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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. They practically give these things away. Occasionally, they actually do.
  2. Too close for missiles, switched to guns. If you equipped them with cameras, I wonder if they'd keep up diplomatic relations?
  3. Unless you happen to have a crafty, spherical, slightly unstable robot buddy determined to get you into space... Chris needs thermal certain failure.
  4. One bit i am missing, here. Maybe it's just late, but, what's the meaning of the chapter title?
  5. Me, on mobile, on my commute home: "Daflarp won't this page load?!" "Daflarp won't this page load?!?" "WHY THE FLARP WON'T THIS PAGE LOAD?!?!?!?" *gets home to actual computer* "Oh."
  6. ClickClickClick-Click, ClickClickClick-ClickClick!
  7. You've never met my cats, then. They've even been known to... click.
  8. Just guessing here, but I don't think they have the facilities anywhere else for an all-up stacking/fire. 39A will be the first site upgraded to handle FH.
  9. Yup. Musk seemed mighty nervous about it, too, in that release.
  10. Kerm. Flarping. Dangit!!!!! I thought I fixed all those long ago. thanx for the note.
  11. Irony of an author correcting his own grammar to a language he invented.
  12. Which mod are you using for LS? Can kerbals not even go a few hours without a drink? I know I can't. But that's cuz it's like 90 degrees out. Celsius.
  13. Awwwwww yiiiiihhhh Clickity-clack like a luggage rack.
  14. According to the authority... ... it's more like two million. Or you're gonna have a really bad day.
  15. Probably something related to all that "this is going to be really hard and it's likely to explode (sic)" talk from Elon a few weeks back. It's been speculated by those running the numbers that a pushback to at least November was likely anyway. The question is, have they been putting this range-mandated down time to good use at 39b?
  16. Well now... I am absolutely NOT keeping this tab open to play that at full volume tomorrow when my wife's not around! At least now CircusAfro isn't... nope, still there. Kill me. Please. @tater
  17. Here's the last one where it did "it." I can't see any rhyme or reason to it, every time I've checked the log before, it just seems to have... stopped. Always at the same place on any one incident but in different places between them, if that makes any sense. The only thing I've been able to tie it to for sure is too many active vessels. *I think.* I'm about to go try it again and see if it's still working. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rrt61pyyakwbxzs/KSP.log?dl=0
  18. Noice, Sunday launch with RTLS! if I don't melt by then.
  19. Dear Sir, please at least browse through the last few pages and take time to read things. A 1.3 update is in the works. Eventually. It will take time. It is generally considered quite rude here to pester mod makers about updates, possibly a TOS violation as well. Ninja'd by the Purple Ninja. (Donny?)
  20. Hey I've got one of those outside right now, he won't shut up! but no, let's try @insert_name...
  21. Nope. I think I've traced it to number of active flights, too. I culled it down from more than a couple dozen to around 12, and got it to load once, so all is not lost quite yet. Plus, I've got a couple more missions screenied and in the production pipe. But a point of diminishing returns may be on the horizon if I can't have more than a dozen useful things.
  22. Check out the SmartParts mod. It's very light parts/mem wise, and can do handy things like automatically deploying a chute, just in case. Also, I just found a matching pancake.
  23. 90*, due east. You'll still end up in a 9.something degree orbit, but this is the way to minimize your losses. Same thing happens launching out of Cape Canaveral, head due east for the most efficient launch possible, end up in a 23*ish orbit. But usually they don't do that, since there are benefits to having a bit more inclination than your launch site (more launch windows to rendezvous.)
  24. Sigh... Well it would appear I'm at a crossroads now. Kerbalism seems to have irreparably derped out on me, right when things were getting interesting. I can't get the game to load unless I remove the Kerbalism .dll. So if I can't get that figured out, I'm stuck between scrapping the whole thing and starting over in 1.3, or continuing on without Kerbalism, which was kind of the whole reason I started it. Somehow that base on Iota doesn't seem nearly as challenging without it, but there's still plenty of planets out there to explode. PЏҬЇИ.
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