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Everything posted by Fiddlestyx

  1. These parts are experiencing texture problems in 0.20 I am looking into it.
  2. Maybe it was sabotage and the saboteur wasn't there the second time. I'm sure by now someone on Kerbal is tired of Jeb's antics.
  3. I'm not planning on doing anything with them right now as I am working on a new project. When I finish that I might make "boring" textures for the tanks. I have no plans to make different sizes and shapes (for now).
  4. I'm having a weird problem with an engine I am making. It looks fine in Blender but when I put it in Unity (or the game) part of it disappears depending on the angle it is seen from, namely the back or side. What causes this?
  5. @Romfarer, I have your Lazor Docking Cam installed and I love it. I was wondering though if there is some way to make the cam in color (like the Lazor Cam) instead of black and white.
  6. Orbur, the orbital tug. He is normally docked at the bottom of my space station, waiting for work.
  7. Hi again. I need to make a circle of vertices on my model, I tried using the knife and doing it by hand but I can't get a good circle. Is there an easier way to do this?
  8. It's me again, sorry. I am trying to join two meshes in Blender and I have watched tutorials, read tutorials online, searched, etc. I can't get them to stick. In the videos it says to be in object mode and shift+right click each mesh and then select join (or ctrl+J). 1: shift+right click automatically selects both. They can't be selected individually. 2: When I click join it says, "No mesh data to join" These are the meshes. I do have them overlapping when I try to join.
  9. @Nutbag Deluxe, this was my first time making a 3D model and I'm not very good at textures. There are screws (although only painted on) and I don't have much time to redo the texture right now (working on a new project), but if I find time I will try. @Scotius, if you want to resize it, just open the part.cfg file with notepad or word and under "// --- asset parameters ---" change the number under "rescaleFactor = 1.5" to something else. For example, "rescaleFactor = 0.5". You'll have to play with that number to get it the right size you want. After that you may want to change the amount of fuel too, which is in the part.cfg under: RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 1170 maxAmount = 1170 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 1430 maxAmount = 1430 }
  10. Thanks everyone. I'm glad you like it. I love to seem some pics of them in action!
  11. Well I spent the past few hours trying to fix the thrust on the old solid boosters, but I can't figure it out. If someone else would like to try, here are the old boosters. Booster download Otherwise we will have to continue waiting. Sorry I can't fix them.
  12. SpacePort download link While designing my space station, I decided I wanted to be able to re-fuel visiting ships, but I didn't want to use standard rocket tanks. So I designed these. I was inspired by similar tanks that I have seen in countless sci-fi series I watch. They function exactly like regular tanks and store a little less than half the amount of fuel in a Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank (orange tank). They are almost the same size as Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank (half an orange tank) I have included two versions in the file. A full tank and an empty one. The empty ones are much easier to get in orbit, but then have to be filled. So, I use a combination of both. If a ship visits my station and needs a little fuel, it can take some. Or if it had extra, it can leave some. Here is my orbital tug placing a fuel orb on my station. Here is my complete fuel orb module on the station. (My station will always have fuel to give and room to store more) This was my first time using Blender and Unity to make a 3D game model (A big thanks to everyone here that helped me when I ran into trouble). Please let me know if there are any problems. Please do not redistribute. Let me know what you think!
  13. If you are working on a mod that is not your creation solely for your personal use, it should be ok. If you are planning on redistributing someone else's work, then you need their permission. Make sure to give them credit either way.
  14. Hi, blspblackdeath. Camelotking524 and I have talked. He is a bit busy right now with RL, but he knows we are waiting on the parts. (I'm sure he'll get them done, but RL takes priority.) Hi dimovski. The problem you are describing is something I have never heard of. You should post a thread here (General Add-on Affairs), maybe someone there can help you.
  15. Press the "]" (above Enter) to cycle to the ship he is in.
  16. Ok, so I tried using the pure Blender file in Unity (instead of converting it to .obj) and that gave me a named mesh collider, but turned 90degrees on its side, and it still doesn't work. I also used a generic sphere mesh collider and that did turn green on the model in Unity, but it still didn't have collision in the game (can walk through it, can't attach things except at the nodes, can't grab it once it's placed in the VAB). I am lost. Here is the Blender file, texture, and part config. If someone could look at it and see whats wrong I would greatly appreciate it. (Please don't fix it for me, just tell me how it needs to be fixed. I want to learn, not have it done for me.) URL deleted. Thank you. :DEdit: I fixed it!!!!!!!! I created an empty game object in the hierarchy and placed my mesh in it and was able to rotate it correctly. Then I made that game object a child of my model and it worked. I'm so happy right now. Thank you everyone that helped me get this far! Only problem left is that the part is a little laggy in the game, I'm not sure why. Does anyone know what causes part lag? Edit 2: I fixed the lag. In Unity my model had an animator component. Since I don't have animations, I removed it and now the part doesn't cause lag. Some time tomorrow I should have the part up on SpacePort (have to name it and make a description).
  17. Yes, I am clicking apply when I check Generate Colliders etc. I think my mesh collider is named default and it pre-selects it (it is the same shape as my model). I noticed if I choose "cylinder" for a mesh collider it gives me the green lines, but default doesn't. I have no idea why. Here is the .obj files (from Blender) if you want to look at it, maybe that will help. I am at a loss here. FuelBall Thanks.
  18. I have the Generate Colliders checked, but I am unsure how to rename the mesh collider and mesh filter (where it says "default"). I can change the name of mesh collider in the Hierarchy panel, but no where else. I can't change mesh filter at all. Unless I am missing something? I also am unsure what to name it. My model is named FuelBall, so would the mesh collider name be "FuelBall" or "FuelBall_anchor"?
  19. Ok. I think I'm not getting a mesh collision in Unity (the lines should turn green if it worked?). I also noticed in the Inspector I have Default (Mesh Filter), and Mesh Renderer. Should those be there? I read something about making a node_collider in Blender, the tutorial never mentioned it. Do I need that to? Lastly, on the bottom of Unity it says, "The hull has more than 255 polygons. This is invalid." what does that mean? Sorry for all the questions and thanks for all the help.
  20. Thanks. I have the part file already and the part is in my game now. It is a little laggy and for some reason, a Kerbal can walk through it and things can't be attached to it except at the node. (I can't stick things to it like a battery or radial decoupler for example). Also, once it's attached in the VAB, I can't grab it again.
  21. Nyrath, thank you so much. I think it worked as I now have a model.mu and a model000.mbm file. Thanks again! Edit: It worked! Now I just have to tinker with the attachment nodes.
  22. I was able to figure it out, thanks. Now I am stuck on Unity. For some reason Unity only gives me a model.mu and no textures. If I add the textures to the part folder myself the part is invisible in game.
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