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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. this works, started my g-turn at 20 km. currently running OG2 replica mission. got off the pad with no delays the first attempt. in process of returning first stage now.
  2. The chat is filled with so many kerbal jokes, we even have illectro (Scott Manley) on there.
  3. Didn't you also add a 3.75 m single chamber engine in the new update?
  4. for me/karfofvelkuchen this doesn't cause lag so no lag fixing was done, but this update does fix several issues and balances the payload consumables. can you describe this issue?
  5. give the download a few hours, its still under review. in the meantime: DropBox Mirror:https://www.dropbox.com/s/rnt0sn72zv0lzhp/Antares%20Redux%20Mod.zip
  6. update 1.1 released. link is the same in the OP. changelog: edited antares fairing to not conflict with a squad part. moved the KAS/TAC .cfg to the download proper, just replace the part.cfg in the cygnus part folder with cygnuspart2.cfg adjusted the levels of TAC consumables to suit RL. Thanks for 213 downloads!
  7. Launched another falcon 9 1.1, got the first stage mostly recovered (I had it hovering at 20 m/s at 130 meters) but I throttled down and it accelerated and hit the ground at 40 m/s before I could do anything. Second stage recovery was similarly bad
  8. Image is borked upload too imgur and paste the bbcode in the image sharing thing.
  9. The centaur engine plate seems to be in a bad place, I think you should move it to structural; as it is a structural piece.
  10. Do you have plans to make the super 25 launch system into its own separate launch vehicle? It looks easy to do.
  11. Launched a dragon v2 on a falcon 9 1.1, the stack rotated twice around and I still made it into orbit. Also launched my first Duna probe on the only vehicle big enough to handle it, the Saturn v from FASA.
  12. good mod, although the stack has a tendency to flip at gravity turn. i had a falcon 9 1.1 w dragon v2 stack flip fully around twice while ascending and it still made it into and out of a stable orbit
  13. My plan for incremental falcon 9 reusability. Flight one: falcon 9 1.1 first stage boost back (no powered landing. Second stage stays in orbit. Flight two: falcon 9 1.1 first stage land boostback. Second stage deorbit and attempted landing. Flight three: falcon 9 1.1 first stage return as close as possible to KSC. Second stage KSC return. Flight four : stage one and two KSC landing. Flight five falcon heavy. Core stage return, booster boost back. Second stage KSC return. Flight 6 falcon heavy. Core stage return. One booster core return. Second stage return. Flight 7. Falcon heavy. Core and booster stage KSC landing. Second stage return. Ive completed flight 1-2 What plans do you Guys use?
  14. AIES Aerospace. chimer 4's atlas V 2.0 selected novapunch parts JPLV pack by ansur_nied protractor athena II. antares+ Cygnus mod (my own, check my sig for the link.)
  15. feel free to post it, nobody can stop you, and it will add variety in a free market system.
  16. Excited to see how this turns out, I would enter but I have little time/modeling skills.
  17. Would this work on Mac? I've been looking for something with this functionality for a while.
  18. 102 downloads as of now! thanks!. anyone know how I could add an automatically updating download tracker in my sig?
  19. Thanks for 67 downloads in two days! More than I expected. Can we get some more feedback on this mod and suggestions for future updates?
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