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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 1 hour ago, Beccab said:

    I'm curious, would it be possible to prevent an SN10-like failure? I.e. there's a multi engine failure while at the same time the last engine has a reduced output and the starship comes down too fast, ultimately rupturing a tank on landing. Is there anything the ground equipment could do to make the starship safe and prevent an explosion?

    Crank up the damping on the chopsticks maybe? SS is smaller, that gives more distance to slow a fall… if they can really catch it…

  2. So, finally got my FSD beta yesterday. :D

    And then lost it. :(

    And then got it again. :D

    Because apparently this happened:

    Beta software gonna beta, but yeesh, it was dang near undrivable for a stretch there, FSD or no. And now that I’ve had a couple drives with it… yeah, it’s kinda like driving with a flustered 16 year old at the wheel. :wacko: This should be interesting. 

    but it does seem to have finally stopped diving into turn lanes. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    Why spend something beyond the exact test aim?

    Because that’s slow, and ultimately more expensive.  You learn more from, ahem, integrated systems testing. Keep in mind, this isn’t the first time they’ve fired Starship with tiles attached. This has been an ongoing campaign since what, SN8? 9?

  4. Things You Can’t Tow with a Tesla, Episode… er, 3.


    4200lb bucket lift. :cool: Ok, this one I actually felt. High CoM, narrow track, and surge brakes makes it a bit :wacko: but a new personal best for the “glorified golf cart.” 

    And then a weekend of risking life and limb to do things I prolly shoulda just hired a professional to do, but tree limbs can’t be that heavy, right? :unsure: let me just lean way over with this here chainsaw in one hand, what could possibly go wrong?

    Tho I’ll say I dunno how those SpaceX guys on the 150-foot lifts do it, I was never more than maybe 20 feet up and just… yeesh… :confused:

  5. Wow… :wacko:

    So… got an email from the Through the Looking Glass forum about a reply to an old post of mine… very old… If anyone’s ever played the Thief series of sneak games (kind of created the genre), originally from Looking Glass Studios, back in the day I cobbled a few fan missions together.* Apparently people are still playing and enjoying them… one week shy of twenty years since the first release. :o

    Mind blown right now. 

    Also I feel really, really old right now. :P My illegitimate digital child is almost of drinking age. :confused:

    *and by “cobbled” I mean slaved over for hours and hours a day in virtually every minute of my spare time

  6. 52 minutes ago, StrandedonEarth said:

    I finally bought a bump cap for work, because I was tired of occasionally and painfully bumping my head. I never wore a hat at work before, so some people were doing a double-take. One person pointed out that I still had the plastic tag-holder strand thingamabob poking up from my cap, and that it looked kind of like an antenna. I replied that I had to keep in touch with the mothership, lol.

    Even funnier in the context of my username here; not that he knew that.

    You should cover it in tinfoil. 

    Y'know, complete the look... <_<

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