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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Something.... Happened...? THEY DID IT AGAIN!
  2. Nothing beats the F9 for pretty nighttime exhaust plumes.
  3. My time zone math was not strong tonight, I nearly missed it! Might not have to stay up past my bedtime if all goes well (never get old).
  4. 328 tonnes, few hundred parts, 6 frames per second... and going nowhere except all around the space center still
  5. Same setup I have, but mine doesn't look anything like that. My clouds look better but Kerbin... not so much. By chance, are you using the tweak many pages back to restore the "bumpiness" to the Kerbin system?
  6. That Kerbin is flarping beautiful! How'd you set it up?
  7. Unfortunate. It would appear that... the fourth wath not with them. I know, I know, I'll show myself out... Actually I'm hoping it gets bumped just one more day so I can watch...
  8. Now, how does the recent adoption of supercooled propellants figure into all that? Wait, there's a white dragon now?
  9. Fair enough, but now it's back to the previous discussion arc... can a Falcon upper stage maintain it's LOX supply all the way to Lunar space?
  10. Naw, it's gotta be something closer to 2km/s at least, there's an awful lot of moon up there.
  11. Hmm. Y'know, I think landing on the moon is gonna take a teensy bit more than that...
  12. Aerodynamic dis-assemblies lead to some very impressive debris clouds... It's rainin' rocketshipparts! Halleluja it's rainin' rocketshipparts! Amen! CЯДP, ЯЦЙ!
  13. Because you've got a surplus capsule nearing the end of its life span, a perfectly workable off-the-shelf system to deliver it, and someone offering you money to do so (why? University research, commercial exploration, Poland really can to the moon, who knows?) SEP...? Maybe Bezos starts to see some commercial success with his New Shepherd, and some other outfit wants a piece of that pie. Again, once you've got the hardware available at a greatly reduced cost... Same theme here... low-cost "immediately" available hardware with a demonstrated track record. If the Red Dragon works, and works well, I'm sure SpaceX and others will begin to find more uses for the platform. See @Rakaydos's comment above. Even if his numbers are rather, um, optimistic. As a parallel, there's tons of operations out there using old, surplus aircraft in ways they were never intended.
  14. It seems to me once you've gotten that far, shutting off crossfeed early enough for the core to use enough of its own fuel is a simple engine management software issue. Even without doing that, I, and I'm sure many others, have designs similar to this in upscaled KSP, and it works quite well. Like @softweir said, once you've got the core that high and that fast, it adds much to the usefulness. On a different note, why would it not be good to have the boosters feeding directly into the core tanks instead of the engines?
  15. Ok, bit late to the game here, um.... how did you manage this??
  16. If you do not start your engines... you will not be going to space today....
  17. Oh, you don't have to buy it again, unless you just don't like it on Steam. You can download from the store as much as you like and just plop it into different folders.
  18. Yup. My 1.0.5 save is as updated as it's ever gonna get now. This is why I have like two dozen KSP folders scattered randomly about my hard drives.
  19. They can't exit directly, you have to use the "transfer crew" option from the right click menu to move them to a part with a hatch. There's no actual hatch on that tiny hab unit.
  20. Ah, the easy way. For a minute there I was wondering if you moved the whole station or did a kinda backwards "line up & toss it that way then get the heck out of the way & pray" thing.
  21. Um... that dint work... but always amusing to see where you've wound up after leaving KSP up all night... and wondering what a spectacular explosion you must have missed...
  22. Wait, how'd you dock the clawed science package if it has no control of it's own? Also, how's your framerate doing with a good-sized station like that?
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