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Everything posted by LameLefty

  1. Well, funny you should ask. As of today he, Bill and Bob are in a highly inclined, highly elliptical orbit around Kerbin following their return from Duna. Turns out they arrived slightly off-course and about 250 m/s short on dV. They have (according to Kerbal Engineer) 28 m/s dV left in the tanks. I'll send of a rescue tanker at some point tomorrow.
  2. Any word on the update? Chatterer is already one of must-have "simple" add-ons, along with Aviation Lights. Really looking forward to this new build.
  3. Can't help you with regard to KSP, but AnadTech did a writeup on the chipset a few months ago. http://www.anandtech.com/show/6993/intel-iris-pro-5200-graphics-review-core-i74950hq-tested/16 This is personally relevant to me because I want to replace my current MacBook Pro with a new retina model, but I'm very leery of losing a discrete GPU in the transition.
  4. Yep, sorry. Brain fart. Need more Friday night adult beverages to get my head on right.
  5. Just F2 to take a screenshot. Post it to a photo-sharing site like Imgur or Photobucket.
  6. Been doing it since 0.19 ... here's my first landing in Career Mode:
  7. This whole thread started as a troll (Not "BY a troll" - the thread itself is a troll). It's a drive-by shot intended to piss off all the regular players who love the game. And clearly it worked. Look, if you don't like the game, don't play it. If you have CONSTRUCTIVE feedback to the devs as they refine and improve Career Mode, by all means give it. But don't dump a massive insult-turd on the game's fan base and expect to be taken seriously. (And I'm a former spacecraft design engineer so I'm as nerdy as they come about a lot of things).
  8. I have one in my Sandbox save named Gus. He's my fave.
  9. Please scan through the last several days of the thread - this has been asked and answered several times since the mod was updated for Career. Most MJ functions are initially locked in Career mode. As you research Automation nodes through the Tech Tree, progressively more complex and advanced MJ functions are unlocked.
  10. I'm well on my way after a ... small mishap ... the other evening.
  11. I have three nodes left on Tier 8, plus the KW Rocketry node on Tier 9 (3.75m parts I never use anyway).
  12. These off-axis thrust losses are called "cosine losses" because the magnitude of the effect varies with the cosine of the angle. Anyway, glad to see you guys are trying to take it into account.
  13. "You just can't help but like Ike." Eisenhower campaign reference FTW, baby. I also like the "2001" reference when you're near Jool.
  14. Tried version 1.0 today and loved it! I did get some wobble between my payload and the decoupler it was mounted on. Four struts added from the top of the boosters to the payload stopped it. That was a fair trade since I was able to eliminate about 20 other struts between other parts of the rocket. Looking forward to trying version 1.1 tomorrow. Bravo!
  15. I have a degree in aerospace engineering and I cannot build airplanes in this game. At all. Period. Ordinary sized rockets? Sure. Space stations? No prob. But I just can't build a plane that flies worth a crap. I also tend to "think small" too much and fail when I build anything very large. I can build a lifter big enough to get a full orange tank into a stable 100 km orbit, with a large probe core and sufficient fuel/electricity to deorbit itself, plus a full RCS system for docking and monoprop sufficient to refuel another orbiting craft. Bigger than that I have a hard time designing it all in my head well enough to build it. So interplanetary missions tend to require multiple dockings and a lot of time to wrangle everything and get it all ready to go.
  16. I'll just leave this right here ... (Some nights, things just don't go as planned).
  17. With struts, all things are possible. (But don't forget some emergency "stay alive" flat solar panels in case you forget to deploy your solar arrays)
  18. Ditto. Clicking on the button seems to have no effect whatsoever.
  19. Um, yeah. They do. Methane makes a dandy rocket fuel though it's never been used in widespread practice. SpaceX just last week publicly announced their Raptor family of engines. Turbopump tests of what will be a 660,000 lbf engine will begin at Stennis Space Center next year. But kethane ain't methane ... in our world, "K" is Potassium on the periodic table, after all.
  20. I was being polite to the thread-starter.
  21. I think that's a function of your browser's spellcheck feature, not the forum.
  22. Occupying center-seat on my first Career Mode mission to Duna ... Notice the delight on his face.
  23. This is beginning to look very interesting! I intend to download and install it tomorrow when I start building my first career mode space station.
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