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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Sounds to me like that's exactly what you were doing.
  2. Wait, how do you attach the big heat shield by it's nose and still inflate it?
  3. I think maybe he's trying to drag this poor thread kicking and screaming back on topic. Using SRB's would completely negate SpaceX's achitrcture. Yes, that's why they built the FH. IIRC they're still one more revision of the F9 pending release, with a bit more power and easier to reuse. That should cover any possible need for payload capacity up to FH territory.
  4. Sigh. This thread is doing it again. For all we know, Musk is already planning to send a bunch of mice, etc, on one of those Red Dragon pathfinders he's mentioned.
  5. Judging by the discussion on potatoes, they may have no choice.
  6. Dang. This really puts into perspective the forces involved. Can't wait for the failure test.
  7. So... I picked up a contract to retrieve a part in solar orbit. Should have looked at it a weeee bit harder first. It was on a highly eccentric retrograde orbit from within the oribt of Moho out to nearly Duna. Crap.
  8. Quick question. I've got stuff on the surface of Duna. Would installing this now risk kersploding anything from differing terrain heights?
  9. HEY Y'ALL, hold mah absolutely-non-alcoholic-carbonated-malt-based-space-beverage-in-a-bag and watch this! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Dangit the gif cuts out too early, doesn't show the crash into the admin building.
  10. Today I put Valentina in a cage... Cleaned up LKO... Landing skillz on point... ...and did some more trailer testing. It's actually kinda scary how this works....
  11. Aw, man. And that's in addition to the engine snafu that prevented them from shortening the orbit. Maybe it's the radiation?
  12. Even a tidally locked body has a day/night cycle, unless it's tidally locked to it's star. Our moon has a far side, that we never see, but we see the "dark side" anytime it's less than the full moon. One day/night cycle on the moon takes about 28 earth days.
  13. Been a bit too stressed lately to work on any of my "serious" saves, so instead been messing with 1.2 and sent a big mobile base to Duna. Then I picked up a couple of contracts to return components from there to Kerbin (and one lost Kerbal) that just happen to be what's needed for a crew return ship as well. I just need to gather them. So, how to schlep (I'm guessing) a Mk1-2 pod & Hitchhiker to the survey site where they'll meet the return ship for assembly? The base is too long already, and loading stuff on top would make it dangerously top heavy. Then I hit on the idea to make a couple of pup trailers using Klaws with the pivot released. Probably an overwhelming "DUH!" from some folks around here but it never crossed my mind before (stock hinges continue to astound me). Initial testing on Kerbin from bits lying around is promising, the thing is surprisingly stable when it's not wobbling around all over the place...
  14. Yes, the best we can do for a second moon is a flaky S-IVB stage that comes around every couple of decades before wandering off again.
  15. Nah, just paint a jack o lantern face on it or maybe call it the Great Pumpkin, perfect season, even!
  16. Was not aware of this, thanks. Been thinking of checking that mod out anyway.
  17. FASA launch towers. They also feed fuel so you can do proper "fire the engines, then liftoff" launches.
  18. Hmm... how bout Bacchus for the tankers, then? Why so many tanks (vs a single large procedural)? Are you going to split the node? That's a long ejection burn, very lossy to do in one go.
  19. Thanks, this is now stuck in my head: now it's also stuck in yours.
  20. Surprisingly, no one has yet guessed it. And here I was worried my hint was too obvious. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lol, ok I will officially confirm that the Kraken does, in fact, smell like old socks. In that fleeting moment before your sinuses implode.
  21. You simply must call one of the other ships Ozzy. Those are some pretty serious numbers right there. I struggled to reach that even with nukes, and pushing alot less mass. Dying to see how you pull this one off.
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