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Everything posted by LameLefty

  1. I'm at holiday festivities with family right now but I'll check this afternoon when we get home. Thanks for getting back to me. EDITED TO ADD: There was indeed. Thanks!
  2. Query for Blizzy or anyone else who's run into this before: In the last couple days, I've realized that MechJeb2 is no longer showing in the Toolbar at all, and Crew Manifest is appearing twice. Both the Crew Manifest icons work, too. And with regard to MechJeb2, the newest version MechJebMenuToolbar.dll IS installed. And it WAS working a few days ago. Toolbar is working fine with Navyfish's Docking Port Alignment Tool and with SteamGauges too. So the only problems I've got are that Crew Manifest is doubled and MJ2 doesn't show at all. Any idea how I can fix this kind of thing? Thanks!
  3. Sent my first probe to Duna last night in my new 0.23 Career Mode save. Forget to pay attention to center of mass and drag and such when placing my parachutes. Oops.
  4. Why is it "bursting his bubble?" He didn't claim it was a new feature, he said it was something he had discovered and was sharing his enjoyment.
  5. Yep, that's the long and the short of it. Do a crew report and EVA from the pad, take some surface samples on the pad and around the grass over by the oceanside. You'll get plenty of early Science to get batteries. Do a couple suborbital hops to the poles, to the grasslands or hills on the other side of the planet ... No need to even leave the planet without the first couple tiers of the Tech Tree completed. Tho' I'll tell you I managed a free-return Münar mission on my third flight in 0.23 without any real effort at all to maximize Science before hand.
  6. I'm still convinced that the MPL is now just being "live tested" by all of us in 0.23 with thoughts toward future tweaks. Its REAL import will only become apparent in future versions with a functioning in-game economy. When each part has a measurable cost, and each mission will cost a sizable fraction of available funding for any specific period of time, people won't be able to afford to launch ten missions to the Mün to return experiments unless they want to spend probably at least MONTHS of in-game time for the money to do so. Anyway, we'll see.
  7. I think "Whackjovian" just became my new favorite adjective. Ever.
  8. Well, you can't use the jetpack on Kerbin (for suborbital hops) let alone Eve. Basically, I find jetpacks useless anyplace with a gravity field substantially heavier than the Mün.
  9. Yes it does. It's working fine with 10.9 here thanks very much. Try posting more details if you want help: is this in career mode or sandbox? What other mods do you have installed that might be conflicting? Did you install correctly (i.e., drop the entire MechJeb2 folder inside the GameData folder?). More details would help figure out what's going on with your system.
  10. So just for giggles I opened up the persistence file in my current save to look at their stats. The only badass crew member I have right now besides Jeb is a "Desnard Kerman." He's about 20% brave and 60% stupid. Does anyone really know if the BadS flag affects anything?
  11. I don't use FAR but the Procedural Fairings mod is pretty great, even if it doesn't really make any difference in the stock game besides looks. Does anyone know if FAR works with Procedural Fairings to hive you any drag advantages?
  12. If you're also using Blizzy's Toolbar Mod, the "T" pins that MJ module into the Toolbar for easy access.
  13. Because "better" is a qualitative term, and a subjective one at that. If a "better" aerodynamic model = "more realistic" one, then it may or may not make for a "better" game experience for most players. That's my take, anyway.
  14. No of course it doesn't. But the name is definitely out of the usual range of commonly thrown-together random syllables Kerbal names.
  15. I wonder if that's a reference to Herbert "Daring" Dashworth from FALLOUT 3?
  16. If it's NASA audio, they cannot claim copyright to U.S. Government works. If it's the countdown audio from live network TV coverage (like, say, Walter Cronkite's voice from CBS), they might have a basis. Otherwise it's just another copyright 'bot run amok.
  17. I have a college degree in aerospace engineering and know quite a big about "real life" aerodynamics. That sh ... er, "stuff" ... can be brutally hard if you go for true "realism". While I'm not a huge fan of the current drag model, I am also not sure that true "realism" will make the game ultimately more fun, which is what I'm all about in this game. If I want truly more realistic aircraft, I'll dig out an old PC and play MS Flight Simulator or X-Plane. On the other hand, I really don't like the fact that nosecones in the stock game just essentially add mass and make launch dV requirements WORSE rather than better. So I voted that I have no opinion. It might be more accurate to say that I don't care for some of the problems with the current system but I can live with it; I know how it works, I can design for it, I like ridiculous asparagus-staged assclownery in my launchers, and the game is fun. So all in all, meh.
  18. Well I said this the other night but then last night I needed some new trainees for my expanding new-save program. I got Buzz (Aldrin, a first for me), Lars (?), and ... Billy-bobdos.
  19. I think the Science Lab will start to show its true worth in the next several versions as the economy is implemented. It's going to be essentially impossible in the stock game to just spam Kerbin, the Mün and Minmus biomes with a metric buttload of missions in a few game-days to max out the tech tree; you're going to have to take time to consider how much each mission costs you for the science gained - and the cost will be more tangible than just time in the VAB and then executing the mission. When each goo canister and material science bay costs a significant fraction of the mission budget, you'll have to try to economize and optimize your mission plans when you head out to Duna/Ike and Eve/Gilley, let along Jool. So then, when the financial costs come into play, the value of the Science Lab will become more obvious. As it stands now, I see it as more "something to do" rather than just being the best way to get the most Science!™
  20. Ferram's Kerbal Joint Reinforcement = Best. Mod. EVAR.
  21. I'm seeing performance improvements on my 2.0 gHz i7 MacBook Pro in space or when keeping the camera pointed away from the ground. However, terrain lag is the no better and ocean lag is noticeably worse. Alas.
  22. Worked through the first tiers of the Tech Tree in my new save (starting on Tier 4 parts), sent Jeb to land on Minmus for the first extra-planetary landing, and see about the new biomes.
  23. I haven't seen any "Billy-" Kerbals, but today in my new 0.23 career mode save, the first Astronaut Trainee in the list to hire was Jim (Lovell?) Kerman. I've had Gus (Grissom) before but never Jim.
  24. Yeah, the parts are there but they're not working in the VAB. Alas.
  25. D'oh! *falcepalm* I should've realized that. Well for those of us in the "correct" timezone who have to work for a living, late in the day is as good as early anyway.
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