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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Lol, yeah your post came up between when I hit the post button and when the screen refreshed.
  2. I think the eventual plan is to use a Mars transfer that cuts the flight down to only 3 months or so instead of 6. Even at 6, it's possible for travelers to still be functional once they arrive there, especially if they have support waiting.
  3. IIRC he mentioned this around the time the first B5 launched, would most likely be some time next year I think.
  4. No, it’s the booster from the Zuma launch back in January. That first Block 5 has many weeks of inspections ahead before it flies again, if it ever does. Also, this:
  5. Capo... Sounds like all @KSK‘s fantasy is missing is a pony-tailed foul-mouthed comedian and a Sufficiently Advanced Phonebooth. And also the Grim Reaper and a bipartite alien with a most excellent Martian— er, anyways... But continuing the musical metaphor and the foul mouth too, I suppose I’m reminded of a quote from Dave Grohl: The same applies to any art, or any skill at all. You have to be bad before you can get good. When I think back to some of the cringe-worthy crap I wrote back in high school... And yet I still see the side of grin-worthiness in it, too. Sometimes it’s a challenge just to get over that fear of “this is crap, why am I bothering?” and put pen to paper, as it were. But that’s where everyone starts. Go back to any respected author’s earliest works and you’ll no doubt find a great heaping plate of suck. Stephen King’s The Gunslinger is one great example, especially the early unabridged edition. By all means a superb story, but oh, the adverbs!
  6. It’s extremely difficult to judge the speed of an object coming directly, or nearly so, at you, and squirrels don’t have the best eyesight to begin with (attuned more to movement I think). Me? I’m sitting in the ER with my wife. Which is neither funny nor, thankfully I suppose, all that interesting. The nurse is Vlad. Vlad has the personality and beside manner of a damp sponge. I’d rather we had one of my Vlads. Any of them. Even the nutty one. Come to think of it, IIRC they’re all pretty nutty. What was that about squirrels?
  7. Aw c’mon, Pete, if you know when you’re gonna announce it, you prolly know well enough what you’re gonna say, so just spill it already!
  8. Yay, time to be rid of those boring old Block 4’s...
  9. Shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque...
  10. Ok, so what was it? ಠ_ಠ Me, thanks to @Just Jim, I stumbled upon this on Spotify. However, because... reasons..., the only lyrics I actually hear are...
  11. We need more mass! Or... perhaps... just more density... Quick, someone bring in a bunch of flat earthers and make them click!
  12. I think the made-of-wood look to the trunk is to accommodate the solar panels. Either they haven’t been installed yet (most likely, they’re fragile), or those long white strips are protective covers. This is still a very much unfinished product.
  13. Maybe it’s for man-rating? I dunno if the old Dragon has to meet the same pressure requirements. Also, Steve-O en route:
  14. Today I got run over by a kangaroo, fed an evolved dinosaur that once beat the Australian army, and spent $10 to deliberately plant a weed.
  15. Oh, good. For a minute there I was worried I'd have to distract myself from advancing my own save to make this. Well done. Obligatory ba ba baaaa babababababaaaaaaaaaaa...... babaaaaaa....
  16. Well, the one on the left, at any rate... The one on the right is what they should have looked like 10 years ago, Space hard hat. or rather... sending people to space hard hat.
  17. @Angel-125 So... have you or have you not already secretly made an Enterprise with your saucer bits?
  18. How many hungry aliens waiting in anticipation until their crop is ripe?
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