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Paul Kingtiger

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Everything posted by Paul Kingtiger

  1. None of the streamers I follow use them. I'm hoping Squad will knuckle down and bug fix after the Unity 5 move. Especially now NathenKell is on the team, he understands the problem a lot of these bugs cause from a modder view point.
  2. Stock service bays have a bunch of bugs and unintended effects that you won't find here. The Science bay doesn't shield it's contents from aero effects, unless you use FAR in which case it does. Oh and don't be scared of FAR, the post 1.0 version is really easy to use, no special UIs are required.
  3. I'd love to see an art pass on the older parts to bring everything up to the standard of the newer parts. Ideally that art pass would have a art style document to go with it, outlining the style that the parts should follow with concept art / photos, so that the parts looked unified and worked well together. Play your game your way of course, but personally I dislike the idea that Kerbals are stupid and make rockets from junk. It belittles the achievement of getting into space, both historically and for the player.
  4. I can have a look at this and see if it will break anything. Squad really missed an opportunity to make the category system very user friendly, as it is it's picky and surprise, there's no documentation.
  5. Everything uses Kopernicus, so yes this is a problem for everyone. There are various work arounds you can try but no perfect fix as of yet.
  6. Hi Coffeeman, I came up with a feature request the other day that I've been thinking about. Some parts need a high MTBF because they are going to be on mission for a long time, like probes and long range missions. Other things need a high MTBF because they are mission critical, like life support equipment. However parts making up a booster can have a shorter MTBF because they complete their job in a short amount of time, so you wouldn't need to spend money making them reliable over time. So the idea is to have a tweakable slider in the VAB/SPH for parts, which allow you to lower or raise the MTBF for the part, with a appropriate adjustment of the port cost. Of course you may not want to tweak the setting for hundreds of parts, so the default value should be in the middle and represent the standard cost and reliability. Sub assemblies would make this feature more useful as you could design say a booster stage, tweak the part reliability and then save it for future craft. This would give players an opportunity to effect the reliability of their craft in a meaningful, non-random way. I've no idea how hard this would be to implement, or if it's something you'd be interested in for the mod, I'm just leaving it hear as an idea.
  7. No it's still listed as an unresolved Bug on the Kopernicus dev site. As soon as a new release comes out I'll test it with K2, but for the moment we're stuck.
  8. Watching Max play KSP is painful. Reading your synopsis of him playing is hilarious! Thank you
  9. I don't have the velocity, but off the top of my head you'll need around 4500 DeltaV to get to orbit, the same as pre 1.0 stock.
  10. Glad you've found it. For anyone else, Kerbal Stuff allows you to download older versions. If you need a version older than has been hosted on there let me know and I'll put it somewhere you can get to it.
  11. Yep, it's Hydrogen gas, because that's what the fuel cell runs on. You can change it to liquid hydrogen, but then the fuel cell uses so little per second that rounding errors become a serious problem. By using a gas we get more accurate usage rates for the fuel cell.
  12. They won't work without the community resource pack as that defines the resources they use, Hydrogen and Oxygen and water. The fuel cells contain an amount of fuel, but if you need more take along more Hydrogen and Oxygen.
  13. Version released Released on 2015-07-18 Minor update to fix parts exploding due to Squad bug This release will help reduce the bug where parts overheat for no reason and explode. I was holding off in the hope that Squad would fix the problem, but it doesn't look like they will, so I've added some changes to reduce the chance of it happening with Universal Storage parts. Added thermal mass modifier = 4 to all three cores (wedges already have these values to represent the cooling fins on the outside) Download from KerbalStuff or CKAN (see first post for links)
  14. I might be making it up, but is there a mod which collects all the right click UI options for parts into a single window. The idea being that rather than having to right click on each part, you could look at the single window and make your selections there.
  15. Universal Storage might help you with your life support parts. It's compatible with most of the life support mods out there and it adds some other useful parts. Installing it will also open up a load of new DMagic science experiments designed to work with the Universal Storage wedge system. Link in my sig.
  16. I like it without the foil, simple and clean looking.
  17. That sounds like a DMagic orbital science part, you're best bet is to ask in his thread.
  18. I've seem several streamers suffer from the exploding parts issue, usually on smaller parts like docking ports. Hopefully Squad will issue a fix soon, although I suspect we might have to wait for 1.1
  19. Thanks, that appears to have been a typo on my part. Fixed for the next release.
  20. I can't recreate this, but it sounds like something went wrong in the install. Download the latest version from Kerbal Stuff and install it from scratch. You shouldn't need to delete any existing files, just overwrite everything. Also, just in case that doesn't work, what version of KSP and what are you running it on?
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