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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. This. Not to mention introduce high-speed shrapnel into the throat of an engine you need to fire in a few minutes... They should launch one anyway, even if it’s a small one. That should be a thing, buy a Falcon Heavy launch, get a little car free.
  2. Aaaaand this is probably why they decided to try that kooky bouncy house bit first. Sounds reasonable in context.
  3. Oh come now, it’s so obvious. Elon is really@Just Jim, since they’re both clearly trying to take over the world.
  4. G... give her a fair and impartial trial in a neutral location, by an unbiased jury of her peers, and only if convicted remand her to a diversionary program and monitored therapy so she can learn to deal with her antisocial behavior, anger issues, nascent fear of abandonment, and tendency toward insensitive microaggressions all while learning useful skills and sustainable living practices so that she can rejoin society as a whole person?
  5. Your L2 cache or some such computery bottleneck... “Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.”
  6. Last I heard one fairing half is equipped for soft-landing in the water, they’ll pick it up later.
  7. It’s a stiffener for the engine bell until it’s running. I hear it’s so flimsy you could seriously damage it with a hammer on the ground. Once the engine is burning, the bell sort of “inflates” and the pressure holds it rigid.
  8. Bullseye! Was it just me or was that like the slowest landing ever?
  9. Indeed. This one’s right on one of my breaks, let’s go TESS!
  10. So they’ve got the terminal side of things down, now they just need to hit the side of a barn with another small building from the edge of space. That’s quite the reach...
  11. Well, there was DISCOVR, but I don’t think that’s the same class. With both BFR and New Glenn operating within a few years of each other, the business case to keep Arianespace and entourage running will start to get mighty shaky.
  12. Well that’s the thing, can they glean enough data from that lil thang for full-on hypervelocity landings? SpaceX had the luxury of testing landing procedure on “spent” boosters, and still does. I seem to recall BO saying they’re going to recover from day 1, tho I could be wrong. And it’s probably changed anyway. We will certainly never see the BO equivalent to this:
  13. Not pragmatic enough, wouldn’t demonstrate the lift capacity. I’m expecting a nice, boring, practical hunk of concrete... which we’ll be told about a week after it happens. Tho I wonder if they might start out with NG “grasshopper” flights? The factory’s done, so we should start seeing some test hardware soon.
  14. Competition is good, and sorely needed in the industry as it will benefit everyone. But they’ll never do anything as cool as Starman go on and prove me wrong, Bezos.
  15. Yeah, fanboi as I am, that video lost me at “biggest rocket ever built...”
  16. Yeah, but... 150k cubesats with no propulsion all in the same orbit... I’m reminded of that one scene from WALL-E. That, or the start of earth’s very own Halo ring...
  17. Gifycat makes Imgur on mobile look easy. The forum won’t parse the link unless it has a .gif extension. Sometimes the “insert other media” button will work, tho. Good Kerm... The things Kerbals go thru just to get a pack of snacks, an entire park full of Kerbal thrill rides should be a truely terrifying concept.
  18. Switched that to an Imgur link so it’s direct to the forum, everyone should behold this glorious thing! reminds me of my childhood... and also crying and blood...
  19. *inhales* I CAME IN LIKE A... take it away @Triop!
  20. It’s Business Time delayed, date TDB at this point. Listed after the 25th on SpaceFlightNow.
  21. Not if they have a giant party balloon... and a bouncy house... Bouncy house probably won't help with the aerocapture, but c'mon, bouncy house in space y'all!
  22. Wait, don’t rockets generally use rivets? No, bolts! Bolt all of this! With explosive bolts! what’re we bolting again?
  23. This is the impression I got. Also might be some DSN access conflicts.
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