer function). I can't access the forums at the place I play ksp at (my school) because the ISP blocks it so I take the .zips from things I download and put them on my Dropbox. Thanks for listening.

  9. Welcome to the forums!

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