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Paul Kingtiger

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Everything posted by Paul Kingtiger

  1. Yeah it's steam only. Reason being Squad don't have the servers set up to handle pushing out large frequent updates, too much bandwidth.
  2. With very basic testing it appears that Universal Storage works in 1.1 as is. I haven't tested it with any other mods, like KIS and I suspect those will need to be updated first, but the basic stock + US seems to work just fine.
  3. Career, but I edit the save file to give myself a big boost of science and funds. That way I can unlock everything to avoid the grind and build the ships I want, but still enjoy the contracts and science gathering. I don't have to worry about running out of money, or worst, taking dull contracts to earn cash, but I do still try to make efficient, low cost rockets.
  4. Very small update release. Fixes the links in AVC to point to SpaceDock not KerbalStuff.
  5. Very minor update released, all it does is fix the links in the AVC file so it points to SpaceDock rather than KerbalStuff.
  6. Thanks for finding this, I have updated the mod to fix the AVC links. No other changes so if you're not too worried about it no need to upgrade.
  7. I've pushed a minor update to the mod, simply the latest versions of Kopernicus and ModuleManger. It's available on SpaceDock and Github (links in OP)
  8. Take a break and play some other games. I haven't played KSP seriously since before 1.0. But I'm really excited to get back into it once 1.1 comes out. Likewise I'm looking forward to a break for other games.
  9. I love the look of stations where you have lots of connected habitation modules. It really gives you an feeling of a crewed station. I'd love to see it expanded to other parts so you could see the liquid fuel and oxidizer tanks in the fuel parts, but you'd need that as a second option (Livable parts, other parts, both). The important thing to remember is that it might just be eye candy now, but future updates could add features like full movement in IVA so you can move around the inside of the station and transfer crew between craft. Add transparent windows then you've got a really immersive experience. I really hope Squad expands on this in future releases, it's a great way to expand the game.
  10. It's available on SpaceDock http://spacedock.info/profile/Paul_Kingtiger
  11. 64K is back up on SpaceDock Next up I'm going to test and publish an updated version with new dependencies. Then I'll be working on a SigmaDimentions version.
  12. Universal Storage is now up on SpaceDock. I'll get my other stuff up there shortly. OP has been updated with the new link.
  13. Thanks Nathan, I'm working on getting everything rehosted on Spacedock, it should be up in the next few days.
  14. Hi everyone, 64K isn't dead! Personally I have had a back injury which has put me out of action since November 2015, but I'm back working on things now and I'm almost caught up with paid work stuff that I can start to look at getting back onboard with KSP. SigmaDimentions is something I'm looking forward to playing around with, not as a replacement for 64K but as a framework to build 64K on, making it easier to update and more cross compatible. Which will be handy as I have some other rescale mods to maintain. Anyway, I'll be doing lots of testing with SIgmaDimentions and various resale options, including 64K and once we're all happy it's stable and represents an improvement over what we currently have, we'll release the new version. I don't know if that will happen before 1.1 because I don't know how long it'll be until that comes out. But I imagine a lot of modders are holding off on making major changes right now because there's a new version around the corner and unity 5 is sure to break a lot of things.
  15. We'll get a more permanent download solution sorted once the post kerbalstuff dust settles.
  16. You could set this up pretty easily with a modulemanager file.
  17. I'm not a chaser of steam like achievements but I've no problem at all with them being added to the game. In game achievements would be awesome! I would prefer them to be at the start a new game level, so families who play multiple KSP games on a single PC and install can have their own achievements. Final frontier is a good example of what I would like. We already have achievements in career mode in the form of auto contracts for getting into orbit, breaking speed records ect. I'd love to see per kerbal achievements as well, so you could track where each kerbal has been and what they've done.
  18. That end cap looks amazing! I love the way the corrugated structure terminates.
  19. I love the new models. Sure it limits some designs, but I think it limits in a interesting way what adds to the game.
  20. If you reinstall the version of Kopernicus that comes with 64K that will fix things. I'll look at updating everything for the new Kopernicus version this weekend.
  21. Hey Simon, There's a lot of space between the wedges. Could you make the doors hinge open out like they do in the current US, then slide inside that gap? That way the doors would be totally contained in the stack when open or closed, so no clipping issues and it'll look great kept open on a station.
  22. Yeah that would be cool, but it's just the way KSP works and out of our hands.
  23. The only large file is the scaled space texture for Kerbin and that's not huge. I'll take a look and see what I can see. In other news There's a new commit for Kopernicus that might have fixed the career mode problem which means we could remove the fix (which causes it's own problems). I'll do some testing and see what happens. Although it's not an official Kopernicus release so we might have to wait for that to happen. But it sounds like we're looking good.
  24. That's probably caused by the fix, which changes the distances survey contracts spawn. I'm assuming that it also causes some of the records to change. Nothing we can do about it unfortunately.
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