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Paul Kingtiger

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Everything posted by Paul Kingtiger

  1. Thanks, that appears to have been a typo on my part. Fixed for the next release.
  2. I can't recreate this, but it sounds like something went wrong in the install. Download the latest version from Kerbal Stuff and install it from scratch. You shouldn't need to delete any existing files, just overwrite everything. Also, just in case that doesn't work, what version of KSP and what are you running it on?
  3. 64K comes with a high res texture! If you want higher still, I'm not sure where to go.
  4. It works with EVE and I've included a config file to slow the clouds down.
  5. There's been some good progress on the Kopernicus github on fixing this bug. It looks like it might actually be a bug in KSP! - - - Updated - - - Thanks, I'll make sure this is fixed in the next release.
  6. Interesting. For me it's an orbit thing. I can get my Ap pretty much anywhere I want, but when I get Pe up to above atmo then it crashes. I've gone though the RSS configs to see if I'm missing anything from my configs to cause the crash, but there's nothing that I can see.
  7. Finally! Version released This new 1.0.x compatible version of 64k is running on Kopernicus 0.1 The port over is almost entirely down to the hard work of Felgar, please send rep his way, he's done an amazing job getting everything to work. Please note that this isn't working with Career mode. There seems to be an issue with Kopernicus that causes a game crash when achieving orbit for the first time. KScale2 is having the same issue and it's been reported by several users. Hopefully we'll have a fix soon. You can download from Kerbal Stuff as usual. Also you can check out the mod page at kingtiger.co.uk
  8. Version released This includes Kopernicus 0.1 which fixed the Mun texture bug. I've also improved the Kerbin scaled space textures. Note the career mode bug is still there.
  9. I'd like to see more parts generating heat, especially the sort of parts you'd find on a base or station. Things like the Scanner, ISRU, even the lab should be creating heat which needs to be managed. For mods, I'd like to see resource converters and life support system generating heat. Currently the Universal Storage processors generate heat, but without some stock examples or documentation it's hard to balance this in the game. I mean I know how many joules of heat my processors create because they are based on real life equipment. But I've no idea how that translates into the KSP numbers.
  10. Version released This is a minor update. Community Resource Pack was missing from, it has been added back. I've also updated the version file for ksp 1.0.4 If is working fine for you there is no need to upgrade. As always you can download from CKAN or Kerbal Stuff
  11. We now have radiators, which is cool. But I can't find any heat generating parts in stock 1.0.4 except the engines. Does this mean that the LVN is the only practical heat generator in the game that you might need radiators for? Are we going to see the ISRU generating heat again?
  12. The space and mun bug have the same cause I think. It's whenever you trigger a auto contract, like getting into orbit or orbiting the mun. I suspect it would happen if you orbited other bodies as well.
  13. K2 has been renamed KScale2 and has a release thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125357-KScale2-%28A-mod-for-Kopernicus%29 If a mod sees this can they please close the thread.
  14. I'm getting the same issue, with KScale2 and 64K, which suggests it's a Kopernicus bug. I'll let them know and do what I can to help.
  15. CKAN usually takes 24 hours to update. It's entirely automated and out of my hands. - - - Updated - - - I need to do a lot more testing on heat, especially with the new changes in 1.0.3. It helps that there are now stock radiators, which gives me a head start for balancing. However I expect the Elektron and Sabatier to overheat without some cooling, both those units have to heat resources to very high temperatures to work, which you then need to get rid of. The new stock radiators that take heat from all around the craft will really help with this and I plan to buff the radiate quality of the US wedges, but large parts will need external cooling.
  16. Version released This version adds new models for the Sabatier and Electron Many tech tree balance changes Note there may be future heat balancing as the heat system has changed in 1.0.3
  17. Not at all, it should be very easy. Probably the best approach would be to double the planet/moon radius and semi major axis, rather than add KScale2 into another mod. You might be able to do that with a simple modulemanager file, but I haven't tried it. - - - Updated - - - It should be 100% compatible with any mod except other kopernicus configs.
  18. Work has been ongoing to port 62K over to Kopernicus. Felgar has done all the heavy lifting to get the mod working and I'm helping with the final few bits and pieces. We're very close to release, with a few small graphical things to clean up. The emphasis has been on getting everything polished for the best release possible.
  19. Great news! Disappointing as a dev note. Any chance of an update on 1.0.3?
  20. Node would be easier to use. Radial is going to be a pain to line up. I know you won't have to because it'll be behind a fairing, but people will want it neat anyway. Could you have the expandable wedges, but standard cores like now. It would mean more parts but would fix the node problem (with the option to work it out and implement it later down the line).
  21. Yes, very soon. We're squashing the last few bugs, but 64k is significantly more complex than KScale2.
  22. KScale2 is a simple rescale mod using Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions. It double the size of planets/moons and their orbits, but keeps everything else stock. This makes a more challenging game with a stock fee Installation Instructions Separately download and install Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions using the links below. Download and unzil the mod, then place the folder in your GameData folder. That's it, enjoy. More information Kopernicus Sigma Dimentions Do you enjoy the stock KSP experience but wish is was a little harder to get into orbit? Do you find your rockets are all payload and no booster? If the answer is yes then KScale2 is for you. This mod was designed with the concept of how little we can change but decrease the payload fraction for orbit. Payload fraction is how much of your rocket is payload, vs the fuel and engines to get it there. Real world rockets manage around 15% but in KSP it's much, much higher. KScale2 doubles the radius of all planets and moons and double the semiMajor axis of orbits (the radius of the orbit) so that every is twice the size and twice the distance. This makes getting to orbit harder (but not twice as hard) and increases the fuel you need to get anywhere, but the game is still very playable with a purely stock rocket. Atmospheric heights are the same as stock and very little else has changed so the mod will work with most mods. I have included configuration files for Remote tech and EVE so you get the best results. KScale2 is a very minimalist approach to rescaling, it makes small changes and offers a small difference / challenge to the stock game. If you're looking for a more comprehensive rescale mod there are other options such as 64K (6.4x scale of stock, very hard with a stock rocket) all the way up to RSS (1-1 scale model of the real solar system, impossible with a stock rocket). *What has changed All bodies twice the diameter All orbits twice the semi-major axis Solar power curve adjusted to provide stock values at new distances Anomalies and Easter eggs are buried under ground. Texture and normal for Kerbin (medium res version) What is the same as stock Potato moons still potatoes Atmosphere height and density curve Body rotation rates The end result is a mod that works really well with otherwise stock KSP, even in career mode, but also plays nicely with mods installed. It's harder than stock KSP, but not massively so. Note: This is the last version of KScale that will be released. However it should be compatible with the game for the foreseeable future. There are plenty of other rescale mods out there that do a more detailed job of changing the size of the Kerbin system and I no longer have the time to keep this mod as good as you deserve. This mod is public domain so please feel free to use anything you see here to create your own rescale mods KScale2 License Created by Paul Kingtiger and released as public domain. As such all the files and content in this mod, except those 3rd party mods and files specifically listed below are released under the public domain. Screen shots, images and videos You may create and publish screen shots, images and videos featuring Universal Storage running as part of KSP, including for commercial or financial gain. This does not include the texture image files, except when viewed ‘in-game’ as part of Kerbal Space Program. Note: this license does not override or supersede any existing license regarding Kerbal Space Program or Squad
  23. Do you have KIS installed? It's a required mod for the EVAx. There aren't any universal storage science parts, those are part of the DMagic orbital science mod, when creates some wedge science experiments if US is installed. I believe the contracts thing is a known issue, but it's worth checking with DMagic, just in case. - - - Updated - - - Universal Storage is feature complete so I don't think we'll be adding any new types of wedges. It's possible DMagic might create some as part of the orbital science pack? Otherwise we'll put it on the consideration list for US2. In the meantime you can fit an antenna in the science bay, this is shielded for FAR, and so far in testing it works for stock as well, at least with launches.
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