I can't get the edit orbit window to show up in the hyper edit main window, I can only get the ship landing window and the close tabs window. I am running .21.0 as .21.1 is too laggy for me to use.
Attempted to launch my Duna rover/orbiter/sat network on BlazingAngel665's delta IV heavy but couldn't get the staging right so I ended up making a giant asparagused monster which SRVD'd on the pad.
Sounds complicated, I really want a lengthened version of the orbus-21d from ganians Athena pack to use as as castor 30 for my Antares replica can someone make a .cfg for it?
On how to place 2 LV-N's next to each other on an adapter without their decoupler shrouds destroying them when staged . I remember seeing it stickied a few months ago (possibly before the Crash of April).