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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 1 hour ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    How galling it must be to have worked so hard on something like this - and then know it is gonna be a reef. 

    No more galling, I reckon, than putting together SN16 and find out it's not going to do anything interesting. :/  Compensation is, they get to watch this sucker take off, in the flesh. Best seats in the house, I'll bet. 

    And then they get to do it again. :cool:

  2. 31 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

    solves a lot of problems neatly.

    Yeah but… that’s usually exactly what you don’t want during separation… didn’t a Falcon 1 fail for exactly that reason? And what about the performance hit from re-orienting the Starship? This ain’t Kerbal after all… I mean, I’m sure they’ve considered all this and what not but still, mind kinda blown right now… :confused:

    Gonna be one interesting launch, that’s for dang sure…

    and of course the headlines will read, “massive SpaceX rocket nearly spins out of control!”

  3. 10 minutes ago, Beccab said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if they leave them in and stack S20 and B4 for testing and this event

    This. And not a complete waste, either, they'd still get tons of useful data on the minutiae of stacking operations/part clearance, all for relatively little risk. I would expect either way to see multiple stackings/unstackings before launch day just to get the flows down. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    Interesting that they already freely have circumferential straight seams.

    This. Certainly seems to be alot of them. I thought the whole point of the hexagon tiles was to avoid seams and the straight pathways for hot reentry gas they create?

  5. 1 hour ago, RealKerbal3x said:

    That could be said for any aspect of the Starship program.

    They may not reach all (or, for that matter, any), of their goals for this vehicle, but they are sure as hell gonna try.

    That's the incredible thing about it, even if it falls short in multiple aspects, it's still an absolute paradigm changer. :sticktongue:

  6. This thing happened: 



    Isn't it just the cutest? This lil guy took off like a shot when I was out mowing with the tractor and probably saved his litter mates from an awful fate. One more pass and… :wacko:


    Of course, it couldn’t go perfectly. :( These two bolted for the underbrush once we found the nest to return the first guy. Checked back a couple hours later and he was still there, but the other two hadn’t come back. Hopefully momma bunny gets them all sorted out soon. :/

  7. 1 hour ago, magnemoe said:

    Yes, payload door should be higher, you could put good sized crew compartment above the door we see here. 


    Maybe what we’re seeing here isn’t for standard Starship, it’s a pathfinder for lunar Starship.  :o

    The shape of the door makes much more sense then, if there’s a (planned) crew compartment above.  

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