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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. I have exactly 16 minutes between liftoff and my signin time @ work. Mobile devices FTW! Now if I can just get to the parking lot in time...
  2. Year 6, Day 260... IOTA-UNNAMED HUGE ROCKET 2 LODVIN - NEGY - HADALD PETE So, with the crew of the space station fat & happy, we're going to sneak some more poor suckers brave souls right past them for our first landing on Iota! Getting more comfortable messing with ridiculously huge rockets, and gaining confidence that doing won't kill us all in an enormous fireball, the engineering team has put together a proper heavy-lift vehicle. but I wonder why Lodvin's been so quiet this whole time...
  3. Good article here: https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/08/13/rocket-lab-finishes-test-flight-inquiry-plans-second-launch-later-this-year/ Apparently the excessive roll during first stage burn really was deliberate, to a point, so they could study how the interaction of the nine exhaust plumes crated roll torque on the rocket. Despite not making orbit, they did make it to space, so they got to test the living snot out of everything (even the flight termination system ), and everything performed as expected. Except Murray the cable guy, unfortunately. Next rocket is due to be delivered to the launch site in October, and while still a highly instrumented test, will carry several cubesats.
  4. Naw, this is still just a train. First time they raise that Heavy on Pad 39, that will be a maddleflappin hype rocket.
  5. Same here, but I'm not expecting anyone to back me up when it all goes 19.
  6. This is where you're going to have problems, bruh. It's going to be very difficult to find support and get mods to work when your install is half a dozen versions out of date. You're pretty limited in what you can do with modding planets in stock, and no mod author is likely to provide support with a .90 compatible version of anything, if such can even be found. You're not being criticized, we're just telling it like it is. You'll make life much easier on yourself if you upgrade to KSP 1.3, Kopernicus planet editor is pretty easy to learn, and if you've no existing save you're trying to preserve (which modding planets would destroy anyway), there's really no reason not to upgrade.
  7. Those are the SpaceX BFR solar panels, right? What mod they from?
  8. You know what they say, the best lies are built on a core of truth.
  9. Nope. Wonder if @Badie has anything better to do than hang around the Squad office on a Friday night.
  10. Er, sorry about that, I had Taco Bell last night and... oh, you meant him. Um... nevermind.
  11. @tater if you're on a PC and using Chrome, try pasting as plain text, that seemed to get it to work for me the other day. If you're on mobile, then, well...
  12. Well, it all started with "My Bologna," but, well... just don't ask.
  13. Heh, I've got a couple of these little buggers hanging around too, thanks for the... info. Be a real shame if something... happened to them. Edmund Kerman? Should probably get those spots checked out. Might be something... serious... @Spaceman17 Please don't quote entire posts with multiple images, unless there's a specific reason. You can click in the quote box and pare them down to what's relevant to your reply, highlight only what you want to quote then click the 'quote' button that appears, or simply tag the user with @[username].
  14. Might have to steal prophesy this True story: my wife was behind this guy on the ferry the other day. Didn't realize it at first, she was busy checking out his car (Maybach). Then some drunk totaled it a few days later.
  15. Convergent evolution, I swear! Yeah, but like, what's it doing on Niven? And how much extra is the shipping gonna cost?!? Perhaps I should send a crew to investigate...
  16. Year 6, Day 212... So.... 18 days to cobble together a rocket before the crew on the UpLab is reduced to eating each other and drinking their own life fluids. No sweat, right? Well, as it turns out, it wasn't that hard. Water and oxygen are recycled, so we didn't need that much of those, but we were getting nervous about the food situation until Vlad suggested simply changing the label on the "Not Food" bin to "Food." Problem solved! So what if the crop was all fuzzy and wiggling, right? Strange things happen in space. Now well supplied, the crew can kick back and take bets on who's going to start glowing in the dark first from the radiation.
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