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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. finished my comms network, with an atlas 421 delivering 4 comm sats to a KSO with an inclination of 45 degrees prograde to the equator. and crashed a mun lander at 680 m/s when I over burned my capture orbit lowering burn.
  2. I launched a replica of the lunar prospector mission a while ago, using Athena v 1.2 here is its launch:
  3. here are some more pics I found in my screenshot folder: an atlas 541 taking a lander to the mun, but it failed to reach orbit because the lander was too heavy. launch: Ascent, shortly before fairing separation.
  4. i never said re-distribute, just save from being permanently lost.
  5. does anyone know if bobcat has alternate downloads of all his mods other than on spaceport? we stand a chance of losing these great mods when spaceport shuts down in a few days.
  6. there are several mods that are on the spaceport that exist no were else, like ansur-nieds JPLV pack. we need to save these mods for wiping. Proposal: people with open space on their online storage services should get these mods from spaceport and upload them there, saving them from destruction. I have already saved the JPLV pack.
  7. excuse the horrible pun but, you modeling skills make you *sunglasses* not so clueless after all. im done.
  8. question, can we get some sort of function to switch between different fairing textures with the click of a cursor, instead of having dozens of separate parts for different fairing textures.
  9. Launched 5 com sats into a polar orbit, at the same time.
  10. So, its June, are you going to finish or is this dead?
  11. Have you checked that the craft files say version=23.5? also: bobcat, you need to upload your mods to the new curse site, since spaceport is going down in a month.
  12. That's a beut!!
  13. Look at the progress I have made. Also, I think I'll just end up putting the model through unity myself, as crasher925 is AWOL.
  14. here are some more pics: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2zkz4zr6a411xf5/Screen%20Shot%202014-04-15%20at%208.41.24%20AM.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/iyzevi1ct45uy46/Screen%20shot%202014-05-01%20at%2010.30.22%20AM.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/gpchsy1gj2kk22h/Screen%20shot%202014-05-01%20at%2010.31.10%20AM.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubplcrhwo6kplw9/Screen%20shot%202014-05-01%20at%2010.31.20%20AM.png?m= https://www.dropbox.com/s/ylwptzsetnfp2x2/Screen%20shot%202014-05-01%20at%2010.31
  15. mechjeb, unneccessary in my opinion but good for people who are leaning the game
  16. yes payload upper stages, like the shuttle had (IUS,PAM)
  17. aborted minmus space station turned into an horibble rescue mission, fortunately all hands survived: images in no particular order but you could guess the chain of events :
  18. what happened to the landing legs for surface bases expansion? is that dead?
  19. is it possible to put subassemblies in the containers? it would be a nice feature.
  20. you should use this long march- it looks much better and uses its own engines.http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/chinese-longmarch-3b-2/
  21. I ask again, any upper stages planned for use with the KSO?
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