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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Exactly, it’s like they put it together and never bothered to actually weld it! An awesome guy from the local Suzuki Samurai club back in AZ taught me, I’m by no means elegant with the craft but I’m at least more functional than this factory! When I weld something, by gum it stays weldt! occasionally creating an even bigger problem...
  2. This would be funny if it were happening to someone else... The Wife and I finally put steel to dirt to dig fence posts for what will be a glorious fenced-in garden. Halfway through the first hole... ...THE FLARPING AUGER JUST SNAPPED! OF ALL THE SKIDDLEY-SKADDLEY DING DANG DOODLES...! Some potatoe Head only tack-welded the collar on, no finish welds at all! aand the dang thing is brand new! And the final kick inna fork is that now I have to at least go thru the motions of the return process instead of just welding the dang thing up myself.
  3. You must crash the one into the other. ಠ_ಠ
  4. Maybe they figured if that have to go thru all that NOAA license rigamarole they might as well make it worthwhile...
  5. and such a thing would no doubt have had live pilots in the very nose, seeing that rush up at them... Out of likes of course, so, snarky commentary. Contributing something actually useful.
  6. Aaaaaand I missed the whole thing. Now to weed back thru a hundred new posts... And what are they using to mount the first stage camera with now, silly putty??
  7. That 24-hour turnaround won’t be standard practice at all. It’ll (probably) be a one-time “stunt” just so SpaceX can demonstrate that they can. There’s really no need for that quick a turnaround even in a perfect world, and then there’s the regulatory hurdle of how many launches per x they’re allowed in the first place. I suspect such a demonstration might go up at Pad 39 first and 40 the second, or vice versa too.
  8. If it’s just put a payload into space, one could argue it’s just had a very thorough static test fire...
  9. No, not really. Still a tube that holds a pressure difference less than one ATM, with a couple hundred or so degrees of temperature shift, in a relatively benign environment. The pressure tank in question must contain many hundreds of atmospheres, at cryogenic temperatures, surrounded by pure oxidizer. This isn’t a SpaceX thing, per say, hyperbole aside, ULA or RocketLab, etc, would have the same claim to such an argument if they’d designed it. If it works...
  10. In all fairness, pressurized airplane fuselages have been around for nearly a hundred years, and haven’t changed all that much. The stresses in a high-pressure helium tank are just a bit higher...
  11. You see, Ivan, when install thing backward you... um... er... ...nevermind, just run, I hear Kommissar coming... Ok, they seriously need to give real names to these things!
  12. For a split second there, thought the KSC was some awesome, ginormous space station in orbit... Interesting... so you’ve got the center engine firing thru that decoupler? That actually works?
  13. After that huge LOX vent that just happened, I’m inclined to agree. C’mon, SpaceX, prove us wrong!
  14. Must be really bad if someone dropped a spoon in shock...
  15. And here we begin to see how using a ginormous BFR to launch a commsat might actually make economic sense.
  16. I’m guessing they’re not running at that much thrust for this flight, but they could. And Boca will be the new home of BFR.
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