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Paul Kingtiger

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Everything posted by Paul Kingtiger

  1. As an experiment I wanted to see how much you could scale up the Kerbol system and keep everything else stock. I ended up with 2x larger than stock (planet and orbit radius) which makes the game slightly harder but still looks and feel stock. You can easily play this scale with a stock install in career mode, it take ~5300ÃŽâ€v to get to a circular 75km orbit. That's up from stock's 4500ÃŽâ€v. What has changed All bodies twice the diameter All orbits twice the semi-major axis Solar power curve adjusted to provide stock values at new distances Anomalies and easter eggs are buried under ground (this is hard coded and I can't do anything about it) Texture and normal for Kerbin (medium res version) What is the same as stock Potato moons still potatoes Atmosphere height and density curve Body rotation rates The end result is a mod that works really well with otherwise stock KSP, even in career mode, but also plays nicely with modded installed. It's harder than stock KSP, but not massively so. Download from: Kerbal Stuff https://github.com/Paul-kingtiger/K2/releases Source code: https://github.com/Paul-kingtiger/K2 Installation instructions included in the download (better documentation to come) Licence K2 IS A FORK OF 6.4X KERBOL Created by Regex and Raptor831 and released as public domain. As such all the files and content in this mod, except those 3rd party mods and files specifically listed below are released under the public domain. SCREEN SHOTS, IMAGES AND VIDEOS You may create and publish screen shots, images and videos featuring Universal Storage running as part of KSP, including for commercial or financial gain. This does not include the texture image files, except when viewed ‘in-game’ as part of Kerbal Space Program. Note: this license does not override or supersede any existing license regarding Kerbal Space Program or Squad 3RD PARTY MODS AND PLUG-INS PACKAGED WITH 64K AND COVERED BY THEIR OWN LICENCE Module Manager: CC share-alike license Mini-AVC: GNU General Public License v3 Real Solar System: CC-BY-NC-SA DDS Loader MIT
  2. ThorBeorn, I've uploaded which uses dds textures instead of png, the textures are smaller as well. Can you give it a go and let me know if you're still getting the crash on loading. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tkcwk219zh4kx3q/64K_1.0.90.5.zip?dl=0
  3. I'll get a dds texture version out to you, if you can test that and it works we'll roll it out as an update. - - - Updated - - - That's worked perfectly, thanks!
  4. I tried using the Nvidia plugin for Photoshop to save the images as dds but was getting artifacts on the images. These were in the forms of white rectangles across the image. Do you have any advice on avoiding this or another process to save the files as dds? If you could export them as dds or tell me how to do it, that would be great!
  5. Version released The main part of this update is the high res textures for Kerbin, which now looks a whole lot prettier! More textures for other bodies will follow as and when I get time to produce them. Download information in first post. Added DDS loader to download Reactivated Mitiya's high res textures for Kerbin Fixed Max distance value for Scansat
  6. This was an issue with a previous version, but it's fixed now.
  7. Quick update on what I'm working on. I noticed Mitiya's textures weren't being used. I've got those working again and in the process I've learned how to create the textures myself so I'll be adding larger textures for everything in the future (in medium and large sizes). I'm also working with using DDS format textures as they speed up loading and RSS has the DDS loader anyway so why not take advantage of it. For the next update I'll have Mitiya's textures for Kerbin working and the fix for scansat included, that should be out later today or early tomorrow.
  8. Thanks, I'll try again with these tweaks, and if it doesn't work I'll post the logs.
  9. I'm having trouble with SSColor and SSBump in the config file. I have the code shown below and the matching image files in the correct location, but KSP hangs on loading every time. The exact time it hang is what RSS is loading everything and it gets to: Editing Body: Kerbin (4/15) Scaled Space Color map SSFStart = 78000 SSFEnd = 80000 PQSfadeStart = 80000 PQSfadeEnd = 120000 PQSSecfadeStart = 80000 PQSSecfadeEnd = 120000 PQSdeactivateAltitude = 125000 SSColor = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/Kerbin64k.png SSBump = GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/Kerbin64kNRM.png
  10. Version released Found a major issue with the rotation rate of Duna, it was spinning WAY to fast! This is now fixed with Duna and Ike tidally locked like they should be. This is a critical update for anyone going to Duna. Download link in the first post.
  11. Yes the radial O2 tank and the O2 wedge are both used for the fuel cell, they are not TAC.
  12. The TAC parts should disappear once you have uninstalled TAC. I've tested this my end and it's working. Is is possible you haven't entirely uninstalled TAC?
  13. Version released 8th Febuary 2015 Fixed location of KSC Added optional config for 12 hour days Be sure to read the installation instructions packaged in the download. Download from: [Defunct link removed by a moderator] http://www.kingtiger.co.uk/kingtiger/wordpress/64k/
  14. It's a known issue now! Thanks, this is caused by stupidity on my end. I have fixed it, but I also want to double check the rotational periods and add in an optional 12h day file for those who prefer it (thanks Shimmy for bringing this up during last night's space quest). I've run out of time this morning but will get a new version out tonight.
  15. Version released Small fix to the RemoteTech file so that the ground stations now work at the two new launch sites. http://www.kingtiger.co.uk/kingtiger/wordpress/64k/
  16. I'll take a look at this today and get back to you. EDIT: I couldn't find the problem, so I took the RO file and changed the values to match 64K
  17. Mitiya has made some PQS improvements, but the orbital stuff should be standard, 6.4x stock. With 24 hour days for Kerbin and other bodies to match (4x stock).
  18. Version released! This the full release I guess. We've taken the improvements by Raptor831 and Mitiya that were on Github and rolled them in, along with some Deadly reentry improvements by NathenKell. We've also added multiple launch sites back in, although there are only 2 additional sites, Cape Kanaveral and Baikonur Kosmodrome. Both are at the same latitude as the real world equivalents so you can experience the challenges of launching away from the equator and inclined orbits. Both sites are in roughly the right terrain and spread out around Kerbin, and of course remotetech compatible. Currently improvements or accidents at a launch center will effect the other 2. Download links and information are in the first post of this thread. As always make a backup of your save file before installing this, I'm in no way responsible if it eats your save game file and you didn't make a backup! Next up I want to make it CKAN compatible but that involves rewriting a lot of the files so don't expect it to happen any time soon.
  19. You've copied across the UniversalStorage MDK folder which contains example MM files for changing the parts. Delete that folder from GameData and you'll be fine. When in doubt check the installation instructions - - - Updated - - - Brilliant! Thanks, I'll update the code on the next release.
  20. Yes, all three mods use the same units and resources so the Sabatier does the same thing. The reason there is 3 is because you can't use module manager to say 'if one of these mods is installed then do this', only 'if this mod is installed'. Unless I'm wrong, in which case that would be cool!
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