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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Wow... $80 grand for a one-unit cubesat... that’s actually in crazy-dedicated hobbyist territory. Note to self: buy Lotto ticket tonight.
  2. Aaaaaaaand there go my last few kilobytes of unused RAM.
  3. Elon said that won’t be till next year at the soonest. It will probably be a couple months at least until we see a second Block 5 flight at all.
  4. Oh, I imagine they’ve got even more than that in the pipe at various stages of assembly. But right now they still seem to be bogged down with that issue delaying Flight 3.
  5. Via SpaceFlightNow, SES-12 now NET May 31, but STP-2, second flight of Falcon Heavy is back on the calendar with a NET of October 31! If it keeps they’d better launch a pumpkin...
  6. all of this in a guy so relatable his response to his own megarocket was “holey flying —, that thing took off” ... with his own car on board. And people wonder why he’s got such a cult of personality.
  7. One would think that the quick-folding-after-launch thing is something they'd want to test before disassembly. I wonder if they had some kind of issue with it?
  8. Still no sign of those fancy folding landing gear...
  9. This is tormenting me today: Well, not specifically this, but rather the internet-famous David Armand interpretation thereof, which I can’t quite decide is forum-friendly or not despite being broadcast on prime time TV. Kinda weird having a silly dance stuck in your head...
  10. Told ya it was coming. You may get run over by a glacier before it actually gets here, but it’s coming.
  11. Every time I hear discussions like this on here, it makes me want to dance a little jig that I’ve been out of school for 20 years...
  12. some part of me wants to see this in a thrilling high-speed, very quiet chase around the Space Center grounds.
  13. Year 10, Day 28... A quick update, as we're quite busy around the Space Center. First off, we've launched our latest Flagship-class interplanetary mission! The engineering team has learned well the lessons from our previous rovers and long-distance landers... ...I think. Mostly there's been alot of undignified giggling as they peek behind their technical manuals. I've learned it's best not to ask too many questions, there.
  14. ... that reminds me... *adds canned air to Amazon cart*
  15. Or can you only click a singularity?
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