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Everything posted by Kerbal01

  1. I can't get the edit orbit window to show up in the hyper edit main window, I can only get the ship landing window and the close tabs window. I am running .21.0 as .21.1 is too laggy for me to use.
  2. Attempted to launch my Duna rover/orbiter/sat network on BlazingAngel665's delta IV heavy but couldn't get the staging right so I ended up making a giant asparagused monster which SRVD'd on the pad.
  3. Nice Work looking forward for part II!
  4. You should add a Soyuz capsule on top or something, maybe a DEMV rover.
  5. They were from an older version of the mod not included in the current version, romfarer must not have changed the OP.
  6. Could you make a model of the Russian NTR, the RD-0410?
  7. Granted, it slams into their houses killing them I wish for the ATK liberty to be canceled, it looks stupid.
  8. Looks cool, I know nothing about modeling so I won't enter but I will watch.
  9. For the probe? Looks like AIES but wanted to be sure.
  10. Meh, don't really want to boot camp just to play orbiter when ksp works fine.
  11. Hey Sal, could you provide some pics/test rig .crafts/subbasemblys using this technique? I can't seem to get it for more than 2 LV-N's
  12. heres an image of what I want could you make it for me?
  13. It isn't dependent on B9, why do you think you need it?
  14. Russels teapot would make a good Easter egg.
  15. Sounds complicated, I really want a lengthened version of the orbus-21d from ganians Athena pack to use as as castor 30 for my Antares replica can someone make a .cfg for it?
  16. How can we stop the stack rotating with SRBs? More reaction wheels? RCS in atmo?.
  17. Emand Kerman was the first kerbal to test my SSTO design to orbit successfully, sadly he died when a routine ascent went haywire.
  18. Ah.(10 char) I'll add it back from the old parts. What's next on the list for upcoming things?
  19. That'd be my problem, why was the delta II removed I actually like that rocket.
  20. On how to place 2 LV-N's next to each other on an adapter without their decoupler shrouds destroying them when staged . I remember seeing it stickied a few months ago (possibly before the Crash of April).
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