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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 2 hours ago, sh1pman said:

    The tests of the robot to ensure the anti-terrorist security of the Vostochny cosmodrome will take place in the near future, said Dmitry Rogozin, general director of Roscosmos.

    Sooooo… how long til Russia gives control of their nuclear missiles to a highly advanced AI which begins learning at a geometric rate? Asking for a friend… by the name of Ivan Connorski… :wacko:

  2. Took the puppy on his longest adventure yet today.

    First he went to the pet store where he was instantly fawned over by mobs of random strangers. Which he loves. I mean, c’mon, just look at that face…


    [file photo… silly amount of new ones following…]


    Then we headed off along the North Cascades highway. He met another puppy in a parking lot who was, to everyone’s surprise, three times his size and ten times his excitement level. He was somewhat less ok with this… he’s not used to being on the receiving end of limitless energy and unbounded enthusiasm. 

    Along the way, found the local high school. Which apparently is also the entry to the local airport..? 

    :wacko: odd land agreement there…

    Then it was miles and miles of forest-canopied roads like this:


    most were actually better than this… took a while to remember I had a camera. 

    Also picturesque river scenes:


    Here’s a view of a tree you don’t often see:


    the bottom… as in, under the roots…

    Lots of wooly bear caterpillars around… looks like it’s gonna be a bear of a winter…


    Also lots of dead salmon…  but you don’t need to see that.  Circle of life and whatnot. Instead here’s a pretty forest trail.


    You cannot convince me a fairy or something does not live here:


    We treaded carefully.

    Puppy discovered water that he can’t possibly splash the entirety onto the floor, he was most confused.


    And then there was driving… and driving… and more driving…

    which he took entirely in stride.

    or… in sleep….


  3. 9 hours ago, Deddly said:

    A few years ago, the word we don't allow on this forum for the German army in WWII was automatically changed to "bad person". The word filter was later changed to "pedant". Moderators can edit their own posts without the edit being visible, though I usually tick the box to make the edit visible. In this case, I forgot about the change to "pedant" when I typed my joke and made a quick edit within seconds and figured nobody had had a chance to read it yet so no need to tick the box. Oh well. :)

    Not even moderators can escape the all-seeing Eye of Sauron Google… :ph34r:

  4. 5 hours ago, mikegarrison said:

    I am sometimes amused by the almost touching faith that people have in "rocket scientists".

    I am not at all assuming that SpaceX has "done all sorts of simulations of exactly that". That's really the whole point of "move fast and break things" -- to not spend time simulating everything in great detail when you could actually just build and test it.

    I still remember how floored I was by SN8's flight. The descent, using a control method never before used, especially at that scale, was absolutely rock solid. No oscillating, no wobbling, it was under complete control the entire way up and down, to the point of engine ignition. That kind of control can only come from extensive and exhaustive simulation. The ultimate failure was a hardware issue, of the sort of thing that's extremely difficult to properly simulate and only rears its head in actual testing. 

  5. 45 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    The only pure ballistic re-entry vehicles (i.e., no lift) that humans have ridden are the Soyuz capsules

    Er... Vostok/Voshkod? Pure spheres...

    27 minutes ago, Lisias said:

    But such L/D on subsonic speeds will not hold, and the thing would fall as a rock.

    Not quite a rock, they've already demonstrated pure aerodynamic control during terminal descent: close enough to the pad for the engines to get it the rest of the way. F9 also has a 1:1 LD ratio as just a cylinder with fins. 

  6. 28 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    Wearing the airlock on your back is both stylish and comfortable. 

    Especially while ice climbing on Europa 

    It’s a really cool concept if you’re unfamiliar, basically the back of that suit “docks” to the hab/rover/crashed lander etc. Ivan climbs in, hatches close, then goes around slaughtering his enemies like Death incarnate with that scythe (FITTING HOW RUSSIAN ONLY HAS CAPITAL LETTERS, Death grinned), docks again, climbs out, then goes on to celebrating and/or pondering his own impending demise without tracking the blood of his foes that tricky regolith all over the nice clean space carpet. 


  7. 44 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    While hexes are simple and break up the flow of plasma effectively - scale structures could improve or reduce drag and provide similar plasma protection 

    Air drag gets a lot of conversational real estate in this thread, but keep in mind, it’s a bit of a lesser concern vs airplanes. After the first couple of minutes of flight it ceases to be a concern at all, really. A rocket only needs to be aerodynamic enough, obsessing over minimizing every tiny bit of drag loss quickly becomes a diminishing return. If you’ve ever seen a closeup of the shuttle ET, or even an Atlas V, the surface is extremely rough from the insulation. Making it less so just isn’t worth it in the grand scheme since it’s a trivial loss vs the mass penalty (among other things) of making the skin perfectly smooth. I reckon it’s a similar deal with Starship, the tiles are aerodynamically good enough. At least for now. 

    13 minutes ago, mikegarrison said:

    The word you want to search on is "riblets",

    Mmmmmmm, riblets


  8. 54 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    the BFR pulls an "Astra" and flies off in the 'wrong' sideways orientation... a whole lot of stuff can go buh-bye in a hurry.


    BFR is much more tolerant of losing a single engine than Astra is. :D

    Also, SpaceX has to work with that they've got, they don't have nearly the real estate down there that KSC does. Hopefully they've already had enough on the pad Oopsies to retire that risk as much as possible. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, Beccab said:

    They said that he is not a paying customer, so likely this is for PR I think?

    Yeah, otherwise he might have to pay for two seats, he’s been looking a bit… tribble-esque the last few years.  
    Oh, and a third seat for his ego. :D

    still love the guy. Kirk>Picard. 

  10. 53 minutes ago, MKI said:

    Getting a camera out of the trunk have it "stick around" and then have Dragon be observed later might be high risk = low reward, when the reward is a picture, and the risk is bashing into something.


    It’s a really, really cool concept, but most things related to crewed spaceflight don’t respond well to being bumped. I think the Chinese Mars lander actually did something like this, ejecting a tiny camera bot to take pics after it was on its way, but that’s a much lower risk situation when it’s constantly getting farther away and not doing anything… complicated. 

  11. Today was the annual blood sacrifice to the ancient Armenian deity of suffering and mortification, Rubus armeniacus.*

    However, the sacrifice of human flesh was found wanting, and the harvest was poor.


    Fortunately, still had the previous harvests from the last couple years in the deep freeze. And a few dozen pounds of strawberries:


    Many hours of blood, sweat, and tears later: three & a half gallons of berry jam and a gallon of cider in the fermenter. 


    My. Kitchen. Is. So. STICKY!!! There's schmutz on the counters, schmutz on the appliances, schmutz on the ceiling--

    How the flarping flapjacks did we get schmutz on the ceiling?!?

    The dishwasher has plotzed and the trash is overflowing, but our Christmas "shopping" is done.  :cool:

    *Anyone who's ever picked, traipsed through, cleared, or even looked at blackberries knows exactly what I mean. Oh, and there were wasps too... 

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